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World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty

23-3-2024 < Activist Post 38 951 words

By Maryam Henein

The WHO met again today to speak about their beloved treaty. This piece of paper will seal their New World Order. The video only got 1.4k views. I watched Tedros and Friends twice. You know like a real journalist that goes to the source.

“Good Morning. Good Afternoon. Good Evening” That is how Tedros starts off all his transmissions on behalf of the World Hoax Organization.

Listen to Dr Michael Ryan, Executive Director, of the WHO Health Emergencies Program.

Here is the transcript of the clip I provided doesn’t work.

“This is a moment for world leadership. This is a moment where the Ministers of Health on behalf of their sovereign states, and they still bear the sovereign responsibility for their health and protection of populations. But what we recognize with infectious diseases is that they know no border. Everyone knows that there is no way to affect, stop, mitigate or reduce the impact of an infectious disease without working together.

It’s a promise…, a generational agreement. It’s a promise to the next generation. It’s a letter to our children to say, we, the countries of the world, we, the leaders of the world, have come together and we solemnly commit to a process that we will try to do better the next time. We all know in the next emergency, the next crisis, nothing is ever perfect. But what we recognize is that we’re much better when we operate with a set of guidelines, a set of rules that allow us to engage and behave predictably in a crisis. Because there’s nothing worse than a crisis than adding more chaos, that the response becomes as chaotic as the crisis you face. And that is the worst-case scenario. We don’t know what we’re going to face. We don’t know how bad it will be. We hope it never happens. But in doing and in preparing, we will build stronger systems and we will deal with other diseases in a better way. We’ll make our health systems more resilient. We’ll train our health workers better. We will create more confidence and we’ll create more security for our populations. So it’s not just the benefit we’ll be written in the next pandemic, the benefit will be written in everything we do between now and then. And people can sleep easy, people can live their lives without wondering, will the same thing or worse happen again? That’s the responsibility and I think it’s a really important time that was spoken to the Member States, nine weeks and a couple of days, right? Nine weeks, four days. It can still be done.

But it’s really important that people out there recognize that, that people out there want this to happen. Because I sense in the room that the Member States want this to happen. But the art of compromise, the art of convincing everyone in the room that they’ve got the largest slice of the cake when you’re trying to divide that as evenly as possible. So I do think it’s at a really crucial moment.

We have huge confidence in our Member States that they will do that. It’s a process led by Member States, led by a bureau, decided on by those Member States, chaired by co-chairs, and selected by those Member States. This is an entirely a process of the Member States. But the Secretariat and Dr. Tedros are doing everything possible to support and try and find ways to make that a successful process. Because the outcome matters here. The outcome really matters.

This isn’t some dusty old document that will sit on a shelf somewhere. This treaty will save lives. This treaty will make better vaccines faster.

It will make better surveillance systems to detect more quickly. It will build a better health workforce to respond when the time comes. It will save lives. Maybe not your life, but maybe the life of the person sitting beside you. So from my perspective, people may think this is just a piece of paper. When you work in this area for long enough, transforming pieces of paper into meaningful things that matter in the lives of people is the art of government.

And this is the art of 194 governments to give us that piece of paper so that we, collectively, as institutions and public health practitioners around the world, can give life to that aspiration.

So it’s very important that we take the discussion out of the dusty room and into the real world that matters and into the lives of people and the things that can change their lives and protect them and make them more.”

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