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The Racism of Half-Whites

14-8-2024 < Attack the System 26 1719 words

A jerk by any other race is still a jerk

Except she’s not…

Most people think I am white. It has been this way all my life. I am actually half-asian and half-white. I was adopted by white parents at ten days old, so perhaps I have the vibe of being raised by a white person. It’s very strange being half-asian raised, for all intents and purposes, as a white girl. I loved tofu from the first time I tried it at age fourteen back in the 1980s, when it was not easy to find in the local grocery store. The diet I eat tends to veer heavily towards asian foods. I buy Calrose rice in 20 pound bags. I drink tea, including green tea, like someone who was born in China, Korea, or Japan: without sugar.

I used to resent the fact almost nobody could pin me as even half-asian… that was before I learned to lean into it. About a year ago, I decided to create a TikTok account dedicated to covering the kind of basic occult knowledge that used to only be found in exclusive, faraway bookstores back in the day. I dubbed myself the White Witch of the Prairie, a nod to the majority that presumes I am of exclusively European genetic makeup.

Neither and both, both and neither

The trouble with being half is you end up being both races and neither/nor. I was always too white to be considered an asian person and too asian to be considered a white person. Our culture has a weird fetish for half-breeds (I also use the term halfsie) that pops up in cheesy sci-fi dramas. Halfsie characters like Blade and the Lycan-Vampire hybrids of Underworld are all too common as cinematic tropes. There’s something special about halfsies, so they say, or at least there used to be. I was one of three half-Japanese children in my elementary school — the other two were sisters who, unlike me, had a Japanese mom and white dad who did not abandon them at birth. You can imagine how this made me feel. I was lucky to have loving parents but I was always cut off from Japanese culture. It is a part of my psyche that was forcibly amputated. By the time I was in high school, half-breeds were everywhere. Nowadays, half-breeds are so common, if I go into any random public space, almost everyone in it is some kind of mutt. It is far more rare to have a single-origin background: you purebloods are the human equivalent of standard poodles and Korat cats.

In 1973, Cher came out with a song called Half-Breed.

My father married a pure Cherokee
My mother’s people were ashamed of me
The Indians said that I was white by law
The white man always called me “Indian Squaw”

Half-breed, that’s all I ever heard
Half-breed, how I learned to hate the word
Half-breed, ‘she’s no good,’ they warned
Both sides were against me since the day I was born…

Cher is half-Armenian and lacks a single native American ancestor.

In the same year, a half-Mexican, half-white woman calling herself Sacheen Littlefeather claimed to be half native American.  Littlefeather, whose government name was Maria Louise Cruz, declined Marlon Brando’s Academy Award for The Godfather on his behalf.  She used the allotted time to deliver a cringeworthy speech ostensibly to draw attention to native American causes, having been put up to the publicity stunt by Brando himself, who skipped the ceremony.  Liza Black, an associate professor of history and Native American and Indigenous studies at Indiana University and a citizen of the Cherokee nation said “Littlefeather was a troubled woman who made the stories of others her own.”

Going back in time a little, who could forget halfsie Nancy Kwan as title role in The World of Suzie Wong?  Because of course the asian lady had to be made of sex, and the role could not possibly go to a woman who was entirely Chinese.  Kwan claimed not to have experienced racism during her long career of being repeatedly typecast as a submissive asian sex bomb… bless her heart.   Kwan was one who denied racism existed, and it seems like a sound enough psychological strategy in its own twisted way.  Was she just being stupid or was she playing 4D chess?  We will never get an answer.

New cringe overtakes old 

Kwan’s complete denial of racism in general was far more sufferable than the halfsies of the current millennium, who use their non-white side as a bludgeoning rod.  Barack Obama, who is exactly as black as I am asian, has made a career of having his blackness shoved down our throats.  In his own words, Obama barely knew his black African father, who committed an act of bigamy with Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother.  Barack Obama Sr. left his wife, Kezia, pregnant with their second child when he impregnated Obama’s mother.  In short, the guy got around.  It hardly mattered; she asked him for a divorce when Barack Jr. was three and he did not contest it.  Obama’s mother frequently delegated little Barack’s care to her own white parents.  She then remarried and began creating Obama’s halfsie siblings with the Indonesian man who would become Obama’s stepfather.  Some of his youth was spent in Indonesia with the newly growing family, but he was later sent back to Hawaiian boarding school.  All in all, it isn’t exactly a saga of racial oppression, now is it?  Obama’s lack of qualifications for the Oppression Olympics (that having been President of the United States thing is highly inconvenient when you want to claim oppression) has not stopped him from producing a post-Apocalyptic Netflix film called Leave the World Behind that features whites persecuting blacks as its leitmotif.  I wonder if his chef felt persecuted?

Amandla and the nutcracker unsweet

Speaking of human caricatures, Leslye Headland’s lesbian casting couch has been full of race-baiters and Oppression Olympians.  The literally blockheaded former Weinstein lackey has collected a bevy of starlets, all of whom are likely full of bitter regrets right about now.  You would also be sad if you slept with someone who resembled an overgrown Christmas nutcracker and not because you really wanted to out of curiosity.  Disney finally pulled enough stunts to become seriously uncool, and it is doubtful that its stockholders Blackrock and Vanguard can save it.  In 2023, Halle Bailey (who is completely black as far as we know) pitched a racist hissy fit in an attempt to cancel Argentinian interviewer Patricio Borghetti.  Borghetti said “None of us who were in that room yesterday were seeing the color of your skin” to Bailey, who quickly tore him a new one by screaming MICROAGGRESSION.  The cuck media quickly fell into line behind Bailey, who in true Emperor Has No Clothes fashion continued down the garden path of her own arrogant self-righteousness.

Half-Mexican actress Rachel Ziegler followed suit and used her Snow Brownness as a battering ram, initially crying racism after her own trashing of the Snow White project sunk the ship and got her fired from the planned sequels.

Amandla Stenberg’s ancestors were Vikings on her rich daddy’s side, yet that did not stop her from creating one of the most unintentionally funny anti-white racist music videos ever made.  In three minutes and thirty nine seconds, she teleported her entire acting career into the outer reaches of the Andromeda system without a spacesuit.  Though there’s no accounting for bad taste, waking up next to the Igor to Harvey Weinstein’s Dr. Frankenstein hardly seems worth the price of admission.

The final boss of racist half-whites is Megan Markle, wife of Prince Harry.  Megan has been hammering us with her supreme blackness since forever ago, claiming mysterious racist mutterings against her son, Archie, with zero receipts.  She claims to have been excommunicated from the royal family because of her race and not because her ego is the size of all of the former British colonies combined.

You know I love to talk about the root of the matter and in all of the cases above, we are looking at extremely rich, privileged people who never had to work a day in their lives and probably never will.  It is not that anyone has ever thrown shame at these half-whites (and black Halle Bailey) that they could not handle but the fact they are ashamed of all sides of their ancestry.  Just as Dylan Mulvaney mocks femininity because he hates himself and women in general, halfsies caricature their non-white halves because they know they will never fit in with its “pureblood” members.  They try to out-black the blacks and out-asian the asians.  What you hate, you imitate.  They also hate whitey because it is socially acceptable and easy and they have indulgent parents.  For now, hating whitey is de rigueur, though I sense it won’t be quite as acceptable in a decade.

At the core of every one of the above egomaniacs is a terrified little worm who knows that someday he or she will be exposed for being a garbage individual who spent no time doing the work of the self.  If you know yourself to be a terrible person but cannot consciously deal with it, you will throw out a straw man in order to hide your weaknesses.  Race is their strong man.

I delete comments with swears stronger than “bitch” because I am one. Thank you for keeping it clean.
