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Having It All: America Reaps the Benefits of Feminism

22-9-2023 < Counter Currents 30 2261 words

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At least all publicity is good publicity — or is it?

Speaking of tarnished reputations, Townhall featured a story recently, “Dem Candidate Is Livid GOP Discovered Her Chaturbate Channel.” It turns out that Susanna Gibson, who is running for the Virginia House of Delegates, was found out to be a part-time cam girl who goes by “hotwifeexperience.” The screen name suggests an infidelity kink, and true to form, this comes out in some of her chats:

“Yeah, I f**k random strangers if you’re hot,” Gibson allegedly bragged. “I just want a private room with somebody filming their c**k so I can c*m looking at it, Jesus Christ,” the Chaturbate star said. “Oh God, I want to f**king get railroaded by all of you.”

If she keeps up her side gig as a cam girl, she could stand to improve her monologue skills. The story documents some of her other online sessions. They often included a lot of begging for Chaturbate tokens, the website’s virtual currency. For example:

“Y’all can watch me pee if you tip me and some tokens. Again, I’m raising money for a good cause,” Gibson stated. “Y’all I need more tips . . . They want anal and missionary, but I’m only doing it if they’re in a private room,” she explained, adding: “Racking up one token left and right, any more?”

The missionary position? What is this world coming to? zOMG! More seriously, after being outed by the Washington Post, the candidate was full of righteous indignation, characterizing the exposure as revenge porn:

“It won’t intimidate me and it won’t silence me,” Gibson responded, calling the circulation and exposure of the publicly posted material “a sex crime,” “the worst gutter politics,” and “an illegal invasion of my privacy designed to humiliate me and my family.”

So let me get this straight: broadcasting obscene, livestreamed videos over the Internet is okie dokie, but bringing this to the public’s attention is a sex crime and an invasion of privacy? Oh, come on! Normally, what a husband and wife do in their own bedroom behind closed doors with the curtains shut should reasonably fall under the right to privacy. But if they turn on the webcam and broadcast it to the world, then they’re voluntarily abrogating this privacy. It’s therefore a little silly to play the victim.

This is especially so since they were making money from it. Welcome to being a porn star! Moreover, since they were doing regular cam shows while running for office and apparently not disguising themselves, it’s hardly surprising that a local coomer put two and two together. Unfortunately, they didn’t figure that there’s a decent — or is it indecent? — chance that these activities would’ve been eventually discovered:

Gibson’s attorney Daniel P. Watkins, a prominent libel-and-slander lawyer specializing in high-stakes defamation cases and “reputation counseling,” told the outlet that his client was not aware of — nor had she authorized — the posting of her Chaturbate content on other third-party porn sites, asserting that the publicly available archived videos somehow violates Virginia’s revenge-porn law § 18.2-386.2, which makes it illegal to “maliciously” disseminate photographic and/or videographic sexual depictions of another person in “a state of nudity” with the “intent to coerce, harass, or intimidate.”

You can buy Greg Hood’s Waking Up From the American Dream here.

This reasoning seems a bit dodgy to me. Since cam girls purposefully do what they do, where’s the malice? I’ve never been to Chaturbate, but I bet dollars to baklava that their user agreement explicitly states that “content creators” grant intellectual property rights to the website to put videos of their activities online. That’s exactly what e‑THOTs are there to do, now isn’t it?

That said, I’d be more understanding if this were about stolen amateur clips never intended for public distribution. I also would give her a break if being a cam girl was a youthful indiscretion that surfaced and came back to haunt her years later. So she made a mistake, which isn’t so remarkable given human fallibility, but a would-be elected official really needs to keep things squeaky clean. For anyone who wishes to run for office, that’s certainly something to bear in mind!

Politicians and “sex workers” aren’t so different, are they? The former porn star Cicciolina got elected to Italy’s Chamber of Deputies, proving that a colorful past isn’t necessarily a deal-breaker. I understand that some of the flicks she was in were pretty far out. Italian politicians haven’t been up to that stuff since the Roman Empire’s decadent days. Compared to that, Susanna Gibson’s urinary vids and back-door specials on Chaturbate can’t be all that remarkable. For that matter, compared to Silvio Berluscone she seems like Little Bo Peep.

It also occurred to me that rather than hiring damage control consultants, or getting offended because her side job of exposing herself was exposed, she could just own it and turn lemons into lemonade. “Susanna Does Virginia” might be a little much as a campaign slogan, but “Sexiest Democrat Ever” could work, or maybe even “Hot Wife, Hotter Candidate.”

You realize what you signed up for, right?

Liberal studmuffin Justin Trudeau

Speaking of unusually attractive liberals, several media outlets chimed in regarding a TikTok user who is in search of a trad guy. One was the New York Post item “I’m a liberal — it’s hard to find masculine men to date who aren’t conservative.” She’s a bleach blonde with sharp features, and cute enough that she doesn’t look like a Leftist. Still, she’s having difficulty finding Mister Right:

“As a liberal woman, it is really hard to find a man who is willing to play the more traditional masculine role in the relationship in today’s day and age who is not a conservative,” said the TikToker with the username @Ms_Petch.

“A man who wants to pay on the first date; who wants to open your door; who has that want and desire to take care of you and provide — who is not a conservative.”

Just a word to the wise: When all those liberal dudes were told that women wanted equality, they actually believed it. I feel bad for them, especially the male feminist allies. They have no idea why @Ms_Petch and others like her are rejecting them. They’re doing what they were told, yet still get shot down. The blue-pilled dating advice they get is so bad that it’s almost like a malicious joke at their expense.

“And obviously as a liberal woman I do want to be respected for my independence. And I do want to have my own autonomy in the relationship and not be combined or confirmed to the traditional female homemaker, childbearing, role,” she said.

“I don’t want to compromise my morals and values just to find a man. But, am I asking to have my cake and eat it too?”

In a word: yes. Decide on whether you want to be spoiled or liberated, and stick to it.

To get past her predicament, she’ll have to adjust her expectations about what she wants from liberal guys. If not, she can start practicing the open-mindedness that her ideology claims to value. Why not? I’ve had girlfriends all over the ideological map. Romance and politics go together like ranch dressing and double-entry bookkeeping.

The ladyboy lecturer

Speaking of remarkable expectations, Dylan Mulvaney’s speaking fees went up. If you’ve been thinking of conducting a presentation at the office with this special guest star — America’s most notable ladyboy since Divine — you’ll have to fork over some serious swag now. If there are any takers, that might very well set a record for the costliest one-man drag show. According to a brief write-up by The Independent:

Dylan Mulvaney has come under scrutiny after allegations from the @LibsofTikTik Twitter account claiming the controversial influencer demanding $40,000 for speaking engagements on women empowerment at colleges in the US. Social media users also accused her agent, Crista Spadafore, of confirming the claims.

The Big D apparently made over $26K from a speech at the University of Pittsburgh. Sweet! Surely this must be pretty close to the top of the heap as far as lecturing goes, short of getting taken on by the Clinton Foundation. That’s more than twice as much as the $12K that Robin DiAngelo, the High Priestess of White Guilt, got from the University of Kentucky for a two-hour talk. And it’s even more than the $20K for a one-hour virtual presentation by Ibram X. Kendi, the much-celebrated “anti-racism” mogul. (Both of these Leftist mediocrities have been fêted and lauded for their sage wisdom about race relations, and granted professorships by AmeriKKKa’s racist establishment that they complain about incessantly.) I’m quite amused to see that these noxious guilt-peddlers have been upstaged by a 26-year-old ladyboy, one whose most noteworthy accomplishment is inadvertently being the catalyst for the Budweiser brand’s greatest tribulation since Prohibition. Go Dylan!

Months after the epic $26K haul, the young sage’s agent is upping the tab to $40K for future engagements. Yeah, I get it: Inflation is a bitch. (I just bought a pint of ice cream for $5.29 at the local Stop‑N‑Rob, for crying out loud. And you should’ve seen my grocery tab last month! Let’s go, Brandon!) More seriously, although the speaking fee seems just a smidge steep, on the other hand it’s hilarious. What a clever bastard to pull this off! Fools and their money are soon parted, right? So if there are liberal moonbats who want to fork over 40 grand to hearken unto the wisdom of a twinkle-toed fruitcake just four years out of college, whose 15 minutes of fame have gone into extended overtime, then by all means, fork over the moolah!

Dylan, I’m going to tell it to you straight: You’d better milk this racket for all it’s worth while the getting is good. One of these days, the bubble will burst for overpriced lecturers whose livelihood depends on pushing The Narrative. When that happens, the gravy dries up for good. If you invest the loot wisely, then at least you’ll have a soft landing before you have to get a real job. Life’s tough, yanno?

Again, The Big D’s greatest notability is in relation to the Bud Light fiasco, which severely wounded the long-standing Anheuser-Busch business empire. This in turn spearheaded a broader backlash against Woke Capital. This resulted from a bad decision by a marketing exec who didn’t realize that the virtue-signaling stunt would go over tremendously badly with their customers. It’s therefore not really Dylan’s fault for what happened, any more than the kid who played Anakin Skywalker in The Phantom Menace is responsible for the lousy screenplay that nearly made the Star Wars franchise jump the shark. The Bud Light sponsorship happened to be the straw that broke the camel’s back, and the rest is history.

Still, after being in the middle of that brouhaha, might there be some pearls of wisdom to impart to us? As it shows on the booking form, Dylan’s specialty is speaking about women’s empowerment. Good one! I couldn’t make this up even if I tried! Although a mallrat half Dylan’s age is a far better authority on what it is to be a woman, recall what I said about fools and their money.

There’s no indication that there have been any takers so far. If $40K turns out to be too pricey, I’ll generously make a bargain: For merely $20K, I’ll be happy to put my hair in pigtails, slap on some makeup, wear a dress, and deliver a pep talk about female empowerment. Deal?

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