I already told you this, six million times: there is no way to incentivize women to have kids.
The incentives are already there. They’ve been there this whole time. At this point in history, reasonable fit teenage virgin can marry a multimillionaire and have his kids and live fantastically for the rest of her life, without working or every worrying about anything.
If a woman will not go for that very obvious and very well-established natural incentive, why on earth would she give a shit about a tax cut?
It’s stupid.
On it’s face, it is ridiculous and stupid.
South Korea’s demographic crisis has deepened with the release of data showing its birthrate – already the world’s lowest – fell to a new record low in 2023, despite billions of dollars in government schemes designed to persuade families to have more children.
Reports that South Korea’s population had shrunk for the fourth straight year came soon after neighbouring Japan reported a record decline in its population last year, along with a record fall in the number of births and the lowest number of marriages since the end of the second world war.
See: Japan: Births Fall to New Record Low, PM Calls Trend “Greatest Crisis”
The average number of children a South Korean woman has during her lifetime fell to 0.72, from 0.78 in 2022 – a decline of nearly 8% – according to preliminary data from Statistics Korea, a government-affiliated body. The rate is well below the average of 2.1 children the country needs to maintain its current population of 51 million.
Since 2018, South Korea has been the only member of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) to have a rate below 1. In addition, South Korean women give birth for the first time at the average age of 33.6 – the highest among OECD members.
If the low fertility rate persists, the population of Asia’s fifth-biggest economy is projected to almost halve to 26.8 million by 2100, according to the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington in Seattle.
Lim Young-il, head of the population census division at Statistics Korea, told reporters: “The number of newborns in 2023 was 230,000, which was 19,200 fewer than the year before, representing a 7.7% decrease.”
Since 2006 the government has invested more than 360tn won ($270bn) in programmes to encourage couples to have more children, including cash subsidies, babysitting services and support for infertility treatment.
Here’s the deal, bro. Let me just go ahead and explain this to every government that is trying to increase their birthrate. It’s really simple. Really, really simple.
The only way to increase the birthrate is to disincentivize women from not having children.
This is very easily justifiable, morally, because the continuation of the human species is clearly more important than women’s sexual liberation. The only people who would argue otherwise are bad actors and women themselves.
I use a lot of language about returning to Middle Ages norms, where women were literally property in a system called coverture. It’s not really hyperbole. I actually believe that. However, I also understand that it is widely considered unrealistic and is therefore not taken seriously, and perhaps it leads to my serious proposition being dismissed.
Bringing back coverture would be the ultimate way to disincentivize women from refusing to reproduce, but there are dozens of other ways to do this.
I could go on. But everyone gets the idea. You simply analyze the problem as one of women’s behavior, and then you come up with logical, actionable solutions to change the behavior of women.
These solutions are easy and they are possible, in theory even within the context of modern democracies. These things won’t happen in modern democracies, of course. Governments will simply continue to whine about the birthrate to waste money on stupid programs.
Regardless, the solutions are simple and obvious, just like the solutions to virtually every other problem. The reason that problems don’t get solves is that we live in a system that is designed to prevent problems from being solved.
Note: One issue here is that governments have been convinced that having women in the workforce is good for the economy. This is true now, based on the current order, but it would not be true in an advanced traditional sexual competition scenario. The bottom line is that if men understood that they had the option of a high quality teen virgin wife if they worked hard enough, men would work much harder. There is also plenty of data showing that women in the workplace decrease male productivity, on a basic level. There would be a lag in the reorganization phase, but ultimate, a country without women in the workplace would be monumentally more productive.