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Counter-Currents in the (Fake) News

12-7-2023 < Counter Currents 24 717 words

600 words

Recently, a fake news site (that I shall not name or link) published that Counter-Currents had a “data breach.”

“Uh-oh,” I thought, because even I am apparently not cynical enough to dismiss everything in the mainstream media out of hand. When I read the story, my fears quickly turned to derisive laughter. The alleged “data breach” consisted of a backup of publicly available files in another publicly available location. This much is clear from the article itself.

No private information about our authors, customers, or donors was stored there. 

We would never do that. But, just to reassure you, I had our webmaster confirm this fact.

The cache, moreover, was made before our Paywall went online. (Not that Paywall information would have been stored in such a place.)

How does storing public files in another public place constitute a “data breach”? Obviously, it doesn’t. That term was consciously chosen to mislead, because it connotes the revelation of closely guarded secrets. It is akin to the antifa creep who claimed to have a hidden-camera expose of me . . . in which, it turned out, I was saying the exact same things that I have been saying publicly for years now.

I guess it was a slow day at the Fake News office.

Half the story was devoted to a file that had not been published at Counter-Currents: a recording of Mike Polignano (who co-founded Counter-Currents and was my business partner until 2013) talking to a journalist in 2016. I can’t think of anything more public than giving an interview to a journalist. The fact that the journalist did not use it in no way alters its public nature. I was amused to learn that the journalist declined to use the interview because it did not support the simplistic narrative she was pushing. (The file was at CC because Mike sent it to me in 2019, and it was the easiest way to send a large audio file.)

It is creepy that there are people who are paid much more than I am merely to comb through my garbage and write deceptive smears for the gutter press. These Leftists are, however, on a higher moral level than the embittered movement losers who eagerly promoted this obvious disinformation. With enemies like these, I can only conclude that I am doing something right.

Even though the article was an attempt to make Counter-Currents look bad, it backfired badly.

First, it impeaches the credibility of the author, publisher, and anyone who uncritically promoted it.

Second, in order to disguise the emptiness of the story, Heidi Beirich was asked to comment. According to her, “Counter-Currents has been one of the premier white nationalist publishing houses and websites for a long time in the US.” The article continues: “Beirich added that Johnson had forged strong connections with international far right movements, and Counter-Currents was ‘one of the places where you first started seeing reprinted works from far-right publishing houses in Europe’, and ‘pre-pandemic, Greg Johnson was on the circuit, speaking at white nationalist events across Europe’.” High praise indeed from an internationally recognized expert.

One of our authors wrote to reassure me about this article: “it is maddening that these scumbags do this, but it means they’re scared of you and know you’re making a real difference in the world. . . thank you for that.” If you want to see me back on the speaking circuit, that depends on your support. If you want to keep Counter-Currents in the fight and making a difference, visit our Donate page today. Tell them Heidi sent you. 

Thanks for your readership and support.

Greg Johnson

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