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The Counter-Currents 2023 Fundraiser: Support Whites Who Fight Back!

6-10-2023 < Counter Currents 25 1271 words

Los Angeles, April 30, 1992

1,189 words

Like all journals of dissident ideas, Counter-Currents depends on the support of our readers. So far this year, we’ve raised $103,876.48, or 34.63% of our $300,000 goal. I want to thank everyone who has donated so far. (Please donate here!) And now, Peter Bradley offers a few words on why he wishes he’d had Counter-Currents 30 years ago, when he was first developing an awareness of racial issues.

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I came to racial consciousness all by myself as a college student in the early 1990s. One incident particularly stands out as significant when I look back on those days.

My mostly white university had a rally of sorts during the 1992 Los Angeles riots. White professors and students nodded their heads sagely as black race activists moaned about how oppressed they were and that their patience was at an end. But the black rioters beating and killing whites certainly didn’t seem oppressed. The whites who were being beaten and killed seemed more oppressed to me. There were, of course, some grumbled complaints from white students at my university about double standards in regard to the rally and the racial situation in general. “Imagine if the races were reversed” has a long pedigree and worked about as well 30 years ago as it does today. But outside of these private comments, there was absolutely no pushback from whites.

Why didn’t whites fight back? This was during the militia scare, when the media constantly told us that armed and dangerous Right-wing extremists were training in the woods to attack minorities and threaten the American way of life. So, why didn’t these militias pop up to defend whites in Los Angeles and other cities if they were so powerful? If the militias really did exist, they remained in the woods.

I was a mostly non-political young man looking for answers. Even then, I knew Republicans were hopeless. But what about conservatives? National Review and Rush Limbaugh were the only conservatives I knew about. While they criticized the riots and burgeoning political correctness, they would never point out that these things were anti-white. The Leftists who controlled everything could be anti-free market, anti-business, or even anti-American. But they were never anti-white according to conservatives.

I knew I wasn’t crazy, but I also knew that I was all but alone is seeing that America was simply anti-white. And the few who did see it would not fight back.

Then something fortunate happened. My local newspaper stated carrying a column by a new writer named Samuel Francis. His columns hit differently than the boilerplate from Cal Thomas or Tony Snow. While all the other conservative columnists wrote about taxes, term limits, defense spending, and prospects for Republicans in the next election, Sam wrote about anti-whiteness. I often read his columns two or three times in one sitting and wondered how long they would let him publish the truth.

In late 1992 or early 1993, Sam devoted a whole column to a new book called Paved with Good Intentions by Jared Taylor. I went to the mall the next day and was pleased to see they had the book in stock. Maybe I wasn’t all alone?

But this was the pre-Internet days, and it was a few years before I found out that Jared Taylor published a monthly newsletter called American Renaissance that was even more explicit than his book about the racial realities I was seeing. A few years after that I discovered Instauration, a newsletter that was yet more blunt about the racial situation in the United States and around the world.

I often think about how I would have benefitted from reading Instauration and American Renaissance when I first noticed what whites were up against. I thought I was all alone, yet there were thousands of people like me who saw racial reality and wanted to fight it rather than ignore it or submit to it.

Why Counter-Currents?

Fortunately, we now can access the truth via the Internet. White kids navigating an anti-white world can find a community of like-minded people with a few clicks. And more and more are finding us, if recent web traffic is any indication. Counter-Currents has been banned by Twitter and other social media giants, yet gets as much or more traffic than many establishment and Conservative Inc. websites.

It is vital that we keep reaching new people coming face-to-face with race. They need to know there are numerous philosophers, artists, and writers they have never heard of who speak to the problems whites face today. And as whites seem to finally be starting to fight back as a group, it is critical we do not get stuck in race-blind conservatism. I applaud Christopher Rufo, Heather MacDonald, Charlie Kirk, Matt Walsh, Richard Hanania, and others for speaking out against the civil rights laws and race communism pushed by the regime. I never expected anyone but open white advocates to push back in this way. But these mainstream figures seem to be getting more radicalized and groping closer and closer to the truth about anti-whiteness. Judging from their book sales and podcast audiences, so are normal whites. Who is going to keep guiding these white normies to racial consciousness?

Counter-Currents is at the forefront of pushing the truth about our racial situation — much as Wilmot Robertson was during the 1970s and ‘80s with Instauration. But even with social media censorship, we can reach a much bigger audience than Instauration ever could. With new articles, books, conferences, podcasts, videos, and even a new research institute, Counter- Currents is fighting back every day on multiple fronts. They are the organization that I needed as a young college student 30 years ago. And they are the organization that will galvanize a reaction among whites as our dispossession becomes more undeniable and untenable.

The good news is that whites are finally fighting back. Perhaps not as hard or as rapidly as we would like, but certainly more so than at any point in my lifetime. Another bit of good news is that Counter-Currents has already done a lot with just a shoestring budget.

If Counter-Currents had half the budget of the Heritage Foundation or some other worthless Conservative Inc. think tank, we would be on our way to victory. We don’t, but every dollar you give brings us closer to our goal. The Left and the anti-whites are not going to give up easily. They sense we are awakened and that normal white people are tired of living in an anti-white nation where our kids have no future. Our people are looking for a way to fight back. When you give even a small amount to Counter-Currents, it all goes to fighting back!

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There are many ways to help, but the easiest is with an e-check donation. All you need is your checkbook.

You can explore all your donation options on our newly-redesigned Donate page.

Also, check out our Paywall page!

For a preview of events in the coming year, check out our birthday page.

Remember: Those who fight for a better world live in it today.

Thank you again for your loyal readership and generous support.

Greg Johnson
