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Planned Parenthood’s grisly organ-trafficking operations revealed in video previously SUPPRESSED by then-Attorney General Kamala Harris

15-8-2024 < Natural News 25 805 words

Planned Parenthood’s grisly organ-trafficking operations revealed in video previously SUPPRESSED by then-Attorney General Kamala Harris

Newly-released footage from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) sheds light on the grisly, callous mass murder that is taking place at Planned Parenthood facilities across the nation. Babies up to six months old are being strategically killed, their organs harvested, their limbs dismembered, their tissues picked apart and trafficked.

For eight years, Planned Parenthood fought to suppress this footage, but its release has finally brought light to the horrifying reality of how abortion providers handle the limbs and organs of aborted babies. The moral and ethical failings within the abortion industry are heard in the voices of the calloused providers, who talk frivolously about the tissues and organs of the babies they just killed and picked apart.

Investigation finds Planned Parenthood providers strategically picking apart baby’s organs, limbs, tissues

The latest undercover video is part of CMP’s 2015 investigation, which revealed a chilling string of transactions that featured abortion providers’ cold disregard for human life. During a National Abortion Federation (NAF) trade show, officials from Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in Texas, including Chief Medical Officer Dr. Ann Schutt-Aine and Vice President Tram Nguyen, RN, were recorded discussing their methods with undercover CMP journalists who posed as laboratory wholesalers. Their conversations highlight a disturbing level of detachment and insensitivity toward the victims of their procedures.

One of the most unsettling revelations from the footage is Dr. Schutt-Aine's admission of using additional “passes” during abortions to avoid classification as a partial-birth abortion (PBA). This procedure was banned under federal law in 2003. Schutt-Aine describes using forceps to pull off a baby’s limbs to prevent the procedure from being categorized as PBA, revealing a deliberate attempt to circumvent legal restrictions. This practice not only reflects a profound disregard for the law but also a chilling level of cruelty toward the unborn.

The video also captures Tram Nguyen making light of the grisly nature of their work, joking about having a “leg” available for sale and expressing concern that others might view their actions as “evil.” This casual treatment of such a serious matter speaks volumes about the moral bankruptcy within the organization. It illustrates a broader issue: the dehumanization of the unborn and the exploitation of their bodies for profit.

Then-Attorney General Kamala Harris tried to suppress these gut-wrenching revelations and prosecuted the whistleblowers

In the wake of these revelations, CMP founder David Daleiden highlighted Planned Parenthood’s disturbing pattern of denial and suppression. Despite Planned Parenthood’s repeated claims of rebuffing any opportunities to sell fetal body parts, the footage shows a clear eagerness to profit from the sale of these organs. The documentation of Planned Parenthood’s willingness to dissect and sell the remains of aborted babies, including selling liver-thymus pairs for $1,600, underscores a grotesque commercialization of human life. Now, Daleiden and other whistleblowers are calling on Congress to investigate then-Attorney General Kamala Harris who ordered the videos taken down and for Daleiden to be arrested.

The attempts to suppress this footage, including actions taken by Kamala Harris, add another layer of controversy to an issue with serious ethical implications. As she takes the mantle of the Democrat nominee for President in 2024, Harris should be facing an indictment for covering up Planned Parenthood’s criminal misconduct and for persecuting whistleblowers who brought the legal and ethical violations to light. Instead of addressing the crimes exposed by the footage in 2015, Harris's office seized the video and prosecuted Daleiden for daring to share the truth of the matter. This action, coupled with discovered communications between Harris’s office and Planned Parenthood, suggests a troubling complicity in covering up these brutal and inhumane practices.

The release of this footage should serve as a wake-up call for everyone concerned with ethical standards and human dignity. It is imperative that these revelations lead to a broader examination of abortion practices and the systems that enable such egregious conduct. The lack of legal consequences for the implicated individuals reveals the overwhelming presence of a powerful organ trafficking industry that runs afoul of the American judicial system.

As this scandal unfolds, it is crucial for lawmakers, the public, and advocacy groups to confront the implications of these practices and demand an end to organ trafficking of unborn babies. The ethical and legal violations depicted in the video represent a grave assault on the sanctity of human life and put a target on the backs of vulnerable women who are coerced to believe they are incapable of supporting life and would be better off surrendering their child to this grisly organ trafficking industry.

Watch the video here.

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