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Bibby Stockholm Syndrome

17-8-2023 < Counter Currents 19 2501 words

The Bibby Stockholm today.

2,116 words

Thou shalt have a fishy
On a little dishy.
Thou shalt have a fishy
When the boat comes in.
Traditional English folk song

Bibby Stockholm is not, as her name suggests, a 1970s Scandinavian porn star, but a barge which has recently arrived at the English port called, appropriately enough, Portland. This lies in Dorset, a beautiful English coastal county and a favorite tourist destination for the British people, as well as legal visitors to the nation. At least, it is at the moment. Things may be about to change.

The vessel, originally built as a “floatel” in Sweden in the 1970s, looks as though a giant child built it out of Legos. The craft is now intended to house 500 illegal asylum seekers, a drop in the ocean (so to speak) in the context of England’s migrant invasion. On reasonably clement days, when the dinghies supplied by people smugglers and ignored by the French authorities are able to cross the English Channel, it is common for 500 immigrants to arrive in a day. In other words, a Bibby Stockholm daily.

It was obviously necessary to bring such a barge all the way from Scandinavia. As you know, Britain was never much of a seafaring nation, and so would be unlikely to have any suitable craft of its own lying unused in the disused shipyards of Tyne and Wear.

On the barge’s arrival, it was “discovered” that it was a fire hazard. Now, I appreciate that Britain is technically no longer a part of the European Union, and that health and safety standards may differ between countries, but fire is fire whether it is burning in Stockholm or Stockport. It’s difficult to imagine that standards of fire safety can’t be signed off between nations.

The next distraction was the discovery of so-called “Legionella bacterium” on board. Legionnaire’s Disease, as it is usually known, is extremely dangerous, kills mostly the elderly, and can lead to “sick building syndrome.” It can be deadly in hospitals, where the immuno-compromised tend to be indoors all day and the ventilation systems can be their silent killers. Off the barge came the first 50-odd migrants, and into a pleasant hotel in Weymouth, just down the picturesque coast. The “message” — a term the media love to use — is that the safety of undocumented illegal immigrants is much more important than that of indigenous citizens.

As a result of these manufactured, engineered oversights, a handful of illegal immigrants have been in and out of the Bibby Stockholm like a fiddler’s elbow. At the time of writing, the vessel is as empty as The Marie Celeste, but the incomers are doing just fine in local hotels.

Until recently, it has been citizen journalists who have revealed the attention and expense lavished on illegal immigrants, but the mainstream media is catching up. This description from The Daily Telegraph describes, in travel-brochure style, what awaits the arrivistes: “Migrants on Britain’s first barge housing asylum seekers will be provided with free hiking, cycling, cricket, and festival excursions, as well as on-board sports, a gym and a 24-hour food service.”

The bucolic pursuits optimistically mentioned are doubtless meant to tell the sheeple that the new arrivals will be encouraged to integrate into this island nation, but there is much more to attract immigrants and their enablers in the human trafficking industry. The barge also features a pool, en suite bathrooms, free Wi-Fi and computers, sports facilities and TV rooms. There is also to be a “multi-faith room” — which always means a small mosque — for “quiet reflection.” There will also be “a ‘town hall’ meeting for those housed on the barge to identify other activities or raise complaints” [italics added], which is just asking for trouble. Immigrants, illegal or otherwise, are told by their lawyers — many of whom are bogus taquiyya-merchants — that what they want they will get. Some have been demanding housing rather than hotel accommodation.

To save wear and tear on shoes, there is to be a bus service from Bibby Stockholm into the local town (whose residents must be looking forward to the diversity coming their way), and if these new Englishmen (they are almost all men) should miss the bus home, a free taxi service will be provided.

Such lavish provision for illegal, undocumented immigrants is insufficient for the gutmenschen of the British public sector, however. More must be done to protect the diverted income provided by taxpayers to people they neither want nor need, and ultimately fear. Thus, the United Kingdom’s oldest medical union objects to the raising of health fees paid by immigrants in order to help pay for public sector pay raises of between 5% and 7%. Medical services are free from point of entry in the UK, even for illegals, and full medical facilities are provided on the Bibby Stockholm. Ordinary taxpaying Britishers are finding it increasingly difficult to find a dentist. No such problem for Ahmed and his brothers.

At ground level, people are starting to notice. London, the preferred destination for most immigrants, has seen a big rise in homelessness, and Londoners can be assured that the extra bodies they see sleeping under cardboard in shop doorways will not be illegal immigrants, for whom hotels have long been provided. The media can’t cover for the government anymore, and real people view the arrival of a floating hotel with a jaundiced eye. It is distraction politics.

Protests are starting, and these always provoke counter-protests in good Newtonian fashion. The counter-protesters are the usual attention-seeking, narcissistic, vaguely psychotic rabble, most made functionally illiterate by recent attendance at a British university. Those protesting against the barge and other accommodation are not doing it because they are bored middle-class folk who want to look fashionable. They are doing it because they are scared. If 500 Muslim men with their hard-wired grievances and known sexual proclivities arrive in your relatively sleepy town, do you think you might worry that little bit more about your young daughters? Also, the right-of-center press in the UK (what there is of it) often describe the new arrivals as “fighting-age men,” and the assumption is simply that they are old enough to serve in the army. Well, sure. Except that they didn’t stay in their own countries to fight with their armed services against the infidel, real or imagined. They will fight, alright. It’s just that they’ll do it in England, either against other imported clans or against the locals. The problem for them is that Britain has a secret army, often known as football hooligans. That’s a tale for another day, when it has all started.

The British government are still goading their indigenous citizens, and is switching from using a socially-engineered pandemic to using immigrants. Now that housing the newcomers in hotels has come to the public’s attention via citizen media or at a local level, and the “Rwanda plan” to deport illegals remains stuck on the runway, the latest distraction is the Bibby Stockholm. It will soon move elsewhere, like the flashing coin in the magician’s other hand, the one you look at. The ever-expanding bill for this intentional attempt to make the British react is as staggering as you would expect. The following are a few examples from many.

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Dorset Council has provided £400,000 (around half a million dollars) just for English lessons for migrants, including expensive translators. A private company was given a £1.6 billion grant to manage the barge. If you give that sort of money to the management company of a maritime vessel, you might perhaps expect fire and health tests to have been included in the price, no? All immigrants, legal or not, get a credit card and a mobile phone. The full list would take up a good part of your day.

Migration and its consequences are going to form a defining moment in British history, right up there with civil wars and Magna Cartas and Norman invasions and the Second World War. Britain — and England in particular — is under attack, not just by immigrants but by its own political class. And this town ain’t big enough for the both of us.

The UK is already a very crowded set of countries, one of the most crowded in Europe. But the demographic change is accelerating there as immigrants literally bring with them the seeds of exponential growth. A decade ago, even Britain’s Left-wing media give a somber projection:

[The US Pew Forum] put the 2005-2010 fertility rate amongst UK Muslims at 3.0, which means that the average British Muslim had exactly three children in her lifetime, compared to 1.8 children for non-Muslim women.

By 2030 the rate is expected to fall to 2.5 for Muslims and remain at 1.8 for non-Muslims.

As I wrote here at VDARE, immigration into the UK is facilitated by a vast apparatus involving legislation, media, non-governmental organizations, lawyers, the European Commission on Human Rights, and various other deep-state players large and small. Is there anyone providing a counter-narrative? The British organization Migration Watch UK (MW) began in 2001, and have scrutinized immigration into Britain in a manner the establishment would rather they wouldn’t. Who watches the watchers, indeed.

Given MW’s proven expertise in the field of foreign immigration, one would imagine the media’s demand for their findings to be constant. But whichever search engine is used, MW rarely appear in any news stories that are not generated by their own website. They are not political amateurs; both their President and Chairman were ambassadors for the British government. But they have expertise which is deliberately ignored.

Certain contentious issues in the UK are often termed “political footballs,” and are used by both sides with all the possession and pressure the game (soccer) involves. Immigration is currently at the top of the list, and is a prime example of this strategic use of abstracted concepts with real-world consequences.

Polling consistently shows the majority of the British public want immigration cut, as every successive government has promised to do since Blair opened the door to the world in 1997. One of his Home Secretaries, David Blunkett, made an extraordinary statement when asked if he thought there was an upper limit to the number of immigrants Britain could support. He replied, “I don’t think there is.”  He did, however, admit that some people felt “swamped and overwhelmed by new arrivals.” Migration Watch were even consulted, one of the last times they would be by the mainstream media for 20 years. The Guardian refers to them as an “anti-immigration pressure group,” despite running MW’s statement that “[w]e have no problem with moderate or managed migration.” Blunkett was watching Migration Watch from the beginning, criticizing the BBC for producing an investigative report, The Asylum Game, which Blunkett claimed used unchallenged statistics supplied by “the rightwing [sic; the Guardian seems to think this compound adjective is one word] anti-immigration pressure group, Migration Watch.”

A decade later, it is 2013 and Labour are out of power. Blunkett is now in Her Majesty’s Opposition, and his views on the effects of immigration seem to have switched sides with him. Yes, Mr. Blunkett, people really do feel swamped by foreigners.

British residents of the small communities which will be most impacted by the steady influx of immigrants are beginning to stir. In Wales and Ireland, people are taking to the streets. The police, of course, are increasingly in attendance, being attracted to the relative ease of being able to push white people around in a way that wouldn’t be allowed if these were Black Lives Matter rioters or a Pride parade misbehaving.

It is a hackneyed phrase, but sometimes a cliché is appropriate: This will not end well. Blaming or hating migrants themselves is silly and childish, and doubting their courage is equally moronic. I have seen videos of the boat crossings, and you would not get me onto one of those dinghies (I am not a strong swimmer) if you put a gun to my head. That would not be out of the question, incidentally, as on the French coast gunfights are now common between rival trafficking gangs.

Also, the lazy journalistic mantra that government policy on immigration is “insane,” “crazy,” “madness,” or any other concomitant is crass. The UK’s government — and every other one in the West — know exactly what they are doing. The white man’s day in the UK is coming to an end, unless he fights back.

Perhaps boats are the answer. Maybe a refurbished, transgender-free Royal Navy might be a good idea. As a wise man once said when war loomed with Spain, we need men and sails, laddie, men and sails.

In other maritime news, the Bibby Stockholm could end up killing more Englishmen than the Titanic and the Lusitania put together.

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