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World Economic Forum demands $3.5 trillion per year to 'decarbonize' the planet, 'reach net-zero and restore nature'

18-12-2023 < Blacklisted News 29 525 words

The creepy anti-humans who run the World Economic Forum (WEF) have decided that we must do more to save Gaia.

According to a new white paper published Wednesday by the Davos outfit in partnership with McKinsey & Company, it’s time to print more money to further devalue the wealth of the common man, in order to pursue the apparent noble goal of “decarbonization.”

“The world needs up to $3.5 trillion of additional investments each year to reach net-zero and restore nature,” the report highlights state, adding that an organization spun up by the WEF called Giving to Amplify Earth Action (GAEA) is determined to shake down the relevant parties for the money.

According to the whitepaper, which is creepily titled, “The Role of Public-Private-Philanthropic Partnerships in Driving Climate and Nature Transitions,” private organizations should surrender their autonomy to governments in exchange for an endless amount of credit and a backstop of protection should their business fail in the open market.

I can’t help but point out that this is essentially the exact governmental structure of the Chinese Communist Party, which WEF founder Klaus Schwab has hailed as a model for governance. Must be a major coincidence!

Putting that $3.5 trillion in perspective, it’s almost 60 percent of the annual U.S. federal budget. And if we know anything about international public-private efforts, it seems that U.S. taxpayers are first to get shaken down in the process.

Two weeks ago, the WEF declared in another report that $13.5 trillion would be needed as soon as humanly possible to avoid a climate catastrophe. According to the report, (which was written with the help of Accenture, another pay to play “consulting” outfit) the date for which the earth will melt has been rolled back from 25 years ago to 2050.

As you can see below in a screenshot of the report, the depopulation advocates stress the need for fast-tracking “decarbonization,” a word that is used 91 times in the published memo.

Next month, the WEF will host its Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland. The theme of the meeting this year is “Rebuilding Trust.”
