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Denver’s Mayor Demands Others Pay for Denver’s Virtue-Signaling Policy, by Paul Craig Roberts

12-2-2024 < UNZ 17 167 words

Denver’s Mayor Demands Others Pay for Denver’s Virtue-Signaling Policy

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The Democrat mayor of Denver, Colorado, is complaining loudly about the costs to the city of providing housing, food, public education, and health care to the additional 40,000 immigrant-invaders the Biden regime, supported by the mayor, dumped on the city during 2023 alone.

It hasn’t occurred to the mayor that Denver’s Sanctuary City status, of which the city is proud, is a source of his problem. Like all Democrats the mayor wants some one else to pay for the problem Denver has caused itself. The mayor is demanding the the rest of the country subsidize Denver’s virtue-signaling policy. As America has other sanctuary cities, it is the working class in red states who will end up paying for the over-running of their country.
