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Unvaxxed NYC Workers Have Not Gotten Our Jobs Back Nor Any Back Pay

2-11-2023 < Activist Post 19 392 words

By Michael Kane

A FOX NEWS headline from October 25 of 2022 as well as a CHD-backed court victory by 10 NYC educators were recently promoted by Dr. Simone Gold, The Typical Liberal, Dr. Robert Malone and many others, leading people to believe all fired unvaccinated NYC Workers have our jobs back with back pay.

This is not correct. No NYC worker is back to work with back pay. Both of these court victories have been appealed which has stopped them from being implemented. Nothing can happen till the appeal process is completed in many months or even years.

Anyone who can contact these influencers and ask them to get the correct information out to their followers would be helping us greatly. They can use the below CHD DEFENDER article to get all the facts.

It does not help unvaccinated workers to have everyone believe everything has been “fixed” for us when it hasn’t; it does not help us when we still need to fund raise for ongoing expensive lawsuits; and it certainly does not help us keep the issue current and breaking into the news cycle which is still desperately needed and helpful to us all.

CHD’s DEFENDER clears up what is true and what is not in an excellent article written by Brenda Baletti :

Fired Unvaccinated New York City Teachers Still Fighting for Reinstatement and Back Pay After Supreme Court Win

New York City appealed last month’s state Supreme Court ruling reinstating 10 teachers fired for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine on religious grounds. Despite confusion on social media, the appeal means the teachers have not returned to work or received back pay.

Source: Teachers for Choice/Substack

Image: Campus Reform

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