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We Need to Stop Taking Black Complaints Seriously

5-6-2023 < Counter Currents 43 1736 words

Jillian Wuestenberg, who was pregnant at the time, defending herself against Takelia Hill’s aggression.

1,339 words

During the Summer of Floyd, on July 1, 2020, a white couple accidentally bumped into a black family at the entrance of a Chipotle restaurant in Orion Township, Michigan, which is in Oakland County near Detroit — and their lives were changed forever. The blacks became hostile, threatened them, hurled racist abuse, and struck their car as they tried to pull out of the parking lot. At first the couple, Eric and Jillian Wuestenberg, tried to reason with the blacks, as a phone video clearly shows, but after Takelia Hill and her daughter charged at Jillian, who was pregnant at the time, Jillian pulled out a pistol in self-defense. She can be seen in the video screaming “Get the fuck away from me!” while backing away. Her husband, who was standing nearby, had his pistol drawn but not aimed at anyone.

As I wrote at the time:

Afterward, all the predictable disasters occurred. The video went viral and the Wuestenbergs were arrested for felony assault (which could result in up to four years in prison). Eric — a disabled veteran who served thirteen years in the Air Force — was fired from his job at Oakland University. The couple had their firearms confiscated. The mainstream media demonized the Wuestenbergs by framing the story as “White couple pulls gun on unarmed black family,” as if Takelia Hill were perfectly innocent. And, of course, the couple has received death threats. Thankfully, they are fighting back. They’ve lawyered up and given their side of the story, but it remains to be seen if they will be convicted. Further, it does not seem that the unhinged Takelia Hill will be charged for the felony associated with threatening bodily harm on someone and striking blows against their vehicle.

The Wuestenbergs have fortunately since won the first round of their fight. In March of this year, nearly three years after the incident, an Oakland County judge dropped all charges against them. Why? Because their alleged victims had refused to testify in court.

Chris Menahan of Information Liberation suspects he knows the reason they elected not to appear:

I suspect they feared they’d be charged themselves as they threatened “I will beat your white ass” on video and appeared to have attacked the Wuestenbergs’ car and refused to let them leave.

In other words, this had been a frivolous case all along. The plaintiffs were in the wrong and were being hypocritical about it, since they had been the aggressors and had forced the Wuestenbergs to defend themselves. Moreover, they had acted just as racist as they had accused the Wuestenbergs of being.

Takelia Hill

Yet, it was the Wuestenbergs and not Takelia Hill and her brood who were demonized as racists in the mainstream media and had their lives turned upside down. The exact opposite of justice is playing out right before our eyes. “This has been almost three years of sheer hell for them,” said Jillian’s attorney, Terry Johnson. And it is not over yet: The alleged victims are now filing a civil lawsuit against the Wuestenbergs in order to attempt to squeeze as much money out of them as possible.

The Wuestenbergs will likely beat the lawsuit as well — and good for them. But at what cost? As white people, do we really want to live under such a cloud? Do we really want to live in a country where we have to rely on black people’s good nature not to have our lives ruined whenever we rightfully act in our own personal interests? This can happen to any one of us, and has likewise happened in the recent past to George Zimmerman, Officer Darren Wilson, Kathleen Casillo, Travis and Gregory McMichael, Amy Cooper (the “Central Park Karen”), and many others. In all these cases, innocent people had to go through the harrowing experience of fighting it out in court merely to justify their constitutional right to self-defense, or to get some semblance of their normal lives back. Most of them succeeded — eventually. The ones who didn’t either received life sentences, such as the McMichaels, or had to flee the country, such as Cooper.

And this is excluding those such as Kyle Rittenhouse and Mark and Patricia McCloskey who defended themselves against Leftist attacks and underwent similar trauma.

As we all know, blacks on average are about a standard deviation less intelligent than the average white. They also have poor impulse control when compared to other racial groups. All the scientific data suggests that these traits are genetic. This makes them inherently dangerous, as their high rates of crime bear out. Yet, when whites are seen taking the necessary precautions around blacks can result in character assassination at best and incarceration at worst. Yes, the former beats being mugged and the latter being murdered. Nevertheless, this is no way for people to live in a functional society. Indulging our society’s worst elements in their bad behavior while punishing their victims violates all notions of justice and fair play.

Furthermore, until a critical mass of white people refuses to tolerate this sinister practice, it is only going to get worse. This stands to reason, since victimizers select their victims for their weaknesses, not their strengths. They can’t help themselves. As long as whites act weak in the face of the Leftist mob, the mob will continue to howl.

The tried-and-true solution of the past — simply staying away from blacks — works well enough, but even that is becoming more difficult as the push to integrate with whites continues. With affirmative action programs having been in place for decades now, there are enough blacks in positions of power to make self-segregation — that is, freedom of association — increasingly difficult for middle class and poor whites. Moreover, our legal system is set up to allow this continue. There is nothing race-conscious whites can do about it except to reverse many laws and Supreme Court decisions. Do whites even still have the numbers to do that?

You can buy Spencer J. Quinn’s young adult novel The No College Club here.

Whites need to realize that racial integration was anti-white from the very beginning.

Cold War-era author Czesław Miłosz speaks of “a revolt of the stomach” against Communist oppression. Things were so wrong in so many ways under the Communists that it made one sick. One didn’t have to think about it. One felt it, and it hurt.

This is how we should feel about the way the Wuestenbergs, and all the others who have gone through what they did, have been treated. It’s sickening. They simply wanted to live their lives normally and free of harassment. It’s bad enough that they were attacked and victimized in the first place, but when mainstream society then turns on them, destroys their careers, and forces them into hiding, it reaches an entirely new level of wrongdoing . How can anyone tolerate such a state of affairs?

I hope to see the day when white employers, leaders, and opinion makers will value their souls more than their worldly possessions and simply say no to this racial extortion. If a white person gets in an altercation of any kind with a black, as Nurse Sarah Comrie recently did in New York City when a group of blacks tried to steal a bike she was renting and then framed her as a “racist Karen” when she fought back, we should always presume the former’s innocence. The odds are that this is in fact the case. Most of the time it really is the case that the whites in such incidents were innocent and the blacks were up to something.

Eric and Jillian Wuestenberg should have kept their jobs. Amy Cooper should have been able to remain in the United States. The McMichaels should never have gone to prison. George Zimmerman and Darren Wilson should never have been arrested. And Jake Gardner never should have killed himself. The list goes on.

White people need to stop taking black people’s complaints seriously. It’s easier than it seems once you realize you’re being had.

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