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Biomedical Terrorist Dr. Peter Hotez Sics Homeland Security on ‘Anti-Vaxxers’

7-8-2024 < Global Research 20 859 words

Via Brownstone Institute (emphasis added):

“Social media went a little bonkers last week when an interview of Texas Children’s Hospital’s Dr. Peter Hotez began circulating with the Big Pharma insider calling for the United Nations and NATO to deploy security forces against ‘anti-vaxxers’ in the United States. Dr. Hotez’s statements first appeared on the YouTube channel of an international pediatric conference that took place in Colombia, but the interview then jumped onto X.

The Simposio Internacional de Actualización en Pediatría (International Symposium of Pediatric Updates) later removed the interview from YouTube although photos can still be found on Facebook.

In clips of Hotez’s interview that continue to circulate on X, he claims ‘anti-vaxxers’ caused hundreds of thousands of deaths* in the United States.”

*This is full reality inversion. The Science™ killed untold millions,  with its so-called “vaccines” that weren’t actually vaccines. Thanks to the tireless work of independent journalists and whistleblowers from within the industry, thousands and perhaps millions of lives were saved, not taken.

Hotez’s comments (emphasis added):

“What I’ve said to the Biden administration is, the health sector can’t solve this on its own. We’re going to have to bring in Homeland Security, the Commerce Department, Justice Department to help us understand how to do this.

I’ve said the same with…I met with [WHO general director] Dr. Tedros last month…to say, I don’t know that the World Health Organization can solve this on our own. We need the other United Nations agencies—NATO. This is a security problem, because it’s no longer a theoretical construct or some arcane academic exercise. Two hundred thousand Americans died because of anti-vaccine aggression, anti-science aggression.

And so, this is now a lethal force…and now I feel as a pediatric vaccine scientist…it’s important, just as important for me to make new vaccines, to save lives. The other side of saving lives is countering this anti-vaccine aggression.”

The word games these people play in the service of magically morphing from perpetrators into victims is mesmerizing. Opposition to aggressive biomedical terrorism, in defense of human life, somehow becomes “aggression.”

Even if there were such “aggression” on the scale that Hotez claims, it’s wouldn’t be “anti-science” — it would be counterterrorism against criminals who hide behind The Science™. If it must be called “aggression,” it would be “anti-Hotez aggression.”

Science is a method of analysis, not an entity. No one owns it; no one gets to use it as a shield to deflect criticism.

I have no doubt Peter Hotez will require 24/7 personal security for the rest of his miserable life. While I don’t encourage violence against him — because it’s illegal, not because it’s immoral — I can’t say I feel the least bit bad about it.

Among all of the reasons to hope there is a God, I pray there is one at the very least for the sake of damning this demonic butterball to eternal hellfire for the suffering he has unleashed on billions of people worldwide. Death would be too easy of an escape for him.

On a related, if gratuitous, note, here is the shameless fatass discussing his obscene eating habits with Joe Rogan and, coward that he is, hiding behind his autistic child to justify it because, he explains, eating trash together is how they bond — as if the poor kid didn’t have enough problems already.

No matter how bad things get, remember: you could’ve drawn the short end of the birth lottery stick and been condemned to a life as Peter Hotez’s child.

How much does Hotez weigh? What is his body fat percentage? We can only eyeball it, but I’d wager 35 BMI and 40% body fat.

Armageddon Prose Rule For Life: Refuse all health advice from morbidly obese people, even ones in white coats with fancy job titles, as their state speaks either to their ignorance or else a profound lack of self-discipline — neither of which you should accept in a healthcare provider, or any kind of mentor for that matter.


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This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Armageddon Prose.

Ben Bartee, author of Broken English Teacher: Notes From Exile, is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. Follow his stuff via Substack. Also, keep tabs via Twitter.

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