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The Big Implications of a Small-Town Election

18-4-2024 < Counter Currents 67 1554 words

Judd Blevins

1,431 words

Judd Blevins was recently recalled from his position as a City Councilman in Enid, Oklahoma. This was not because of any malfeasance on his part, but because he has views and past associations which are deemed as “problematic” in Our Democracy.™

Blevins received 40% of the vote to his opponent Cheryl Patterson’s 60%. The election had an extremely high turnout, with 1,390 voting in the recall as compared to 808 when Blevins was first elected. Even so, only about 12% of independents, 40% of Democrat, and 33% of Republican voters showed up for what was a special recall election. Blevins estimates that he won about 57% of the Republican vote.

This election was actually a loss for both sides. Once we scratch the thin veneer of snide jubilation off of the Left, one finds a distinct sense of unease and even panic. For Blevins, this was a tactical loss. But for the establishment, it was a Pyrrhic victory and a strategic loss.

Enid, Oklahoma is a small town of slightly more than 50,000 people. Blevins lost due to a smear campaign that employed national-level resources to attack him for his involvement with the pro-white activist organization Identity Evropa and his attendance of the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. PBS, CNN, and other losers and haters from the failing legacy media chimed in to create a hysteric firestorm.

Cheryl Patterson also outspent Judd Blevins by $3,000, and this does not include her campaign’s indirect funding and support, which was substantial and dwarfed Blevins’s resources several times over. Blevins had to essentially fight five different campaigns against Patterson: the Enid Social Justice Committee (ESJC) funded by Leftist non-governmental organizations; the media at the local, state, and national levels; the Chamber of Commerce faction; and Enid’s Mayor. Even the Oklahoma Democrat Party joined in. As Nancy Presnall, the Chair of the Garfield County Democrat Party, declared, they “received tremendous support from the Oklahoma Democrat Party” such as “phone banks, text banks postcards, door to door plans and more,” despite this being a non-partisan race between two Republican candidates.[1]

Only perhaps in Trump Derangement Syndrome has the unity of the uni-party system been more apparent.

This election was an expensive and inefficient game of whack-a-mole. If the establishment had to play it against a hundred Judd Blevins scattered across various elections throughout the country, it would become ruinously expensive. Furthermore, the Saul Alinsky tactic of polarizing, freezing, and isolating Blevins worked well this time because it had a single target. But it would naturally have diminishing returns if it had to be spread out among hundreds of candidates. The Enid election was tantamount to an army diverting an entire division to deal with a single partisan.

Judd Blevins was attacked and recalled because the enemy doxed and identified him. But as a former chapter leader of Identity Evropa, I can assure you that most of our people remain undoxed. Some of them, moreover, are already in positions of power and influence. The old Alt Right has grown up, and many of us are doing quite well. Furthermore, there is a growing phenomenon of people already in positions of power becoming red-pilled to varying degrees as our ideas spread, or cautiously coming out about what they already knew but kept hidden.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism here.

Most of the Left’s hysterics have little to no basis in factual reality. But their hysteria about so-called “crypto-fascists” is a major exception.

Many redditors and other assorted Leftists seem to agree with my analysis that this game of whack-a-mole was a strategic loss. We see 60% of the voters in MAGA country siding with literal Communists against a nationalist. The Left sees 40% defying a media onslaught and expressing indifference to the previously reliable hand-wringing about Unite the Right and accusations of racism. Given the way things are going, the number of people who are indifferent to such tactics, or perhaps who even side with us, will only continue to grow. That almost two-thirds of Republicans didn’t even show up despite relatively high turnout indicates that the underlying problem here was not hostility toward Blevins among the base, but indifference that was overpowered by Leftist zealotry. A real victory for the Left would have been 80-90%, not 60%. They know this and are deeply disturbed. They should be.

Cheryl Patterson was also swept to power with great ease. Patterson casts herself as a business-orientated fiscal conservative and claims her campaign did not have dealings with the far-Left Enid Social Justice Committee (ESJC). But there was certainly tacit endorsement and cooperation given that the ESJC was essentially created to attack Blevins and campaigned heavily against him. As reported by The Justice Report, the ESJC’s core consists of antifa and their sympathizers.

Machiavelli recognized that those who come to power with ease keep it only with great difficulty, because they will have to confront all the problems they initially sidestepped, while those who come to power with difficulty will keep it with great ease because they have already overcome their problems on the way up. Patterson is now in a similar position to Biden on his inauguration day. Both were swept to power by an alliance of Republicans In Name Only (RINOs) and Communists, helped by megadonors raining cash and dishonest media coverage upon them. To win the next election, Patterson will have to maintain the uneasy RINO-Communist alliance, and both RINOs and Communists are duplicitous backstabbers who will betray her and/or each other at a moment’s notice. Patterson will likewise need a similar amount of cash and media coverage, because she will soon find that Enid’s potholes are indifferent to virtue-signaling and accusations of racism. Like Biden, she will probably be a one-term blunder.

This is regardless of whether Judd Blevins runs against Patterson again or not. Blevins’s intentions are currently unclear. If he were to run for a higher office, he would force the system to expend even more resources, because the stakes would be even higher.

Furthermore, almost no mainstream or even quasi-mainstream media entities gave Blevins fair reporting. But Tucker Carlson and others are becoming more open to engaging with us. For instance, Tucker recently interviewed Lydia Brimelow of VDare. The Left has relied so heavily on a decades-long media monopoly that they do not know what to do now that it is broken. Dozens of hit pieces can be rendered ineffective by just one fair report or interview.

Ideally, Blevins would run for office with the intention of winning. But there is more than one way to win. In the long run, we will not win until the mainstream Republican Party is destroyed. To do that, Blevins could just run as a spoiler candidate. If Blevins wins as a nationalist, great. If a Leftist wins, a Republican’s career may end permanently. If a RINO wins with Communist backing, it will be highly instructive. No matter what the outcome, there will be more radicalization in the long term.

In short, nationalists simply can’t lose in such a scenario. Moreover, Blevins need not garner 40% of the vote for this scenario to unfold. He might only need 2% to end a RINO’s career. Even a threat of winning 20% would be enough to instigate chaos. Blevin’s recall had a relatively high turnout compared to his initial election, but it was still low compared to other types of elections. Higher voter turnout — especially among Republicans — in a campaign for a higher office would be a wildcard that the establishment could not risk dismissing.

The establishment could theoretically ignore candidates such as Blevins. That would be the wisest course for them. This is not an option in practice, though, because the rank and file are too emotional to think strategically.

The Enid election does, however, raise some difficult issues which we must confront.

It should provide an important reality check for dissidents who want to run for office. Even though we advocate for our people’s interests, we cannot count on their support. Remember how mainstream conservatives abandoned their own people after January 6, and only really began to care when the 2024 election approached and the regime started to persecute high-profile targets? They will have even less solidarity with pro-white candidates. And for now, white jurors should be relied upon even less than white voters.

The only way to reduce these headwinds is to continue to educate and radicalize the public. Win or lose, campaigns such as Judd Blevin’s are highly educational.


[1] See the video from the City of Enid, “Mayor and Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting — April 16, 2024” at one hour and 41 minutes.
