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The Lammas Full Moon Special

1-8-2023 < Counter Currents 28 4456 words

A Lammas loaf owl with salt eyes, baked to mark the blessing of the First Fruits of harvest on August 1, or Lammas Day.

3,874 words

The first day of August is one of the four cross-quarter solar holidays. It’s known as either Lammas or Lughnasadh, depending on whether you’re of the Saxon or the Celtic persuasion. (If “Blessed be!” is a common greeting for you, then you get it. If not, I’ll just say welcome to the hottest part of the year — and this year’s been a doozy.) It’s one of the traditional harvest festivals, which of course has a secondary meaning: death.

Things often get pretty wonky for me on August 1; if it’s not the Grim Reaper dropping by for a social call, then it’s some other fine mess. Also, the day falls on a Full Moon this year. What with all the combined solar/lunar mojo going on, the moonbats should be out in force! There have already been a lot of sightings lately. Whenever I open my browser and the start page shows me what the media is saying, it gives me nostalgic memories of headlines from the Weekly World News. The difference is that their moonbattery was always funny — and not the sort of lunacy that makes me mourn for the great country that I remember from my youth.

The precious minorities weigh in on the Barbie movie

From what I hear, the Barbie movie is a turkey. One of the editors at Salon thinks so, too, though for very different reasons. This is discussed in “Why I’m passing on the ‘Barbie’ movie: My daughter already receives enough unintentional whiteness.” The gist of it is the following:

As a family, we must be intentional when we buy Black dolls, books with Black queens and princesses and allow her to watch cartoons like “Gracie’s Corner,” “OmoBerry” and “Karma’s World.” And no, we are not teaching her to only connect with Black art; it’s just that everything white is always available and at the forefront of everything. You don’t have to search for white content; it’s already in your face.

By all means, the People of Capitalization can appreciate their culture. Meanwhile, we’ll appreciate our own. Deal? (The Barbie movie is no great shakes as far as culture goes, but yanno. . .) Still, I don’t see what the point of the article is. “I prefer watching movies with mostly black people, therefore I’m not going to watch this movie with mostly white people.” Sure, whatever floats your boat. Did I mention that it must’ve been a slow news day?

Apparently so. Someone else objected to a brief remark about smallpox. The Daily Dot article “‘Never funny and never will be’: Indigenous people are calling out the smallpox line in ‘Barbie’” tells it all. Red alert! A Narrative Violation has been detected dead ahead. All men to battle stations. Red alert! Whoooop, whoooop, whoooop . . .

Near the movie’s climax, Ken, played by Ryan Gosling, has used the logic of the patriarchy to take over Barbieland. Gloria (America Ferrera) turns to Barbie (Margot Robbie) and compares the situation to how Native people living in North America lacked immunity to infectious diseases brought by colonists.

Maybe they should’ve modernized the analogy of ideological infection. The filmmakers could’ve compared it to how the Frankfurt School brought the mind-viruses of cultural Marxism to the United States in the 1930s, arriving among a population that wasn’t wise to what those types had been up to back in Germany. It’s a nice idea, though somehow I doubt that would fly in Hollyweird.

In a viral thread on Twitter, Yuè Begay, an Indigenous and trans scholar, said that “the genocide endured by Indigenous and Native Peoples should never be made into jokes.”

Ah, I remember that name. Yuè Begay didn’t care for the new Avatar flick, either, finding the “Blueface” to be objectionable. This is someone who also goes by Asdzáá Tł’éé honaa’éí. I can only begin to imagine how to say that. (For one thing, is the “Ł” pronounced the Polish way?) I suppose the other name might sound like “You Be Gay.” I’m not entirely sure; you got me! From the interest in cinema, I imagine this might be an American Indian who plays old Westerns backwards so that the good guys win.

You can buy Beau Albrecht’s Space Vixen Trek here.

How many Jews can you put in a Volkswagen? Ten: three up front, three in back, and four in the ashtray. Now that was a joke in bad taste. On the other hand, it’s a bit of a stretch to say that the smallpox analogy in Barbie was meant to be humorous. Either way, when Leftists and minoritists get offended over some trifling Narrative Violation or other, are they really that wounded by it? If they’re so thin-skinned, how can they navigate the bumpy path of daily life without freaking out and jumping under a rock? On the other hand, is all that simply play-acting to get attention and tediously browbeat their opponents? Leftists in particular have a talent for making a thunderclap out of a fart.

If the analogy in Barbie had been about the Black Plague devastating Europe, it wouldn’t even have occurred to me to take offense. Were I to grumble about something like that, such posturing would do no more than make me look silly. The only sour note I see here is that the feminist screenwriters are comparing “patriarchy” to a disease. Although that’s snotty, rather like the “toxic masculinity” line, I won’t blow my stack about it. Really, their analogy shoots itself in the foot. If one stops to think about it, what happened in real life is that Second Wave radical feminists — including some deranged bunny boilers — poisoned relations between the sexes, and things never have been the same since. Who really contaminated society with mind-viruses?

Moonbats, moonbats — oh, so many moonbats! The only silver lining here is that things must be going remarkably well in Indian Country for them to bother making an atrocity out of an innocuous one-liner in a movie about plastic dolls with an affinity for hot pink. In light of this freak-out, I’m glad to see that the greatly disheartening social problems afflicting the Rez, such as alcoholism and poverty, surely must be a thing of the past by now. On that note, if the Daily Dot’s writers are mining the Twitter feed of the illustrious film critic Asdzáá Tł’éé honaa’éí, then surely it was a slow news day, indeed. Me thinkum them smokeum locoweed in peace pipe.

Labor relations

Next up in the Lughnasadh lunacy edition is the article “Woman says professionalism at work is a ‘control mechanism’ used by powerful people, sparks debate.” In brief, someone said something silly online, and people reacted to it. Slow news day, huh? The substance of the controversial speech by the vlogger, who goes by the handle of Chaotic Philosopher, seems to be this:

“Professionalism is a control mechanism the powerful use on others. It needs to burn,” she captioned her video which she posted in 2022. The overlay texts in her clip that appear along with is0kenny’s hit track “Speak Up” playing in the background, explain her unfiltered thoughts on professionalism. She believes it to be a tool of control exerted by powerful people on their subordinates.

I’m well aware that quite often, bosses would be diapers if they were any fuller of shit. Still . . . errrrm . . . not even my notorious attitude problem will convince me to agree that there’s no legitimate place for professionalism.

This would seem to be the same Chaotic Philosopher who created another minor kerfuffle when she asked to receive accommodations for her affliction of “time blindness.” This is, as one might expect, a disability causing her to be frequently late to work. The interviewer refused the request. Wait a minute — no watch as a sign-on bonus? That could do wonders for the problem. Or do they teach kids these days how to tell time? Maybe that knowledge went by the wayside, along with cursive writing and basic organizational skills.

Ms. Chaotic Philosopher, I genuinely wish you the best, and pursuant thereto I’ll offer a hot tip: Self-employment is the way to go. Then, if your boss is a butthead, you need only confront the mirror.

Too offended to see the obvious

Although the status of time blindness as a disability is a bit questionable, the real thing is indisputable. Or is it? The title “‘I Didn’t Come Here to Be Stared At’: Blind Man Told to Stop ‘Staring’ at Woman in Gym” is pretty self-explanatory. As for what happened next when a blind voice actor was confronted by an empowered gym-goer:

The actor went on to say that he apologized to the woman before disclosing his blindness. It’s clear he empathized with her and understood why she was quick to assume the worst.

Ah, radical feminism. In 1920, America’s patriarchy dismantled itself by granting women’s suffrage. Society then accepted every other demand in the extensive list from the 1848 Seneca Falls convention’s snotty manifesto, the Declaration of Sentiments. Although otal acquiescence didn’t inaugurate the golden peace between the sexes, unfortunately. Instead, we got Second Wave feminism with a new batch of demands, and two more waves following that. Are they happy yet? By now, American feminists have to scratch the bottom of the barrel for things to get offended about: “manspreading” and all that. One item in particular is the curious notion that women should be able to determine who is allowed to look at them, even when they deliberately make spectacles of themselves.

When the empowered gym-goer found out that the guy was blind, and therefore couldn’t look at anything even if he tried, did she quickly apologize for making a scene? Of course not. She summoned a manager to involve him in this drama. Rather than explaining the obvious, or (better yet) telling her to stop bullying the handicapped, he sided with the damsel in distress. Welcome to Clown World. So what happened after that?

Pete posted a follow-up video titled “The ORIGINAL Blind Guy Caught ‘staring’ at the gym tells more”. In the video, he discussed the response to his original post and talked about how several other blind men have since released similar videos. He also accused women of baiting men into these situations so they can feel like victims — but he presented no evidence to support the claim.

Presented no evidence? Tsk, tsk. So these blind guys say they were being hassled and humiliated — but where’s the proof, right? (Oh, for Kek’s sake! If they’re supposed to come up with video clips of attention-seekers playing damsel in distress, how would they know where to point the camera?) For drama queens who don’t want the blind to notice them, then just to be on the safe side, I recommend wearing a burqa with a built-in Romulan cloaking device.

Were the judges blind, too?

I want my damn country back. NOW!

Over the generations, radical feminists became used to being the unstoppable bulldozer that rolled over the social landscape and reshaped it to their liking, demolishing anything in their way with impunity. Then in the mid-2010s, suddenly they got the rug pulled out from under them, upstaged by female impersonators and demoted in the Victimization Olympics. The result has been one of the most bizarre social contagions in the history of the world. The radical feminists told us that women can do anything men can, but better, only to now be told that men are better at being women.

This moonbattery is, of course, rampant in the Golden State. A transgender became the latest Miss San Francisco. Oh yeah, and I identify as the Pope — do I get a tiara, too? Seriously, although things aren’t what they once were, California still has no shortage of gorgeous, fresh-faced beach bunnies. This includes the Bay Area. Why did San Francisco search for its most beautiful woman and pick a guy who looks like Comrade Kim Jong Un after a long course of Ozempic? Oh, yeah — politics. Should I laugh or should I cry?

This silliness has infected Europe, too. The Miss Netherlands 2023 title went to a male-to-female transgender, likewise the first winner with a wiener. I might say that the contestant looks a little dorky, but would rate as an “HB7” on a good day — if he were a real woman. From the pictures, it looks like he has a dye job but didn’t touch up the roots. Who the hell neglects that while preparing for a beauty contest? For that matter, there’s certainly no shortage of very attractive Dutch women, so what’s up with that? For example, the second-place contestant is a gorgeous brunette, a “perfect ten” who looks like an angel. “Miss” Netherlands will nevertheless go on to compete in the Miss Universe pageant, so we’ll see if the judges of the highest contest award another politically-motivated decision.

You can buy James O’Meara’s The Homo and the Negro here.

Surely not wishing to see similar foolishness, Italy’s transphobic tyrants decreed that Miss Italy has to be a real woman. I can imagine that this caused quite a few Leftists to wonder if the second coming of Benito Mussolini was around the corner. (Oh, if only! The sooner the better!) According to NPC News this caused a curious reaction, as documented in their article “Trans men enter Miss Italy pageant in droves after trans women are told they can’t compete.” I suspect that was another slow news day. That’s hardly scandalous, and more like a self-own.

Unlike what the article might suggest, this isn’t really about men invading a women’s beauty pageant to protest about — let’s cut the crap for once — men not being allowed to invade a women’s beauty pageant. That’s because these are actually stone butches who take steroids. Since I give butch women a chance, I even consider “trans men” fair game if all the stars are in alignment. Two major drawbacks are facial hair and flaky behavior, both of which they have more often than not.

Ruining their looks is another common drawback. I can deal with dyke haircuts if necessary, though chopping the crowning glory isn’t an improvement. Worse, cross-sex hormones can do a number on their appearance. For the “trans men,” shooting up as much steroids as Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1977 makes them a lot less cute. (If you ever feel like getting depressed and questioning the existence of God, look up some before-and-after pictures of females-to-males who document their transition.) Finally, there’s a common body modification they call “top surgery” — and I’ll just leave it at that.

Regardless, if they want to try out for Miss Italy, they can go right ahead. They’ll run into another problem, though: the competition. Italy is full of attractive women. In the charming coastal city of Levanto, for instance, I met a cab driver who is as smoking hot as a movie star. As for actual movie stars . . . Sophia Loren, need I say more? Simply put, “trans men” will be outclassed in a beauty contest against women who maintain a feminine appearance. That is unless, of course, the judges award another politically-motivated decision.

As an aside, some competitions are sex-segregated — but shouldn’t transsexuals be allowed to compete somewhere? It’s a major to-do in sports, making the infamous 1983 pine tar brouhaha in baseball seem trifling. (Come to think of it, although I’d feel pretty silly in a bikini, it would be a lot of fun to get into women’s wrestling.) There’s an easy solution to this, while preventing men from cheating by joining women’s teams. That is, there could be men’s teams and women’s teams as before, with traditional biological criteria defining who is a man and who is a woman, and also an “everyone else” team. We could even make this retroactive, by which Bruce Jenner would become the Jesse Owens of gender-benders. Unfortunately, this solution is too sensible to fly. The transgender agenda is about being the latest front of aggressive abnormality, in which this tiny sliver of society has to have everything they want, “my way or the highway.”

What the bloody hell?

This is not a pussy. Ceci n’est pas un chat.

Lately, trannies are an endless source of moonbattery. Other moonbats include those who enable their dysfunction. Speaking of lunar matters, one need look no further than the article “‘The Feminist Movement Is Dead’ — A Strong Response to Tampon Brand Using Gender-Neutral Terms Like ‘Menstruators’ and ‘Bleeding People’ Faces Controversy.” Although I don’t care much for contemporary feminism, I’ll have to credit them for actually knowing what a woman is. It begins:

During a conversation with Gayle King on CBS Mornings, Nadya Okamoto emphasized her commitment to creating a “period positive” brand that is proudly gender-inclusive, particularly in what she referred to as “an age of transphobia.”

It’s hard to describe how wonderful women are. There’s much that could be said about the mysteries of femininity, of course. When it comes to the biological level, the essential characteristic is that they’re endowed with the ability to create life — with a little help from us. From them comes the next generation, keeping society going in an unbroken chain of existence. Although the divinely-delegated power of creation has strings attached. The sacred chalice has a monthly maintenance cycle. Not to get all Judy Blume here, but when the cup runneth over, the details are a bit messy. I have to congratulate our fine ladies for being able to take the incarnadine inconvenience in stride — most of the time, anyway.

Speaking of strings attached, this brings us to those politically-correct manufacturers of feminine hygiene products. These types have a bizarre fixation which leads them to deny that the body parts that do these things are characteristically female, no matter how clear basic biology is on that matter. Moreover, there’s a politically-correct taboo about admitting that those who have them are women. Therefore, instead of saying the “W” word, they have to come up with bizarre Newspeak phrases such as “people who menstruate” and the like. As for this “bleeding people” terminology, that is just downright obnoxious. (Really, must we? When I do euphemisms, at least I try to be artful about it.) The justification is “inclusion” — though surely those who prefer objective reality over make-believe aren’t feeling included by this.

Menstrual periods are already quite awkward to discuss — other than for Judy Blume, who literally wrote the book. Then leave it to the politically-correct types to dial the cringe factor up to eleven. This is, of course, an attempt to please a tiny fraction of society that never will be happy, anyway. For any gender-benders who are offended by the idea that having female body parts makes them women in any way whatsoever, I have one thing to say to them: man up and grow a pair.

Someone’s pitching a tent for sure

Courtesy of Stonetoss

Another example of transcendental cringe is to write an article about the Boy Scouts submitting to the gay agenda and include a reference to pitching a tent in the title. It doesn’t get much more squicky than that, now does it? As it happens, the Washington Post did exactly that with “Boy Scouts pitch a more welcoming tent at their National Jamboree.” Early on they inform us:

Amid the hundreds of tents erected for the Boy Scouts of America’s National Jamboree, one especially stands out — decorated with a canopy of LGBTQ Pride flags and a string of multicolored lights, its tables covered with bowls of rainbow bracelets, pronoun stickers and diversity patches.

“Erected.” WaPo just had to go there, didn’t they? I’m surprised that nobody was handing out condoms at the tent.

“This is my entire world,” said 18-year-old [redacted], a scout volunteer from Northern Virginia who describes themselves as nonbinary and pansexual. Since the jamboree began last week, [redacted] has had plenty of company under the huge canvas. “There’s been days where there’s 2,000 kids in this tent alone. And that is just, like, absurd.”

You can buy Leo Yankevich’s collection Journey Late at Night here.

Entire world? Oh, dear. Hopefully, one day “they” will find a more meaningful hobby. Other than that, I’m feeling merciful and won’t repeat this kid’s name. That’s to spare him future embarrassment in case the wayward Boy Scout later recognizes this stuff as a youthful mistake, as I suspect will happen when the social contagion bubble finally bursts. For now, this misguided youth is infected with mutant strains of mind-viruses created a century ago by the mad scientists Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld. Yet all but certainly, this teenager has no idea who created radical gender theory, and more importantly why these culture-distorters did so. Does the kid even know how these thoughts got into “their” impressionable noggin?

I’m surprised that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) even still exists. I haven’t paid much attention lately, but I did write about it a few years back. The short version is that gay activist groups subjected them to a long campaign of lawfare after being offended by their exclusionary policies and the “morally straight” clause in the Boy Scout oath. The BSA had to fight the barratry all the way to the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, the BSA was embroiled in a horrendous number of lawsuits because of those groomers who had infiltrated the organization despite diligent efforts intended to exclude deviancy. Faced with bankruptcy, the BSA caved in, at last forcibly penetrated by the gay agenda.

After their “exclusionary policies” were dropped, did any of the deep-pockets gay advocacy foundations show gratitude by helping pay off the BSA’s legal tab for the molestation lawsuits? I’m still waiting for the press release on that. The WaPo article does discuss some of the history:

More than 80,000 victims came forward, some alleging incidents from decades earlier. The bankruptcy proceeding that followed only concluded this spring with a $2.46 billion settlement, the largest of its kind in U.S. history.

In that case, the abominations that went on over the years added up to an atrocity on the scale of the Rotherham horror. It seems that the deviant infiltrators made Pizzagate seem like small potatoes. To the groomers, the Boy Scouts surely must seem like what a juicy peach looks like to a swarm of fruit flies. The BSA had every right to do what it could to protect the youth; in fact, it was their duty. Now that the exclusionary firewall is down, I’d hate to imagine how much illicit tent-pitching is going on lately.

I should add that most gays aren’t like that, much to their credit. But unfortunately, there are some ugly undercurrents within the GLBT movement that have yet to be ejected. They haven’t even been confronted adequately, although they’ve been there since the very beginning. The article continues:

But the turmoil had an upside. Scouts within the ranks seized the moment to press for a focus on diversity, equity and inclusion. A collective dubbed “Scouts for Black Lives” successfully pushed the organization to commit to a slate of projects, including a new diversity merit badge required for Eagle Scout rank. And at this year’s National Jamboree, which ends on Friday, the BSA has for the first time created community spaces for historically excluded populations.

Oh, just shoot me now and be done with it. What’s worse: diversity merit badges, or sodomy? Tough call there.

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