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EMF/RF: “Remembering Nearfield” May NYC Film Festival; Irish Film “Freequencies”; Canada; International EHS Day

7-5-2024 < Activist Post 57 464 words

Compiled by Patricia Burke of Safe Tech International with Sean Carney

(European and Canadian spelling is intact)

Human Rights and Story Telling

In the article Can films fix the global challenges of human rights? Julián Ginzo, writing for the United Nations Today quoted Laura Longobardi, “Films put a face to issues and humanize complex situations that can be hard to explain through reports and conferences. Films can be powerful tools for change [].”

The website “The power of film for storytelling, health and human rights advocacy for the Internews Health Journalism Network quoted  Deeyah Khan “What film and stories do is give us a tiny crack where we can each recognise our own humanity in someone else, in that space, we understand each other, and when we understand each other, we care. And once you do that, something better becomes possible.” Oyenchimeg  Demchigobserved Foreign films and documentaries can fill a public interest content gap and stir conversations about issues that local media don’t touch, []. These films provide compelling stories where audiences can see similarities with their own experiences. They then can start questioning if what is happening to them is normal and often get inspired to find solutions.

Internationally, film festival organizers and film-makers are ahead of the curve, actively breaking stereotypes and addressing discrimination, marginalization, and human rights abuses, through story-telling about the environmentally-induced condition microwave illness, also known as Electromagnetic Sensitivity.

Remembering Nearfield, Award-Winning UK Documentary Film by Sean Carney

Remembering Nearfield Documentary Film Synopsis: A wife and entrepreneur devoted to her family and business tragically loses everything as her health mysteriously declines. Why is she now left alone and unable to function in society? All is revealed through a series of startling events and a final, uncomfortable diagnosis – International Documentary, Director Sean Alexander Carney, Narration: Corriëlle van Vuuren Piano Music: Kate Kheel

View the 9-minute animated film here:

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