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When Free Speech Dies, The Killing Begins

29-1-2024 < Activist Post 33 2144 words

By Neenah Payne

Most Americans – even avid followers of good alt media sites – may not realize how fragile the hold on our freedoms and national sovereignty is now. Patrick Wood is issuing a wake-up call each Tuesday in his one-hour ZOOM calls which began on January 16. Subscribe at  to participate in the calls on January 30 and February 6 at 4:00PM Pacific, 5:00PM Mountain, 6:00PM Central, 7:00PM Eastern.

Patrick Wood: Let’s Talk Free Speech Now! discusses the January 16 Zoom. Forty people registered and 33 participated. Zoom Call January 23: Let’s Talk Free Speech! shows the critical importance of free speech now. Wood held his second Zoom call on Tuesday, January 23 for which  120 people registered and 40 participated. Wood again quoted Belgian psychiatrist, Mattias Desmet, author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism, who warned, “When free speech goes, that’s when the killing begins”.

This is the video of Zoom Call #2.

Now is the time for Americans and people around the world to get informed and stand up! Because of the WHO Pandemic Treaty looming in May, we may not have that chance next year – or even later this year. That’s how urgent this situation is now! See WHO Pandemic Treaty Will Enslave Humanity!

ZOOM Call Entrance and Exit Polls

Wood recorded the Zoom call and conducted a quick Entrance Poll near the start of the call to see the group’s level of commitment to free speech and showed the results of the Poll. He also conducted an Exit Poll to see how much people felt they had gotten out of the experience.  Wood cannot see individual responses. He explained how to save the Chat List which had a lot of valuable information.

The Indispensable Right of Free Speech

Wood recommended an article on free speech by Jonathan Turley who is a  Constitutional lawyer and a law professor at George Washington University where he holds the J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Chair of Public Interest Law.  Turley has written, litigated, and testified on congressional oversight and the First Amendment for decades. Turley writes in The Hill about the dangers of censorship measures called for by Congress, academics, writers, and activists. He is the author of The Indispensable Right of Free Speech in an Age of Rage which will be published in June and can be pre-ordered on Amazon now.

Amazon Description

A timely, revelatory look at freedom of speech—our most basic right and the one that protects all the others.

Free speech is a human right, and the free expression of thought is at the very essence of being human. The United States was founded on this premise, and the First Amendment remains the single greatest constitutional commitment to the right of free expression in history. Yet there is a systemic effort to bar opposing viewpoints on subjects ranging from racial discrimination to police abuse, from climate change to gender equity. These measures are reinforced by the public’s anger and rage; flash mobs appear today with the slightest provocation. We all lash out against anyone or anything that stands against our preferred certainty.

The Indispensable Right places the current attacks on free speech in their proper historical, legal, and political context. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights were not only written for times like these, but in a time like this. This country was born in an age of rage and for 250 years we have periodically lost sight of the value of free expression. The history of the struggle for free speech is the story of extraordinary people—nonconformists who refuse to yield to abusive authority—and here is a mosaic of vivid characters and controversies.

Jonathan Turley takes you through the figures and failures that have shaped us and then shows the unique dangers of our current moment. The alliance of academic, media, and corporate interests with the government’s traditional wish to control speech has put us on an almost irresistible path toward censorship. The Indispensable Right reminds us that we remain a nation grappling with the implications of free expression and with the limits of our tolerance for the speech of others. For rather than a political crisis, this is a crisis of faith.


Jonathan Turley: ‘Free Speech Under Fire’
Harvard Journal Publishes Turley’s Free Speech Study
Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government
“The Political Effort to Limit Free Speech Attacks Our Own Values”
Opinion: Shut up and play nice: How the Western world is limiting free speech
Jonathan Turley: The left’s success at silencing free speech would make Joe McCarthy blush
The Unfinished Masterpiece: Compulsion and the Evolving Jurisprudence Over Free Speech
World Economic Forum Declares “Disinformation” To Be The World’s Greatest Threat” 1/12/24

List of Anti-Free Speech States


Three Categories of Censored Information Now

Game-Changing Tucker Carlson Interview! shows that on January 5, Tucker Carlson interviewed  Dr. Brett Weinstein an evolutionary biologist who earned his PhD at the University of Michigan before teaching at The Evergreen State College for 14 years until 2017.

In Watch: ‘A Terrible Truth’: COVID Response Was About Profits and Power, The Defender of Children’s Health Defense reported about this interview:

The value added from this interview is truly incalculable. It’s not only the reach, which quickly passed three million a day after its release. That’s a vast number of influencers who now know what’s what.

Weinstein explained that the Department of Homeland Security issued a memo that defines three categories of “terrorism”: “misinformation” (errors), “disinformation” (intentional errors/lies), and “malinformation” which is “based in truth but causes people to distrust authority”.  As Tucker points out, that third category applies when journalists catch the government lying!

Bret Weinstein Exposes the World Health Organization’s Dark Agenda (video)

Censorship Industrial Complex

Wood’s informative  site at links to the Glenn Beck video below. Beck mentions “The Censorship Industrial Complex” defined by Michael Shellenberger, Alex Gutenberg, and Matt Taibbi. See: ‘Malinformation’ and the Wrong Truth.

Red Alert: Rally Here To Prevent The Death Of Free Speech In 2024

Glenn Beck understands the importance of Free Speech in America. In this video, he exposes the globalist plot to obliterate Free Speech in 2024. It’s true. Not in 2030 or 2026, but in 2024. CFFS featured the genesis of this story on Dec. 3: Blockbuster: The Birth Of The Censorship Industrial Complex Revealed, but Glenn is exploding it here. If you fail to watch and comprehend this, then you become part of the problem.

The historic outcome of killing free speech is always genocide. Check your history. Russia, Germany, China, Cambodia, Ukraine, Mozambique, Rhodesia, Uganda, Nigeria, Rwanda, Darfur, and the list goes on. All of this killing was enabled by the cloak of silence imposed after Free Speech was wiped out. Why? Because the victims were unable to cry out for help!

This is why the loss of Free Speech is existential for America and Americans everywhere.

We must stop this assault NOW!  Speak up! Resist with all of your might! Shout it from the rooftop! The only things that these tyrants fear is YOU and your independent-thinking mind.

WEF Doubles Down on “Disinformation”

Speakers Challenge World Economic Forum’s Globalist Agenda shows that the World Economic Forum now sees any challenges to its narrative as the greatest threat facing the world. The following links show that the WEF said at Davos in January that disinformation and misinformation are the number one concerns in the Global Risk Report!

Global Risks 2024: At a turning point

Ursula von der Leyen: misinformation is world’s gravest problem.

The EU chief wants leaders to tackle ‘industrial-scale’ fake news

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen today declared that “misinformation and disinformation” are greater threats to the global business community than war and climate change.

“For the global business community, the top concern for the next two years is not conflict or climate,” she said in her speech at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos. “It is disinformation and misinformation, followed closely by polarisation within our societies.”

The solution, according to von der Leyen, is for businesses and governments to collaborate to quash disinformation. “Many of the solutions lie not only in countries working together but, crucially, on businesses and governments, businesses and democracies working together,” she said. “While governments hold many of the levers to deal with the great challenges of our time, business have [sic] the innovation, the technology, the talents to deliver the solutions we need to fight threats like climate change or industrial-scale disinformation.”

To illustrate her point, von der Leyen mentioned the upcoming election-heavy year, calling it “the biggest electoral year in history”, and warned that bad actors may exploit the openness of democracies to influence elections with disinformation.

In the latest WEF Global Risk Report, misinformation and disinformation were ranked as a greater risk to the world than everything but extreme weather.

Censorship: First Sign of Dictatorship

Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger is a former member of The Research Ethics Review Committee  at the World Health Organization. She explained in 2022 in the video below that Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the WHO, and his team were not doing science. Since the Koch Postulates were not used, it has not even been established that there is a COVID virus! The authorities were lying and the world’s media was being paid to report what Big Pharma wanted. Since the money comes from our taxes, we financed the vaccine campaign and the death of reportedly 17 million of people.


Pascal Najadi is the son of Hussain Najadi, whom has says was a co-founder of the World Economic Forum. In the video below, Najadi says his father left the WEF out of disgust with co-founder Klaus Schwab. Najadi calls for Switzerland to revoke the diplomatic immunity of the WEF, World Health Organization, United Nations, and Bill Gates’ GAVI. He also calls for the arrest of Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and leadership of the WHO, WEF, Big Tech, and Pfizer.

WEF co-founder’s son Hussain Najadi, calls for the arrests of Bill Gates, WHO leadership, the WEF, Klaus Schwab, Big Tech and Pfizer_-SD (video)

Robert Kennedy Jr.’s email on 1/24/24 included the video below.

With your help, I am going to take on the censorship regime in America today.

For More Information

Defund the thought Police
Bill Gates’ Growing Global Tyranny
Global Coup By WHO and Bill Gates?
How World War III Targets Your Mind
Help Get US Out of UN and WHO Now!
Dr. Joseph Ladapo: End COVID Shots Now!
The Growing Revolution Against Globalists
It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Genocide!
Najadi: Evict/Arrest Globalists In Switzerland!
Senator Josh Hawley Asks Supreme Court To Favor Florida and Texas Anti-Censorship Laws

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

Image credit: ACLU

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