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Baby Died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Three Days After Vaccinations

10-7-2024 < Global Research 31 1564 words

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Kari Bundy is a warrior mom. Like so many mothers before and after her, Kari trusted her pediatrician with her most precious loved ones, going to every well baby visit and giving her children the recommended vaccines she thought were protecting them.

Like so many mothers, Kari kissed her baby Mason goodnight, only four months old, and discovered his lifeless body just a few hours later.

Mason died just three days after getting the 4 month shots, but the autopsy report listed his cause of death as ‘SIDS or cause Unknown.’

Kari is a warrior because she faced one of the worst things a parent could face, and has not let that experience bury her. Instead, it has emboldened her to share her story and educate others, serving as a lighthouse for all.

Baby Died SIDS Vaccines Pertussis

How Can a Baby Die of SIDS After Vaccines?

Are you familiar with the often repeated myth that ‘vaccines are protective against SIDS?’ It’s the most ludicrous, nonsensical and harmful idea ever and I’ll explain why. Vaccines are designed to prevent a specific vaccine-targeted virus or bacteria, such as measles or pertussis. Yet, there are no specific viruses or bacteria responsible or even associated with SIDS, whose cause is supposedly unknown after a thorough autopsy.

Importantly, there has been no demonstrated biological plausibility how or why a vaccine could prevent SIDS as there is no specific pathogen involved, therefore it’s really nothing more than a flat out lie. Misinformation, if you will.

And no, SIDS is not genetic. And yes, the biomarker butyrylcholinesterase which was recently discovered only points to more accumulating evidence that SIDS is immune mediated, the result of an exaggerated immune response, such as unregulated inflammation via cholinergic inflammatory pathways, and a permeable blood-brain barrier, and the likely trigger for most infants appears to be the many vaccines given at the two-, four- and six-month visits, but also at the one year and 15-18 month visits. Certain exposures can increase ones risk, such as nicotine (causes abnormalities to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors) and non-supine sleeping position (altered vagal activity).

If colds or viruses are implicated, we would not have such focused clustering around the times of immunization, as colds happen irrespective of age and the vaccine schedule.

SIDS vaccines

How Did Studies Produce Data That Said Vaccines Reduce SIDS Risk?

The results from the observational studies where they came to this conclusion that ‘vaccines are associated with a halving of the risk of SIDS’ has more to do with an idea called Healthy Vaccinee Effect. The studies couldn’t prove that vaccines actually reduced one’s risk of SIDS, as none of the ‘healthy living controls’ ever died of SIDS, nor were they at risk of SIDS.

Healthy Vaccinee Effect is a bias where babies who are healthier are more likely to be vaccinated than babies who are less healthy. So in this case, babies who died of SIDS tended to be less healthy, premature, lower socioeconomic, formula fed, compared to the babies in the study who served as their controls, the living babies, which explains why when taken as a group the SIDS infants were vaccinated slightly less often than controls. It doesn’t mean that vaccines would or could have prevented their death. It simply means that the healthy living infants had a lot of reasons why they were healthy, and they also happen to be vaccinated more often due to those reasons.

In this case, being healthy is a confounder: being healthy is associated with a lower risk of early death, and also being in a healthy state makes one more eligible for vaccination. This is a healthy bias.

Vaccines SIDS Study

One popular meta-analysis (pictured above) even mentions that healthy vaccinee effect is a likely explanation for why it appeared that the living infants, who were much healthier and had a better lifestyle, had a higher rate of vaccination. They weren’t healthy because of the vaccinations, they had better overall caregiving, which created a healthier baby, who is then also vaccinated more often.

That is not to say that every SIDS baby had subpar caregiving–in fact most of them were well-cared for. But from the studies of these particular time periods, it was clear that there were several key differences (or confounding variables) between the SIDS cases and controls, and it wasn’t just their vaccination status.

Well before I ever knew a thing about vaccines, I instinctively knew the timing of SIDS peak months (2-4 months) and the vaccine schedule (2 and 4 months) was more than just a coincidental correlation.

After digging deeply into the data, there is absolutely a causal relationship to be discerned, which was masked by the inclusion of low socioeconomic, socially deprived infants who were unwell prior to death and died prior to 2 months of age (therefore were unvaccinated by default, not choice). Obviously a vaccine couldn’t prevent deaths retroactively! But that is actually what the study suggests.

Why Are Nearly All SIDS Deaths Today After Vaccines?

Nowadays, nearly all infants are vaccinated at birth. We were told vaccines would reduce the deaths, but here we are, today all infants are vaccinated and SUID rates haven’t changed since the late 1990s, after they removed the DPT vaccine from the market.

Are there any unvaccinated babies who die in this day and age where babies get so many vaccines? If there are any mothers out there with babies who died suddenly and unexpectedly and are completely unvaccinated, please reach out to me. I don’t doubt there are other causes of SIDS but these would be even more rare, like this case report of an infant who died of SIDS after a pesticide exposure, and a 1990s case series that found specific pesticides increased risk of SIDS; they were banned in 1999 around the time that SUIDS rates plateaued.

What Happened to Baby Mason?


Mason was born on October 22, 2010 at 35 weeks gestation. Despite being small, he was perfectly healthy and had no NICU stay. Mason was not given the hepatitis B vaccine at the hospital because Kari declined that one. Progressing normally and healthily, he received vaccines at the 2 month well baby visit, and developed colic afterwards.

Two weeks before his routine 4 month well baby appointment, Mason came down with RSV and was hospitalized for one night. He was discharged the next day and recovered well or uneventfully.

When it was time for the 4 month appointment, his mother Kari asked the doctor to delay the vaccines since he had just gotten over an infection. But the pediatrician pushed back, and told her point blank: “If you don’t give your son this shot, pertussis will kill this baby.”

She did what many mothers in her situation do: she gave in, despite what her intuition was telling her.

So on March 1, Mason got the vaccinations recommended at the 4 month appointment.

On March 4, baby Mason was put down to bed like any other night. But a few hours later when Kari went to check on him, he was unresponsive. He was gone.

His official diagnosis was ‘SIDS or cause Unknown.’

Some of the findings from the autopsy suggest baby Mason experienced a cytokine stormwhich lead to his death. A cytokine storm is an excessive and uncontrolled immune system response involving the release of a large number of cytokines, which are signaling molecules or proteins that regulate immune responses. When the immune system becomes dysregulated and overreacts, it can lead to a cytokine storm, which can have severe and potentially life-threatening consequences.

Click to watch this video with Mason’s mother Kari share her and Mason’s story with Children’s Health Defense:

Children's Health Defense


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Our thanks to Dr. William Makis for bringing this to our attention.

All images in this article are from the author
