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ZOOM Call January 23: Let’s Talk Free Speech!

22-1-2024 < Activist Post 22 2133 words

By Neenah Payne

Patrick Wood is an economic and market forecaster, speaker, and author. He is the world’s leading expert on technocracy who has detailed its history, evolution, and ongoing implementation. Patrick is the Founder and Director of Citizens For Free Speech: A Nation of Defenders which he started in 2018 when he saw the collusion between Facebook and Twitter.

See Patrick Wood: Let’s Talk Free Speech Now! for information about the first ZOOM call on January 16. Forty people registered and 33 enthusiastic participants showed up. Patrick concluded the Zoom call by asking if anyone would be interested in periodic ZOOM calls on this topic. Everyone agreed that would be a terrific idea. Patrick will host the second “Let’s Talk Free Speech” ZOOM call on Tuesday, January 23, 2024 4:00PM Pacific, 5:00PM Mountain, 6:00PM Central, 7:00PM Eastern. There will also be ZOOM calls on Jan 30 and Feb 6. To participate in the ZOOM calls, subscribe at:

Patrick says:

We need to talk! Never in history have the forces of darkness launched an all-out attack on Free Speech: The United Nations, The World Economic Forum, governments, countless NGOs, and Big Tech are all colluding and conspiring to shut all dissenting speech that is contrary to their narrative. This is clearly a war against the people of the world, and especially against the United States. Join our weekly TUESDAY afternoon town hall sessions for a rousing discussion on how to FIGHT BACK! Invite friends, media, and elected officials.

When Free Speech Dies, Killing Begins

Patrick opened the Zoom call by explaining that the Censorship Industrial Complex began in 2016 in response to Brexit and the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States. The globalists had not realized that so many people would seek to cancel their plans for world domination. So, the vote for nationalism in both Brexit and Trump’s election blindsided them. They didn’t know that so many people wanted to think for themselves or could do so. Wood explained that Trump was a total disaster for the globalists. They thought Hillary Clinton was going to be elected. They knew if they didn’t stop the growing nationalism, it would become contagious.

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Patrick points out in the video below that every dictatorship has started by crushing free speech. He explains that Mattias Desmet, author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism warned, “When free speech goes, that’s when the killing begins”.

Weaponized News: Technocracy and Citizens For Free Speech with Patrick Wood 6/18/23

Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order and Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) among others, and the founder of Citizens for Free Speech. For much more, see his websites, and

Robby Soave: DAVOS Elites HATE Free Speech, WEF Attacks POPULISM As Anti-Science 1/18/24

Three Categories of Censored Information Now

Game-Changing Tucker Carlson Interview! shows that on January 5, Tucker Carlson talked with Dr. Brett Weinstein an evolutionary biologist who earned his PhD at the University of Michigan before teaching at The Evergreen State College for 14 years until 2017. Weinstein wrote A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century: Evolution and the Challenges of Modern Life with his wife Heather Heying who is also an evolutionary biologist. Weinstein and his wife host The Dark Horse Podcast.

In the video below, Weinstein explains that the Department of Homeland Security issued a memo that defines three categories of “terrorism”: “misinformation” (errors), “disinformation” (intentional errors/lies), and “malinformation” is “based in truth but causes people to distrust authority”.  As Tucker points out, that third category applies when journalists catch the government lying!

However, the US Founding Fathers used the First Amendment to protect Freedom of the Press so the media could serve as the Fourth Estate and expose wrongdoing by the other three branches of government. So, the Department of Homeland Security doesn’t seem to understand the US Constitution.

Bret Weinstein Exposes the World Health Organization’s Dark Agenda

In Watch: ‘A Terrible Truth’: COVID Response Was About Profits and Power, The Defender of Children’s Health Defense reported about this interview on 12/8/24: “The value added from this interview is truly incalculable. It’s not only the reach, which quickly passed three million a day after its release. That’s a vast number of influencers who now know what’s what.”

Carlson played a recent video Weinstein had not seen of WHO General Director Tedros saying the WHO Pandemic Treaty does not threaten national sovereignty. This shows that since more people realize the treat the treaty poses to our freedom, nations may not ratify the WHO Pandemic Treaty in MAY.

Dr. Robert Malone: Our Fight For Freedom

Dr. Robert Malone invented the mRNA technology but abandoned it when he discovered it could not be used safely and opposes the mRNA COVID shots. He was interviewed recently by London Real.  In the interview below, Dr. Malone refers to the International COVID Summit 4 in Bucharest in November 2023 which has had over 4 billion views!

Dr. Malone is the author of the 2023 book Lies My Gov’t Told Me: And the Better Future Coming.

Dr. Malone says:

In December, I was in London to testify in the U.K. Parliament. While there, Brian Rose of London Real interviewed me. Here is a clip of that interview, which is titled: Deep State Propaganda & Our Fight For Freedom.

Our Fight For Freedom Now

Dr. Malone explains that he and others were invited in December 2023 to go to London to speak in support of Stuart Andrew in the British Parliament.  Andrew  is a Welsh politician serving as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Sport, Tourism, Heritage and Civil Society since September 2022 and Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Equalities since October 2022.

The full interview can be found on the London Real website.

Although the British government took the perhaps unprecedented step of prohibiting filming of the proceedings, the unofficial video of Dr. Malone’s testimony quickly got over 1.2 million views before it got stopped. The cameraman who works for Andrew is compiling the videos people in the audience took with their cellphones and that should be out now.

Dr. Malone discussed the arrest of a New Zealander who released government data on COVID deaths.

New Zealand health worker arrested for leaking COVID vaccine data, report says 12/4/23 reports:

Barry Young, 56, allegedly accessed a computer network within public health agency “Te Whatu Ora” for “dishonest purposes” and downloaded a terabyte of data. Young then published the information online and used it to bolster claims the agency was covering up vaccine deaths….

Young faces up to seven years in prison for the offense. When he arrived in Wellington District Court for an initial hearing, a room of supporters rose and clapped for him, causing the judge to threaten to send them out. Young later yelled “freedom” before exiting the court….Young will be released on bail until his trial at a later date.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced last week he would sue pharmaceutical company Pfizer for allegedly misrepresenting the efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine. He also accusing the pharmaceutical company of “conspiring to censor public discourse.

Is This The End of Free Speech?

Robby Soave: DAVOS Elites HATE Free Speech, WEF Attacks POPULISM As Anti-Science 1/18/24

At about 18 minutes in the video below, Dr. Robert Malone explains why he and many other former Democrats no longer support the Democratic Party. Dr. Malone explains at around 52 minutes that the realignment now is not Left or Right but Collectivism vs personal choice.

Tucker Carlson Today | Dr. Robert Malone 2/9/22

Senators and Representatives Who Support Bill Now

Help Get US Out of UN and WHO Now! explains  that the bill the Disengaging Entirely from the United Nations Debacle (DEFUND) Act, which calls for the United States’ complete withdrawal from the United Nations (UN) was introduced in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. It needs a two-thirds majority in both chambers to overcome Biden’s expected veto.

  1. Senators who now support bill:

  2. Representatives who now support bill:

The links above provide links to your senators and representatives. This is one of the easiest and most powerful steps any American can take now. This bill will also get us out of the World Health Organization.  These bills provide a moment in history we’ve never had before and will never have again. We must exit the WHO before the WHO Pandemic Treaty is signed which could happen in May 2024 or next year.

Take Action Today To Prevent WHO/UN Global Coup!

The bills must be passed by a two-third majority in each house to override the expected vetoes by Biden. So Americans need to support the bills now! Go to Prevent Genocide 2030. Send a prepared message to your senators and representatives. Take this step today!

There is hope! Two companion bills have just been introduced into the U.S. House and Senate to remove the United States from the United Nations and World Health Organization, but we need to shout our support to Congress!  Click this link to send emails to your elected officials urging them to support these great bills!

Go to and scroll down to see if your representatives have already co-sponsored the bill to Exit The WHO. If they have already co-sponsored H.R. 79, encourage them to speak out publicly in support of #ExitTheWHO. Encourage them to contact other Members of the House and also to contact Senators from their state to encourage them to submit companion legislation in the Senate. If they have not yet co-sponsored H.R. 79, encourage them to do so A.S.A.P. The site provides suggested talking points for your call.


For More Information

Bill Gates’ Growing Global Tyranny
Global Coup By WHO and Bill Gates?
Game-Changing Tucker Carlson Interview!
The Growing Revolution Against Globalists
Dr. Joseph Ladapo: End COVID Shots Now!
It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Genocide!
Najadi: Evict/Arrest Globalists In Switzerland!
WHO Pandemic Treaty Will Enslave Humanity!

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

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