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Introducing the Homeland Institute

18-8-2023 < Counter Currents 26 1152 words

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I am pleased to announce the creation of a new public policy research institute, the Homeland Institute.

The idea of the Homeland Institute began forming in 2018 and 2019 when I read Roger Eatwell and Matthew Goodwin’s National Populism: The Revolt Against Liberal Democracy (Pelican, 2018) and Ashley Jardina’s White Identity Politics (Cambridge University Press, 2019).

Eatwell and Goodwin marshalled impressive empirical data to argue that the rise of National Populism (Brexit, Trump, etc.) was driven by longstanding, deep-seated social trends that have only intensified since their book was published. (See my talk “National Populism Is Here to Stay.“)

Jardina’s book cited social scientific polls indicating that significant numbers of white Americans have a positive racial identity, reject the ideas of white guilt and white privilege, believe that whites are treated unfairly by the current system, and believe that it is morally right for whites to politically organize to pursue their collective interests. (See my talk, “Uppity White Folks and How to Reach Them.”)

Naturally, I wanted to know more, so I continued to follow a growing body of academic literature on white identity politics and the problems caused by multiculturalism and globalization. I also began following polls about American attitudes on race, identity, the Great Replacement, and related issues.

But I wanted to know still more — more than the studies were offering. I kept wishing that we had a public policy institute that could sponsor such studies. Eventually, it dawned on me that instead of wishing that someone else would create such an institute, perhaps I could create it myself.

But it would be years before we had even the prospect of the necessary resources to start such an organization.

I began building the Homeland Institute in October of 2021. I assembled a team, raised some seed money, and hired a consultant to guide us through the tricky process of creating a non-profit policy institute and getting it approved as a tax exempt educational charity by the US Internal Revenue Service. In October of 2022, almost exactly one year after I began the process, the Homeland Institute was approved as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt educational corporation. This means that donations to the Homeland Institute are deductible from US federal income taxes. (Visit the Donate page here.)

This is the Homeland Institute’s mission statement:

The purpose of the Homeland Institute is to explore the negative effects of globalization and multiculturalism on historic homelands and to propose workable and humane alternatives.

The dominant political and cultural consensus is that there can never be too much multiculturalism and globalization. This is obviously false. There can be too much of anything, even good things.

Treating contested political goals like globalization and multiculturalism as absolute values is no way to run a society. It polarizes the population into irreconcilable camps, which makes democratic governance impossible, and it turns globalization and multiculturalism into Molochs, before which all other social values must be immolated. Political wisdom does not pursue goals heedless of costs and consequences. Political wisdom is knowing when enough is enough.

The reckless pursuit of multiculturalism and globalization has led to a predictable backlash: the rise of national populism and the destabilization of the post-World War II political establishment.

The Homeland Institute challenges the established consensus on multiculturalism and globalization. We focus on (1) the destruction of distinct nations and communities by multiculturalism and replacement migration, now known as the Great Replacement, and (2) the collapse of First World living standards and technological dynamism due to the quest for cheap labor—either by importing immigrants to undercut domestic wages or by exporting production to the Third World.

The Homeland Institute will promote its goals in four principal ways. First, we will create new social scientific studies of the consequences of multiculturalism and globalization. Second, we will comment on existing studies and policies. Third, we will explore the principal moral rationales for globalization, multiculturalism, and the Great Replacement. Finally, we will explore sensible and humane alternatives to multiculturalism and globalization on all levels of society, from neighborhoods and school districts to nation states and transnational organizations.

The Homeland Institute is primarily an educational organization. We will propose alternative policies and legislation, but we are not allowed to lobby for legislation or endorse political candidates.

Although my primary interest is white identity politics, the Homeland Institute will deal with identity politics in general, since globalization and multiculturalism have the same consequences all around the world. Although I am an ethnonationalist, the Homeland Institute will explore all humane and workable alternatives to globalization and multiculturalism, not just on the level of the nation state. Because the Homeland Institute is based in the United States, however, our primary focus will be on American politics and society.

Unfortunately, the Homeland Institute has not yet attracted enough money to hire a full-time staff and launch significant research projects. But this is not the first time I have created an organization on a shoestring budget. Thus I bided my time. When we had enough money for a website, we created a website, which you can visit here. When we had enough money to do a poll, we launched a poll, the results of which we will report next week.

The biggest problem, however, was staffing. I needed a hard-working and talented person to take charge of the institute and build it, virtually from scratch. How hard could it be to find someone for the job? Virtually impossible, it turned out, given that there was absolutely no money to pay anyone. Fortunately, I eventually found a qualified person to run the Homeland Institute for free (at least at the start).

Our Executive Director, David Zsutty, is an attorney from California. He has a B.A. in Political Science from the University of California, San Diego and a J.D. from Chapman University’s Dale E. Fowler School of Law. Before studying law, he served six years in US Air Force intelligence as an Airborne Linguist. He was also an activist and chapter leader in Identity Evropa. You can contact him at [email protected].

What can you expect from the Homeland Institute? We are starting small, with polls. Currently, we have a budget for three polls. Anything beyond that — social and political research, policy papers, topical commentary, books, conferences, etc. — is contingent on funding.

I want to thank everyone who made the Homeland Institute possible. All of them were drawn from the writers, donors, friends, and staff of Counter-Currents. I also want to thank David Zsutty for taking this project forward. Please give him your full support.

Greg Johnson
