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Media now pushing comically bizarre COVID-monkey-AIDS-pox disease as latest threat to society

15-8-2024 < Natural News 29 663 words

Media now pushing comically bizarre COVID-monkey-AIDS-pox disease as latest threat to society

A man from Italy is believed to be the first patient in the world to be diagnosed with a four-in-one mutant disease the media is calling COVID-Monkey-AIDS-Pox.

Prior to this, it was not believed that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) could coexist with monkeypox in the same host. They are now saying it can, probably to scare the world into fearing another "pandemic."

The man reportedly tested positive for COVID after returning from a trip to Spain. When he went to the hospital to treat a rash, the man found out that he is also suffering from monkeypox.

As treatment, the man was given a combination antiretroviral treatment that he will have to take for the rest of his life due to also having HIV – watch the news clip below:

(Related: Did you know that monkeypox is a gay disease spread through homosexual activity, not normal skin contact?)

They just won't stop with the viruses

You can probably tell that some very powerful people are desperate to strike fear into the general public about another COVID-like disease threat. They tried monkeypox, then bird flu, then monkeypox again, and now this four-in-one mutant virus – what will it be next?

"Sir, we have bad news: your cancer got AIDS and was infected by monkeypox," someone on X joked about how ridiculous this all sounds. "The only way to treat this is by changing your gender."

Chances are if enough people get sick with strange mutant diseases like this, they will cart out another "vaccine" at warp speed to "treat" everyone as quickly as possible.

"When they start pushing a monkeypox vaccine and mandates requiring everyone to wear masks, don't forget how it started," wrote another.

The World Health Organization (WHO) claims that monkeypox cases are rising to the point that a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) was declared this week, this being the highest level of alarm under international health law.

WHO General-Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called a meeting last week to discuss a possible PHEIC declaration. Less than a week later, a PHEIC was declared.

"The Emergency Committee's advice to me, and that of the [Africa CDC], which yesterday declared a public health emergency of regional security, are aligned," Tedros said in a post on X.

The claim is that many different strains of monkeypox are circulating across Africa right now, including in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda.

"In addition to other outbreaks of other clades of mpox in other parts of Africa, it's clear that a coordinated international response is essential to stop these outbreaks and save lives," Tedros added ominously.

As many have been saying, monkeypox is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that primarily occurs in homosexuals. A version of it called clade 1b is transferred "mainly through sexual networks," the WHO admitted at last week's meeting.

"Stopping these outbreaks will require a tailored and comprehensive response, with communities at the centre, as always," Tedros said.

The WHO says it is providing special "machines" to African countries to analyze blood samples infected with monkeypox. The United Nations (UN) agency is also working with laboratories "to sequence viral samples," Tedros said.

Then there is all the money the WHO is dumping into the project. Upwards of $15 million will be spent on "surveillance, preparedness, and response activities" to the alleged monkeypox crisis.

"Monkeycovaids – I can't wait for the vaccine," joked someone on X.

They're just making everything up at this point. Find out more at

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