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Racial Realities as Revealed by Bodycams and Dashcams

6-3-2024 < Counter Currents 31 1621 words

Photo courtesy of the NARA & DVIDS Public Domain Archive.

1,381 words

I have a feeling that I’m not the only one who enjoys watching dashcam videos of police chases while I relax with a cup of tea. The cameras mounted on most police-car dashboards in the United States provide entertaining yet troubling footage for the tea-drinking armchair constable such as myself. Besides these, almost every officer in the country is required to wear a body camera in order to document incidents; the resulting videos can be equally entertaining and informative.

I find these videos to be oddly relaxing, although there are many instances where the action gets quite intense, especially in situations such as when the officers involved are trying to extract a non-compliant hood rat out of a stolen vehicle that he just crashed into a guard rail.

I have noticed a few things while watching these videos. I’m starting to think that the vast majority of criminals who decide to roar off in a stolen Kia Sorento with no regard for the havoc they sow are black. At this point I’ve probably watched hundreds of videos showing officers dealing with blacks in the wild: shopping malls, parking lots, gas stations, suburban streets, housing projects, highways, and so on. I’m thoroughly convinced that most police who have to deal with the most dangerous criminal underclass in North America demonstrate superhuman levels of restraint on a regular basis. Sure, there are some bad apples out there who lose their tempers and find themselves standing tall before the man on some disciplinary charge, but when it comes to local law enforcement and state highway patrol troopers, I’m awed by their ability to stay cool when dealing with the absolute dregs of humanity. There are several channels on YouTube, Rumble, and elsewhere online that are dedicated to posting these videos. I think they are as edifying as they are entertaining — but they are also damning.

Black comedian Chris Rock is an interesting fellow. I suspect that he is secretly a white-hating Black Nationalist of sorts, but I appreciate him for his honesty about certain issues facing the black community. I think it would be tremendously helpful if his video informing black people about how to deal with the police is one of the best educational videos I have ever seen. It should be played on a regular basis for black people so that it’s hammered into their thick skulls: “If the police have to come and get you, they’re bringing an asskicking with ’em.”

Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!Chris Rock – How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

In an incident from February 2024, a body-camera video shows an obviously mentally unstable black man attempting to push a car down a residential street for no apparent reason. The video shows the officer interacting with the man before, during, and after he was attacked. Said individual, one Bryan Benjamin, was at first uncooperative and behaving strangely. The interaction then escalated: Benjamin stabbed the unnamed white officer multiple times in the head. Other bodycam videos show that backup arrived in order to subdue the crazed attacker. The neighborhood’s concerned residents, who initially tried to help Benjamin with his car trouble, called the police after he got in a physical altercation with one of them. It turned out that Benjamin was already wanted for a previous felonious assault.

When criminals use getaway cars to flee from the scene of their latest smash-and-grab robbery or decide that they don’t want to stick around for a traffic stop, police have to chase them down and force them off the road. That’s when they often employ the good ole PIT maneuver. Precision immobilization technique maneuvers can be quite spectacular. They are known by any number of names, including “pursuit immobilization technique,” “tactical vehicle intervention” (TVI), and “tactical ramming.” It is essentially a way of using a police car to force a fleeing vehicle off the road in order to end the pursuit. One article on the subject, “How police use the PIT maneuver to end vehicle pursuits,” puts it succinctly: “A well-executed PIT deployment usually results in the pursued vehicle spinning out to a stop, followed by the arrest of a dazed driver.” If executed at high speeds, however, PITs can result in rollovers.

In one incident in February 2024, a black woman driving a black Saturn Aura led officers on a chase through the streets of Grand Rapids, Michigan. After speeding, blowing through multiple red lights, and ignoring the multiple police vehicles that were by then pursuing her, she was finally forced to stop by a PIT maneuver. The driver, Brittany Leigh Johnson, decided to make things even worse for herself by resisting arrest and repeatedly denying everything like a broken record. Unsurprisingly, she was already wanted for felonious assault.

Felonious Assault Suspect Flees Deputies in Grand Rapids | MSP Takes Over to End ItFelonious Assault Suspect Flees Deputies in Grand Rapids | MSP Takes Over to End It

I could be wrong, but it seems to me that many black people suffer from some sort of racial Tourette’s syndrome which compels them to repeat the exact same words to an officer until he gets so thoroughly fed up that he either tases the suspect or throws him into the back of a paddy wagon. This ailment, which seems to afflict so many black criminals, is probably exacerbated by illicit substance use.

One spectacular chase that began on a highway and concluded following a PIT maneuver in downtown Atlanta is a particularly good example of just how dangerous these chases can be. Sure enough, the driver and passenger in the fleeing vehicle, a 2015 BMW 640i, were both black. After a successful PIT the suspect vehicle crashed into a parked Cadillac Escalade SUV. The driver, one Deonte Daugherty, had to be pulled out of the vehicle through the driver’s side window.

BMW Going 132mph Flees From Georgia State Patrol Through Downtown Atlanta | High Speed Chase and PITBMW Going 132mph Flees From Georgia State Patrol Through Downtown Atlanta | High Speed Chase and PIT

Another dashcam video from the summer of 2022 shows an Illinois State Police trooper speaking with a motorist just before being attacked. The policeman, Matthew Niehaus, made a traffic stop on a speeding vehicle that was travelling at 109 miles per hour in a zone where the speed limit is 70. Trooper Niehaus told the driver, a black man named Randy Turner, “I’ll even work with you . . . I even wrote your speed down a little bit so I wouldn’t have to take you to jail.”

You can buy Jonathan Bowden’s Western Civilization Bites Back here.

Even though Turner had been speeding as well as driving with an expired license, the trooper offered not only to issue him a lesser ticket but offered to call a tow truck in order to move the vehicle. Despite this leniency, Turner decided to tackle him, and in the ensuing fight Turner struck the officer several times, sprayed him with his own pepper spray, and attempted to steal his gun. Luckily for trooper Niehaus, a good Samaritan with a handgun intervened.

Although Indians are revered as spiritual beings who are in tune with nature while they sit contemplatively in their bingo halls, calling out letters and numbers for the gathered tribe on pub night, they nevertheless often get into trouble with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). When they’re not blockading trains or highways, they’re getting drunk and acting belligerent with police and any white person they happen to bodycheck on the sidewalk. In this dashcam video from 2020, a very esteemed Indian chief, Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Chief Allan Adam, loses his cool with a mild-mannered RCMP officer before taking a beating. Although the RCMP has fallen out of favor during the increasingly insane Trudeau dictatorship, based on his behavior I feel that Chief Adam deserved to be dealt with harshly.

RCMP dash-cam footage shows Chief Allan Adam punchedRCMP dash-cam footage shows Chief Allan Adam punched

Many activists initially championed the idea of fitting all police officers with body cameras and equipping all squad cars with dashboard cameras, thinking these would show overwhelming evidence of police brutality and racism. In fact, it has showed the exact opposite. The resulting deluge of videos highlight black pathology and just how out-of-control non-whites can be. Although I am not an advocate of unrestrained state power, which would persecute and force white people into submission as well, I am a proponent of using state power to control and incarcerate criminals of all sorts, including these feral beasts in our midst.
