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American Krogan, Gaddius Maximus, and Pox Populi on the State of Nationalism

21-7-2023 < Counter Currents 31 671 words

384 words / 3:06:52

Friends of Counter-Currents  American Krogan  (SubstackTelegram), Gaddius Maximus, and Pox Populi (TelegramYouTube) recently did a broadcast to discuss the state of nationalism on Building a Third Force, and it is now available for download and online listening.

The following is an outline/guide for the discussion that was inspired by the results of polls that were conducted on Telegram.

1. What and when
What do you consider “the movement” to be?
When would you say the modern version of the radical Right coalesced?
Was it in reaction to something in particular, or was it a combination of events?

Possible candidates:
Social media/smart device ubiquity
Black Lives Matter riots (2014)
The migrant invasion, terror attacks
Populist revolt: Trump/Brexit

With this in mind, let’s consider the state of the movement today compared to then:

2. Metapolitical Conditions
How does the general narrative pushed by the system/regime today compare to that which existed when the modern movement started?
Is the regime media more “mask off” about their aims now? If so, is this good or bad?
Has the credibility of the regime suffered since the movement started? Does it matter? Why or why not?

Movement influence on the general discourse:
Ideas and talking points becoming mainstream?
Outside events working in our favor
Regime overplaying their hand?
Basic things previously taken for granted no longer functioning
Breakdown of social trust/capital

3. The Political
Where is the movement most powerful in the actual political arena?
Voting? Referendums?
Civil disobedience, non-compliance
Politicians — any?
Policies and rulings
Which countries/nations have been leading the way?
Issue movements: secession and the like

4. Survey of Institutions
Platform access:
Has deplatforming worked?
The rise, limits, and benefits of alt tech
Muskian Twitter and Substack

Financial services:
Alt media landscape
Venues and conferences

5. Personnel (the lads and ladettes)
Quantity & quality:
Are there more or less people who have adopted radical Right positions?
Quality of leadership and figureheads
Quality of rank and file
The Jerry Springer Right

Factional strife over petty or serious issues? (Schizo Wars, Russia War)

The Pipeline:
is it real?
Is it still functioning?
Is there more than one?
Has it changed?

Current general attitude and overall morale?
Realistic expectations
Where we’re headed

To listen in a player, click here. To download, right-click the link and click “save as.”

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