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Are Pro-Whites Now a Constituency?

24-10-2023 < Counter Currents 31 1636 words

Con Inc. front man Charlie Kirk.

1,237 words

One of the more interesting aspects of the ongoing Israel-Palestine controversy is how both sides of the debate seem to be courting pro-whites. They both seem keen to make the case that they represent the more pro-white position.

From the pro-Palestinian side, the argument is that Jews are the eternal blood enemy of the white race, and that what is bad for Israel is bad for Jews and what is bad for Jews is good for pro-whites. From the pro-Israel side, the argument is that the pro-Palestinian movement is steeped in the same settler-colonial narratives that were invented to denigrate whites, and thus if you support the Palestinians, you are giving legitimacy to narratives which are intrinsically anti-white.

For examples of the latter, we’re going to look at some tweets from Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk is the best barometer of where the winds are blowing in the conservative movement because there is no disputing whether or not he represents Con Inc. We use the term “Con Inc.” a lot, but honestly, it can sometimes be difficult to determine who is and who is not “Con Inc.” Is Tucket Carlson part of Con Inc.? What about Ann Coulter? Was Rush Limbaugh? In some ways yes, but in other ways no. There are some grey areas. But with Charlie Kirk, there is no ambiguity. He is undeniably Con Inc. through and through, and so when it comes to reading the conservative tea leaves, Charlie Kirk is the best test case.

Kirk recently tweeted about billionaire Marc Rowan, who, after pro-Palestinian protests broke out across college campuses across the country, began appealing to other rich fat cats to stop donating money to universities on the grounds that they are full of “anti-white, anti-Semitic lunatics.”

Thus, they are trying to connect anti-Semitism to anti-whiteness. I’m getting déjà vu. For many decades, the official narrative about the Holocaust was that six million Jews had died in it, as well as four million non-Jews. Those figures were on the official Auschwitz Museum website, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s website, and the Ant-Defamation League’s website. It was accepted as a fact far and wide in many “official sources.” Then, in January 2017, only a few days after Donald Trump took office, the White House issued an official statement for International Holocaust Remembrance Day which did not mention Jews at all. The Jews and their supporters flipped out and cried “anti-Semitism.” The Trump administration defended the statement by saying that Jews were not the only people who died in the Holocaust. After all, four million non-Jews perished as well. You see, the Trump administration was trying to give an “inclusive” Holocaust speech.

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It was then that, after having allowed the lie to persist for decades, many official Jews and mainstream Holocaust experts came out of the woodwork to say that “the whole ‘four million non-Jews’ thing never happened.” It turns out that Simon Wiesenthal was afraid that if people thought the Holocaust was just a story about Jewish suffering that gentiles wouldn’t care, so he made up the other number so that gentiles could feel involved in the story.

We are now seeing a similar phenomenon with this Israel-Palestine brouhaha. Some of the smarter Zionists understand that if the conflict is only about dead Jews, many gentiles won’t care, so they have to depict the Palestinians as anti-white in order to give the goyim some connection to their story. This is one of the reasons that the Zionists are playing up the 30 “Americans” who also allegedly died in the recent Hamas attacks. Thus, even if the gentiles don’t care about dead Jews, surely the killing of “Americans” should get their Irish up!

I’m not going to get into the relative merits of each side’s position, as I’ve already done that in a previous article. I’m simply analyzing their propaganda. It feels nice to be courted for once. Con Inc. is actually appealing to white people as white people. Kirk is not explicitly saying, “Hey, white people, you should support Israel!” But if he is saying “The other side is anti-white!”, then for all intents and purposes that is an appeal to white people. This is something we have striven for. We have longed for the day when the GOP would start making direct appeals to white people rather than “hardworking Americans,” and now they are doing it. Sure, they are doing it cynically and for ends that I do not agree with, but Overton window-wise, this is a big step forward.

But the surprises don’t stop there. Yesterday, Charlie Kirk posted a tweet that was mildly critical of Israel. Yes, you read that right: Charlie Kirk criticized Israel. Israel destroyed part of the 863-year-old Church of Saint Porphyrius in Gaza in an air strike during their ongoing assault. A number of Palestinians who had been sheltering there were killed, including several members of former Michigan GOP Congressman Justin Amash’s relatives. Kirk’s lengthy tweet criticizes Israel for being less than forthcoming with the details about the strike and notes people’s lack of outrage as compared to what was expressed when people believed that Hamas had blown up the church in an earlier false story:

An hour later, Jack Posobiec, another Con Inc. operative, entered the fray and expressed similar concerns over the church bombing:

A few hours after that, Israeli Defense Forces spokesman Jonathan Conricus responded to Charlie Kirk’s tweet:

Is Charlie Kirk waking up? Are we watching him red-pill in real time? Or is this all political theater? A Jewdi mind trick?  I remain skeptical.

For one, a lot of this seems too perfect. Charlie Kirk is doing exactly what I would tell him to do if I were advising the Zionists. Say that one day I decided to turn traitor and start working for the Jews, and they asked me, “Hey, Trav, how do we get these pro-whites to start supporting Israel?” My response would be, “First of all, you have to make it less obvious that you are a paid shill. No one is perfect, so if you say that Jews never do anything wrong, people will see through that and think they you’re a shill. So maybe you should put out some mild criticisms of Israel to at least give the appearance of objectivity and good faith. It would do a lot for your credibility.”

I still don’t trust Charlie Kirk, but from a propaganda perspective, what he is doing is smart. It is known that Charlie Kirk is friends with Mike Benz, formerly known as Frame Game Radio, who is deeply knowledgeable of the dissident Right. I have to wonder if perhaps Mike Benz is advising Kirk, because that play is too smart for Kirk to have thought up himself.

These recent events have made me wonder if “pro-whites” have become a legitimate political constituency. Are we now another demographic that politicians must win over, just like soccer moms and small business owners? Sort of. As a voting bloc, our numbers are too small to matter all that much in an election. But the Israel-Palestine conflict is a propaganda war, and the dissident Right is significant as a propaganda machine capable setting trends. I doubt we’ll be pandered to all that much come election time, but in explosive propaganda wars such as we are seeing now, the dissident Right has become something worth pandering to.

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