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The US "Special Relationship" with Israel: Abject Enslavement, by Kevin Barrett

16-8-2024 < UNZ 23 852 words

I recently returned to the USA after a year-long absence, having taken up residence in exotic Morocco last July. Unfortunately I had a tight connection at LAX, which became even tighter when US Customs and Border Protection singled me out for interrogation. It seems that interesting stuff always pops up on government screens when they enter my name. How else would they know that I am a writer known for questioning the official story of 9/11? “So who did it?” the agent asked. “Israel,” I answered without hesitation.

A split second later, I was cursing myself for my impulsive honesty, brought on by sleeplessness and jet lag: “If that CPB agent is a Zionist, they’ll hold me for hours and I’ll never make my connection!”

Fortunately the agent took no offense and released me just in time to catch my flight. Apparently America isn’t a complete Zionist-occupied totalitarian hellhole yet.

But we’re getting there. A sign of the times was Israeli PM Netanyahu’s speech to Congress July 24. The good news is that 92 lawmakers boycotted the genocidal war criminal’s speech. The bad news is that the other 443 senators and representatives offered repeated standing ovations.

Why did more than 4/5ths of America’s lawmakers passionately salute the worst war criminal of the 21st century? Why the nauseatingly obsequious demonstration of loyalty to a genocidal foreign entity? It all comes down to what is euphemistically called the US-Israel “special relationship.”

So what exactly is the nature of that special relationship? There are plenty of available answers: A Google search of “US-Israel special relationship” yields 240 million results. The first thing Google tells us is that:

“Israel and the United States are bound closely by historic and cultural ties as well as by mutual interests. The U.S.-Israel bilateral relationship is strong, anchored by over $3 billion in Foreign Military Financing annually.”

It sounds vaguely upbeat and completely innocuous—at least until we ask ourselves about the precise nature of those “historic and cultural ties” and alleged “mutual interests.” The historic ties that will never be mentioned by Establishment sources include the following: Zionist bankers seized monetary control of the US by creating the Federal Reserve in 1913. Zionists used their money power to gradually buy up the lion’s share of America’s mainstream media, which they now completely dominate. Zionists likely helped foment Communist revolutions and the 20th century’s two world wars. Zionists tried to kill president Harry Truman with a letter bomb, and later succeeded in killing John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert. Zionists placed their asset Lyndon Johnson in the White House to enable their war of aggression and land grab in 1967. Zionists repeatedly sabotaged American presidents’ peace plans by all sorts of dubious means, from helping make Jimmy Carter a one-term president in 1980, to plotting to assassinate Bush Sr. in Madrid in 1992, to sending Monica Lewinsky into Clinton’s White House in 1995 and recording their antics. A few years later, Israel blew up the World Trade Center to hijack America’s military and use it against their enemies.

So much for historic ties. So what about those mutual interests tying the US to Israel? It is obviously in Israel’s interest to continue syphoning off American taxpayers’ money. According to the Christian

Science Monitor, Israel’s real cost to America was already $1.6 trillion by 2002. But what is the US getting in exchange? Not much, other than the enmity of virtually the entire population of West Asia and the Muslim world, the disgust of the Global South, and an emerging worldwide consensus that the US is an illegitimate, genocide-supporting superpower that should be replaced by China.

Israel has never fought in any of America’s wars in the region. What’s more, those wars would never have happened without America’s enslavement to Israel. Without Israel, the whole region would be happy to maintain friendly relations with the US. Americans have the blood of millions on their hands due to wars by and for the Israel lobby.

Today, as the genocide of Gaza continues with US support, more and more foreign policy experts, like Jon Hoffman in Time Magazine, are questioning the “special relationship.” Hoffman writes:

“As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces a joint session of Congress Washington must finally face reality: its emphatic embrace of Israel’s war in Gaza is not advancing U.S. interests or promoting regional stability—to say nothing of the immense human toll…Washington needs to end its bipartisan blank-check support for Israel and extricate itself from this tragedy.”

Fine words. But US support for Israel isn’t just a random blunder. It’s the product of a multigenerational Jewish-Zionist hostile takeover of America’s commanding heights. To remedy the situation, those commanding heights will need to be stormed and re-taken.
