The ongoing #GazaHolocaust is making more and more people wonder: Since the Zionists have been caught pathologically lying about pretty much everything, why should we uncritically accept their founding myth? Doesn’t the fact that the guardians of the official Holocaust narrative have to terrorize and imprison historians they disagree with suggest that they can’t win the argument using logic and evidence?
Germar Rudolf’s new Holocaust Encyclopedia (free online at offers “an uncensored and unconstrained look at the pertinent evidence that upholds the orthodox Holocaust narrative.” Unlike all mainstream defenses of orthodoxy that I’m aware of, The Holocaust Encyclopedia is a very easy-to-use reference guide to the relevant evidence and sources
Has the Holocaust Encyclopedia surpassed Thomas Dalton’s Debating the Holocaust and Nick Kollerstrom’s Breaking the Spell as the best up-to-date introduction to nuts-and-bolts of the revisionist side of the Holocaust argument? Check it out and see.