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Fauci says threats from 'extreme radical right' justify his taxpayer-funded chauffeur and security detail

18-10-2023 < Blacklisted News 36 445 words

Every time Anthony Fauci leaves home, he is driven by a publicly funded chauffeur and escorted by a fully staffed U.S. Marshals taxpayer-funded security detail. Despite claiming that he is retired from government work, the exorbitant costs of his lifestyle are paid for by the American taxpayer, through a secretive arrangement that has yet to be publicized. In a new interview, Fauci said the costs are necessary and justified because of threats he has received from the “extreme radical right.”

Fauci’s taxpayer-funded detail is estimated to cost the American taxpayer around $1 million dollars per month, according to comparable previous security details. The “retired” National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) chief reportedly remains on staff via a no show job at the NIH, so that he can receive his U.S. Marshals security detail without paying for it himself.

“I am the extreme because I am a big big target of the extreme radical right in this country,” Fauci told Newshub, in justifying his welfare support, despite being worth 8 figures.

“I get so many threats. Some of them are credible threats of violence … that I have to be walking around with federal marshals protecting me, which is completely crazy,” he added.

“You can have your own opinion about a given fact and how to interpret it,” Fauci elaborated, “but you’re not entitled to your own set of facts.”

The Trump and Biden Covid response head honcho now spends much of his time traveling around the country for paid speaking events, and events in which he is honored with a plethora of awards. He also has multiple professorships at Georgetown University, but does not have any obligations there, and does not teach any classes.

Concluding the interview, Fauci told Newshub, a Warner Bros. Discovery-owned outlet, that he is worried about the spread of “disinformation” on the internet.

"I don't want to make it seem so melodramatic, but it seems to erode the foundations of democracy because if you can't believe the truth," he said.

"If you look back historically on how governments have failed and tyrannies ever have risen, it's when people essentially take control over information, a lot of which is untrue. That's a very scary situation,” he added.

Yes, the man who oversaw, encouraged, and even demanded the fastest roll up of power in U.S. history is worried about the rise of tyranny.
