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Interesting Results from the Counter-Currents Reader Survey

10-5-2024 < Counter Currents 32 1271 words

Literally us

1,075 words

I want to thank the nearly 400 readers who have responded thus far to the Counter-Currents poll and share some interesting results. Keep in mind that these are all subject to change as more people take the poll. Also, since knowledge is power, we will not be releasing our overall results to the public.

Those who haven’t taken the poll yet will receive one more invitation email in the coming days. But act soon. The poll ends on May 15th, when we will have the drawing for the $500 prize. Remember: your answers are anonymous. 

I would like to get to at least 500 respondents, which is around 10% of the 5,000 or so people who have received invitations. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but remember that polls of 1,000 people in a nation of 330 million regularly make headlines and impact decision-making.

If you are not on the mailing list, join here:



  • 91% of our respondents are male, 9% female.


  • 8.9% of respondents reported having autism or Asperger’s.

One of the clichés about the old “Alt Right” is that it was full of autists and spergs. Although the Counter-Currents audience is somewhat older than the typical Alt Rightist, this stereotype is at least somewhat borne out by our poll. 8.9% may seem high compared to the national average of 1 in 36 or 2.8%. But 91% of our respondents are male, and autism is 2-4 times higher among males than females. Autism is also slightly higher among whites than non-whites. Thus, once we control for race and sex, our autism rate is still higher than the average, but not three times higher.

Myers-Briggs Types

  • 47.6% of respondents are INTJ (Architect), compared to only 2.1% of the general population.

  • 18% of respondents are INTP (Logician), compared to 3.3% of the general population.

  • 8.5% of respondents are ENTJ (Commander), compared to 1.8% of the general population.

  • 7% of respondents are ENTP (Debater), compared to 3.2% of the general population.

That almost half of our dedicated readers have the hyper-competent, dark lord INTJ personality type should terrify our enemies. Of course, those numbers could be slightly inflated because we INTJs are highly efficient and thus more likely to make time to take the poll, in addition to our other endeavors and schemes. The more respondents we get, the more reliable our data will be for extrapolating to the broader Counter-Currents readership and the movement, so I encourage the other personality types to participate.

That we have so many thinkers and natural leaders is a strength, but it is also a weakness as it probably contributes to a lot of infighting. It may be a good idea for our INTJs and ENTJs to participate more in mainstream social organizations, where they will probably be asked to fill leadership positions.

Topics for further research:

  • What personality types are more influential than their numbers predict? Which are less influential?

  • What blend of personality types is most conducive to successful metapolitical and political movements?

  • Are there historical examples of successful movements with this blend of personality types?

  • How can we appeal to other effective personality types?

So no, we aren’t all that autistic, but nearly half of us are INTJ sigma-males and thus literally Ryan Gosling.


  • The average IQ of respondents is 129.4.

When Dr. Greg Johnson launched Counter-Currents, his intent was to create a webzine which appealed to people with IQs of 120 and above. Mission accomplished!


As to be expected, most of our readers are highly educated:

  • 36.3% have bachelor’s degrees.

  • 20.2% have master’s degrees.

  • 7.2% have PhDs.

  • 6.6% completed law school.

  • 1.3% completed medical school.

To put this into perspective, 23.5% of Americans aged 25 and up had obtained a bachelor’s degree and 14.4% had completed an advanced degree such as a master’s degree, professional degree or doctoral degree as of 2021.[1]

Military Service

We also found that 19.7% of respondents are veterans or active duty, compared to 6% of the general US population. It makes sense that we have substantial numbers of thumotic people who love their own and take their own side.

Influential People

The illustrious Jared Taylor topped two categories:

  • 21.4% of respondents named Taylor as the first pro-white spokesman they encountered.

  • 24.2% of respondents named him the most influential pro-white spokesman.

Influential Platforms

  • The highest number (21.7%) of respondents named American Renaissance as the first pro-white platform they encountered.

  • 28.6% named Counter-Currents as the most influential pro-white platform. (American Renaissance was second at 16%.) But since our respondents were among the most dedicated Counter-Currents readers, this should be no surprise.

One obvious implication of this is that getting Jared Taylor reinstated on X (formerly known as Twitter) should be a priority for the movement.

Room for Improvement

There are a few categories in which we would like to see better numbers. For example, 29.9% of our readers hold cryptocurrency, which sounds good until we note that 40% of US adults now own cryptocurrency, up from 30% in 2023.[2] While its great that cryptocurrency is becoming widespread, we shouldn’t let the “normies” beat us at adopting it!

Most troubling was the responses to the question: “Evaluate the following statement: Pro-whites should be willing to endure or even vote for Democrat rule in order to discipline/punish/destroy the Republican Party.” 26.8% at least slightly agreed, compared to 20.4% who were neutral and 52.9% who at least slightly disagreed. Of those, 31.4% strongly disagreed.

Traitors do more damage than enemies, and the GOP has time and again revealed itself as controlled opposition and anti-white. If radicals are having trouble escaping from the GOP plantation, mainstream conservatives are probably facing even higher hurdles. But unless the GOP is punished for their treachery, there is no reason why they should change their behavior. And if the Left is willing to punish the Democrats over Gaza, there is no reason why we should not be willing to punish the GOP for their continuous of treason.

The good news is that by knowing this is a problem, we are better able to address it. In fact, it will probably be the topic for a future debate.

This report is just a small taste of some of the findings that have jumped out so far. There is still a lot more analysis to do. I would like to thank those who have taken the poll, because this would not have been possible without your help. And I ask those who have not yet taken it to do so. Not only will you have fun, as many respondents have reported, you will also give our findings a higher degree of accuracy.

Thanks for your time. I’m looking forward to getting to know you better.



