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Fight For Our Future Today: An Exclusive Interview with The Golden One

21-8-2023 < Counter Currents 23 2273 words

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Marcus “The Golden One” Follin is a young star of the European New Right (see his previous appearances at Counter-Currents here). He has already published two books, written countless reviews, and is an entrepreneur, managing a line of clothing, nutrition, and other products through Legio Gloria. He is dedicated to the development of his body and spirit. Marcus encourages young nationalists to play sports and self-educate, live healthily, and to have a sense of style. He is all about young people becoming the best version of themselves, and thus setting an example for others. We need to be completely different than how the mainstream media depicts us, and we need to be able to promote that image of ourselves. We must not become easy targets for the media as mere caricatures of nationalism. This effort, according to Marcus, will bring results in our metapolitical struggle — which must begin with ourselves. We will change ourselves, and thus change society. Personally, I like this approach very much.

This well-known influencer suggests eight steps towards this goal:

  1. Dress well — appropriately for the occasion.

  2. Be fit and follow the ideal of “in a healthy body there is a healthy mind.”

  3. Speak well and in moderation.

  4. Reject the degeneracy of drug use, drunkenness, and pornography.

  5. Use the powerful weapon of humor.

  6. Set and enforce high standards.

  7. Maintain a high and uplifting culture.

  8. Network face-to-face, especially as the current epidemic of deplatforming raises the possibility that nationalists will no longer be able to rely on the Internet.

Ondrej Mann: Why is your name The Golden One? What’s the meaning of it? 

Marcus Follin: The Golden One is a title. The meaning is essentially “incorruptible.” I elaborate more on why I chose the title and how I strive to live up to the ideal contained within it in my upcoming book Demigod Mentality (September 2023). In short, I try to live my life in a way that is congruent with the title: I try to shine like a beacon of golden light in the darkness.

Can you name any successful examples of metapolitics in Sweden? 

We have a very strong and well-developed alternative media. This is perhaps the clearest example of our success. Another, more specific metapolitical success is that it is now more or less acceptable to discuss the problems of mass immigration. And the topic of remigration is being discussed more often; only a few years ago, this was completely taboo.

The United States is the birthplace of meme culture. Are there any specifically Swedish memes? 

I would not necessarily say that the US is the birthplace of meme culture. I would rather say that the Internet as a whole is its birthplace. However, since the US is the cultural center of gravity, I understand labelling it as such. Swedish memes are quite similar to the universal memes, with the difference that Swedish memes make more use of Swedish cultural and historical references.

What is the political situation in Sweden? How do you see its future?

We currently have a center-Right coalition government which includes the Sweden Democrats. Thus far the government has, alas, proven to be quite ineffective in implementing positive change.

Despite this, I am quite optimistic. People are waking up every day, and there is a lot of talent in Sweden. Add to this the fact that we have shifted the Overton window quite rapidly over the last decade.

Is there any nationalist opposition in Sweden? What Swedish nationalist projects do you admire the most? 

Definitely. Perhaps the most noticeable one is the alternative media. Moreover, some prominent members of the Sweden Democrats are likewise pushing the Overton window. Thus, even if I do not perhaps admire the party itself, I have to tip my hat to those members of the party who boldly speak their mind. Personally, I am a member of Det fria Sverige, which regularly hosts events and focuses on community-building.

I like your approach that calls for everyone to start with themselves. Work on yourself first. How did you discover that? Have you encountered this approach in other nationalist influencers, organizations, and so on? 

I understood the importance of these matters when I started training in the gym — how one positive change leads to another. And yes, most serious nationalists I have encountered, at least in my age group, have the same approach.

The way I got into nationalism was that I had to study a lot of things first, think a lot, check the facts, and then mature mentally. Then I became a nationalist. Did you have a similar experience? How did you take the red pill? I know a lot of people who have been nationalists since they were 13. I feel that these people have lost something of their youth through nationalism. 

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The White Nationalist Manifesto here

I have basically always been red-pilled, at least in terms of mass immigration and similar matters. Since I have always had an interest in history, I soon understood what a lie the idea of the multicultural paradise was. Then I became more engaged during my 20s, especially after 2015 and the migration crisis. At that stage, I knew I had to engage myself somehow.

Another lie that I detected at an early age was the lie of equality — i.e., that all humans are equal in worth. I am sure that I was not the only child who asked himself or herself how a doctor who works to save lives can have the same value as a criminal who makes life worse for others.

Have you experienced censorship, doxing, bullying, etc.? Is there any way to counteract them? 

I have been doxed since day one. This has meant that I have had to be ready for anything and everything for a long time. Training and being prepared help in regard to this. I have been subject to censorship as well, especially on Instagram and Facebook. I was shadow-banned on Twitter for several years until Elon Musk took over. The best way to deal with it is to try to reach out to an audience on a different platform. Telegram has been good in this regard.

Do you use any breathing exercises yourself? Are you familiar with the books of The Iceman, aka Wim Hof? 

Yes! I do Wim Hof breathing basically every day, and I read The Wim Hof Method a while back and can highly recommend it.

You are a very creative person. You’ve started a nationalist spiritual and fitness group, a clothing brand, a nutrition store, and written a book. What else will you surprise us with? 

Thank you! First and foremost, the training sessions I have hosted have not been in the context of an organized group, but rather about simply inviting supporters and friends to train together to create a good atmosphere.

As mentioned, I have a second book coming out soon. I have also began hosting smaller athletic competitions. My aim is to make these competitions bigger and better. The idea is to present a healthy and appealing aesthetic. Also, these events are always fun!

Do you read or listen to self-motivation books? What is your opinion of this kind of literature?

I have read a few of those and I definitely like the genre. Anything that is uplifting and encourages taking ownership of one’s life situation is good.

You write reviews of spiritual, historical, occult, and workout books. Do you occasionally read fiction, science fiction, horror, poetry, or other genres? 

You can buy Kerry Bolton’s Artists of the Right here.

Yes, I have read quite a bit of fiction in my time, primarily historical fiction and also some fantasy (Warhammer) and science fiction (Horus Heresy). As for poetry, I enjoy J. R. R. Tolkien’s work. In addition to the poetry found in The Lord of the Rings, I can recommend Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and The Fall of Arthur.

I have plenty of books on my to-read list — the works of H. P. Lovecraft, for example.

What kind of music do you listen to? Do you have a set list for when you exercise?

I have a Spotify playlist entitled The Golden One PWO of Metal and Glory. As the name suggests, the playlist mainly consists of metal, and the playlist is meant to be listened to prior to and during gym sessions. Otherwise, I am a fan of epic orchestral and classical music.

What is your relationship with Stephen Flowers, aka Edred Thorsson, and his books? I’ve read several of your reviews of his books. 

Glad to hear that you have read my reviews!

I do not have any personal relationship with him, but I am a great fan of his work. I have gained a deeper appreciation for Germanic religion, spirituality, and metaphysics thanks to him.

I saw you speak in Ukraine at the Plomin literary club’s Pact of Steel metapolitical conference. Do you have any interesting memories of Ukraine? Would it be possible to organize a literary club such as Plomin and a Right-wing squat such as Cossack House in Sweden?

I indeed have fond and interesting memories from Ukraine. Kiev is such a majestic and beautiful city — I am a pagan, but the churches there are truly spectacular.

We have similar events hosted by the aforementioned Det fria Sverige. The next event — Fria Ord, or Free Worlds — is in September.

 Is it possible to invite Marcus Follin to a metapolitical conference, an identitarian camp, or a sports camp? Do you like to travel the world? 

Yes. I have travelled quite a bit thanks to my metapolitical work, and am thankful for these opportunities. Since I am now a father of two, travelling is a bit harder, but I am still open to receiving invitations!

Travelling is nice, but only when there is a specific purpose for the journey. As already mentioned, I have always been interested in history, so destinations with historical sites are always alluring.

How do you design the motifs of your t-shirts and other clothing? What is the significance of your designs? Do you have your own vision, and give instructions to a particular artist? The motifs of your textiles — European mythology, white thinkers and warriors, and themes of honor, perseverance, and overcoming oneself — are very much in line with my own thinking. They’re a real artistic gem. This is how I see the future of European men’s dressing, apart from pure futuristic design. 

Yes, I communicate my visions to my artist — a Hungarian gentleman named Paszkal — and he makes a rough sketch to see if we are aligned, and then we take it from there.

My love for mythology comes in here, hence the designs with Norse and Greek themes. We also have some designs with Slavic and Celtic themes.

In terms of the clothing design — the cut, style, material, and so on — I make the measurements and decide upon the material and such myself. I also have a prototype for most garments made that I wear for a few months so that I can see if anything needs to be improved. If the prototype meets my satisfaction, I release the model as a garment. I believe the spirit of Hugo Boss has blessed me in my journey as a clothing designer.

And thank you, I’m glad you like them!

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