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The Latest Hitler

24-10-2023 < Counter Currents 39 2567 words

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This is the savagery of, that we only remember from the Nazi crimes in the Holocaust. — Benjamin Netanyahu

Some people are larger than life. Hitler is larger than death. — Don DeLillo, White Noise

Who’s the latest Hitler? Here is a clue. The first letter of his name is the same as the Austrian bad boy, the one who blew his brains out in a Berlin bunker in 1945 just as the Stalin riffraff, who were raping every German woman they could get their hands, were approaching.

History repeats itself, or at least it does for this guy named Hitler, because Hitler has made yet another appearance: this time collectively as “Hamas,” hiding in bunkers somewhere in Gaza, with Gaza looking like Berlin in April 1945.

Berlin, 1945

Here is the Zionist’s Our Gal Friday Christiane Amanpour, interviewing Amos Yadlin, former head of the Israel Defense Forces’ Military Intelligence Directorate. If you are searching for a self-serving Israeli Jew to rationalize violations of international law by invoking the Holocaust and Hitler, CNN is the place to go.

“This government of Hamas is going to pay . . . the way the Nazis paid in Europe.”

In the aftermath of 10/7, Netanyahu’s errand boy, United States Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, headed to Israel to do the Holocaust shuffle:

“I come before you, not only as the United States secretary of State, but also as a Jew,” he said during the press conference. “My grandfather, Maurice Blinken, fled pogroms in Russia. My stepfather, Samuel Pisar, survived concentration camps: Auschwitz, Dachau, Majdanek.”

Not real subtle: American Jews claim to be in lockstep with Israeli Jews because another Auschwitz appears to be underway — more underway, that is, than it usually is.

The Hamas-as-Hitler bad boys are waiting for the Red Army – check, I mean, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) — to come and find them. Calling the Israeli military “Defense Forces” is a bit like calling Stalin’s Red Army the “Defender of German Womanhood.”

Unlike the chief Nazi in Berlin, however, the Hamas Nazis are not in despair. Not yet, anyway, and they are not ready to eat their guns. These guys tend to be suicidal, but they like to take a lot of Jews along with them. So, what is going to happen? We know what Bibi and his henchmen have in mind for the future of the “animals” occupying prime real estate that could be converted into a location for luxury, Mediterranean beach condos for rich Jews. Doing it is a bit tricky public relations-wise because the video footage of one of the world’s most powerful militaries bombing hospitals, schools, slaughtering civilians, and ethnic cleansing a piece of land they covet makes them look like . . . well, no need to say it.

Frankly, I’m tired of the word and more tired of hearing it as a guilt-trigger for billions of US taxpayer dollars going to finance the religion of perpetual victimhood. I’m sorry, but to take some liberty with Karl Marx: “The expropriated have become the expropriators.” You Zionists have been the expropriators for the last 75 years. Your victimhood act is looking more and more like a shakedown with each passing day. It seems as if the Jews have a vested interest in anti-Semitism on the rise, since “anti-Semite” is the magic word that makes Jewish shenanigans, past and present, go “Poof!”

So, the world of punditry is ablaze with atrocity porn and dire predictions, some of which have terrifying plausibility. It’s much too complicated for anything offered that I’d consider reliable. But one of the constants over the last 40 or so years in many of the international crises that lead to bad outcomes is the sudden reappearance of “Hitler.” The pattern is always the same: Somewhere in a faraway place the average American cares nothing about, a powerfully “evil” person catches the attention of our ruling class. The propaganda organs begin a campaign of demonization that turns whoever it is into the latest “Hitler.” Members of Congress and the executive branch proclaim solidarity with the victims of the new Hitler, with calls to put him out of business — with, of course, American troops and American dollars — and there is lots of flag-waving to make us feel like the guys in the white hats. Skeptics get lectured about “Munich” and “appeasement” once again and denounced as the enemies of freedom and democracy. Off we go, and it turns out badly for the new Hitler’s victims and for us; it’s a lose-lose deal.

This pattern has been repeated in various parts of the world since 1990.

Iraq in 1990-91

In 1990, President George H. W. Bush was upset because this Bedouin named Saddam Hussein in Mesopotamia was misbehaving. It just happened to be around election time, Bush’s poll numbers were sagging, and — what do you know? — “President Bush pressed his verbal war on Saddam Hussein today, suggesting the Iraqi president had surpassed Adolf Hitler in brutality and pledging to ‘see his aggression turned back.’” Worse than Hitler! That made some Jews unhappy, but to sell that falsehood to the American people, a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl known at the time only by her first name, Nayirah, falsely testified before Congress that she had seen Iraqi soldiers remove babies from incubators in a Kuwaiti hospital and leave them to die. This was bad, but not quite so bad as beheading Jewish babies in Israel. Nayirah later turned out to be the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the US, and her testimony was concocted by an American public relations firm. Saddam’s 1990 invasion of Kuwait was pushed back by an American-led coalition that made President Bush wildly, but temporarily, popular.

How, then, did the Iraqi people fare after the worse-than-Hitler guy’s aggression was repelled? Iraq was put under some of the most severe sanctions in modern history. It was estimated that 500,000 Iraqi children died from malnutrition and disease. But it “was worth it,” then-US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told CBS News in 1996, in order to keep Saddam from using those weapons of mass destruction it turned out he never had. It was frequently noted that this Jewish woman for whom half a million dead Iraqi kids was no big deal had had to flee with her family from Czechoslovakia as a child because of “that guy” who keeps coming back. American soldiers always end up having to go get rid of him.

On the other side of the world, how did the American people fare with the Bush family’s first go at the Middle Eastern Hitler? It was a huge step in destabilizing the region, as we have seen ever since. All the subsequent wars, terrorism, interventions, operations, and so on wasted trillions of dollars and American lives. It also led to Bush II and the ratcheting up of the surveillance state.

The Balkans in the 1990s

With the Arab Hitler on the sidelines waiting for re-demonization by Bush II, in 1999 a Serbian Hitler made his appearance: Slobodan Milošević. What kind of Hitler was he? Bush I’s was “worse than Hitler.” But for then-Vice President, Al Gore, a recognized and celebrated expert on Hitler taxonomies, Milošević was a “junior-league Hitler type.” It must have pained Slobodan to think he might be only an inferior imitation of the original.

You can buy Stephen Paul Foster’s new novel When Harry Met Sally here.

“Junior-league,” however, was good enough for President Clinton, who was looking for the best way to turn a civil war in a multi-ethnic region into a “humanitarian catastrophe” requiring massive international military intervention, as well as a new purpose for the post-Cold War NATO. And thus we saw the formula that generates popular support, virtue-signaling Congressmen, and profits for Pentagon contractors: atrocities + new “Hitler” + indifference → Holocaust Redux. Since the latter is unthinkable, anyone not on board with the rescue mission is a moral cretin.

The Serbs would be the new Nazis, and Milošević, who had tried to protect Serb minorities in the breakaway republics, was converted into a monster. Inflated “atrocity” language mounted, and “genocide” (Völkermord) and the “Holocaust” quickly came to dominate the press coverage. Instead of a regional conflict with many ethnic, culturally diverse antagonists losing control of their extremists, who then gave way to occasional sprees of violence and killing, media organs in the West served up a replay of the Second World War, claiming that “Nazi-style extermination” underway. This time it was a Serbian diabolical master-planer guided by a “master race,” “Lebensraum” ideology. Milošević as Hitler was the perfect cover story to justify the use of military force where no country outside of the conflict zone was being threatened.

In 2000 the scourge of Iraqi children, Clinton’s Secretary of State, and the President himself set Milošević up to be the arch-villain in the Kosovo conflict, and the Western media played their assigned role. The Americans backed the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), and the Muslim majority there was the designated “victim” needing US protection. Albright was photographed giving a hug and a kiss to the KLA’s leader, Hashim Thaci. Known by his colleagues as “the snake,” Thaci came with an impressive resume as a drug-trafficking terrorist thug. He’d recently been on Interpol and the FBI’s watch lists for organized crime. Now forgiven, he suddenly became a highly-favored client of the CIA.

After Milošević refused Albright’s ultimatum, NATO launched “Operation Noble Anvil,” a massive bombing campaign that included cluster bombs, which typically inflict heavy casualties on civilian populations. The campaign, reminiscent of the Allies’ mass bombing of civilians during the Second World War, lasted 78 days. The Americans bombed the Chinese embassy in Belgrade — “mistakenly,” they said, killing three Chinese journalists. CIA Director George Tenet, “took full responsibility” for the diplomatic fiasco. Tenet, head of the world’s top intelligence agency, then testified before a House Committee and admitted that the CIA did not have the up-to-date address for the Chinese embassy. Imagine that you are bombing the bejesus out of a foreign capital — for humanitarian purposes only — and you lose track of probably the single most important building you should not touch.

During a Meet the Press interview, Jewish Senator Joseph Lieberman, shilling for the American Albanian lobby during the bombing, described the bombing campaign’s “humanitarian” purpose, which sounds like an Israeli Defense Minister talking about getting rid of Hamas:

I hope the air campaign, even if it does not convince Milošević to order his troops out of Kosovo, will devastate his economy, which it’s doing now, [and] so ruin the lives of his people, [so] that they will rise up and throw him out.

Milošević was overthrown in a coup in 2000 and extradited to the Hague, where he was tried as a war criminal. The original Nuremburg trial took a mere ten months to dispose of 22 top Nazis. Milošević’s trial was the longest criminal trial in history. It began in 2002 and dragged on until 2006, and was never finished because he died from a lack of medical attention before a verdict was reached. An embarrassingly botched show trial, it was rigged from the beginning to produce a “guilty” verdict. When the “good guys” bomb a civilian population to smithereens, “removing Hitler” makes it all right.

Once again, for all the slaughter, destruction, and expenditure, the American people got nothing from this but a world worse off than before the “humanitarian” expedition. Although of course the Clinton duo got the adulation they are always on the hunt for.

Some years later, the grateful KLA mafia, now ruling Kosovo, erected an 11-foot-tall, 2,000-pound bronze statue on a pedestal of their patron, Bill Clinton. It can be found on Bill Clinton Avenue in the center of Pristina. A few yards away, a women’s clothing store called “Hillary” added a fashion touch; she probably demanded a commission. For gauche, no one surpasses the Clintons. Vainglorious and insanely egotistical, Bill and Hill were still doing what they were always best at: self-promotion, making their mark, and pissing on the fire hydrants from Little Rock to Washington, DC and all the way to Kosovo: plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.

Ukraine vs. Russia, 2014 to the present

In recent years, Russian President Vladimir Putin stepped up to fill Adolf Hitler’s jackboots. At least that’s the view of ex-comedian and current Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky: Putin is “a second Hitler.” This view was nourished by the mainstream media and embraced by the ruling class with all the usual Hitler imagery and tropes: Putin’s Russia rose like Hitler’s Germany — and could end the same way. Without a declaration of war by Congress, this turned on the spigot for hundreds of millions of dollars to flow to the Winston Churchill of Ukraine in order to defeat the Kremlin’s Hitler and put him in the dock, Nuremburg style, as a war criminal. What exactly the American people got out of this massive handout other than feeling good about promoting freedom and democracy in a place they never much cared about and which is reputed for its widespread corruption was never explained.

As of this writing, Zelensky appears less Churchillian and Putin doesn’t seem worried. Besides, Hamas is now the horror show that’s getting top billing — Zelensky is looking like the panhandler with the “will work for food” sign on the street corner — and once again it’s “final solution” angst: Jewish victims, a renovated Hitler, and Americans pitching in with whatever it takes to help the Jews exact their revenge: see “President Joe Biden arrived in Israel Wednesday pledging unwavering US support for Israel.”


The pattern is always the same. We get less than nothing when it’s done. There is no one to root for in the current mess in the Middle East. But if Israel comes out of this looking increasingly like a gang of war criminals and perpetrators of genocide, then their moral superiority shrivels and, as Travis LeBlanc has argued, Jews will lose their immunity from criticism, and their victimhood extortion racket will fall apart. That would be something to cheer about.

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