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An Open Letter to Tucker Carlson

5-5-2023 < Counter Currents 35 1727 words

1,348 words

Dear Tucker,

The New York Times recently speculated that FOX News fired you because of a January 7, 2021 text message of yours, which reads:

A couple of weeks ago, I was watching video of people fighting on the street in Washington. A group of Trump guys surrounded an Antifa kid and started pounding the living shit out of him. It was three against one, at least. Jumping a guy like that is dishonorable obviously. It’s not how white men fight. Yet suddenly I found myself rooting for the mob against the man, hoping they’d hit him harder, kill him. I really wanted them to hurt the kid. I could taste it. Then somewhere deep in my brain, an alarm went off: this isn’t good for me. I’m becoming something I don’t want to be. The Antifa creep is a human being. Much as I despise what he says and does, much as I’m sure I’d hate him personally if I knew him, I shouldn’t gloat over his suffering. I should be bothered by it. I should remember that somewhere somebody probably loves this kid, and would be crushed if he was killed. If I don’t care about those things, if I reduce people to their politics, how am I better than he is?

Whether or not this text was indeed the reason for your firing, it is still a scandalous revelation, one that could quite easily get most white people fired these days. The Times’ speculation is therefore at least believable. My take on it is threefold:

  1. You were being honest. How do I know? Because you presented yourself as a flawed human being — one that is capable of sin as well as self-correction according to a moral compass. This accurately assesses much of humanity. That you could not possibly have had any self-interest in revealing such compromising personal information also speaks to your honesty.

  2. You have a sense of honor. You did not deny your base, us-vs.-them instincts. You did not deny the taste for blood that we all have. But you also recognized something greater in the human condition, and strived for that. You aspired to be better than the antifa by recognizing the inherent rights of all human beings, regardless of how you feel about them personally.

  3. You told the truth. According to statistics, whites, who make up approximately 60% of the population of the United States, took part in only 38% of multiple-offender violent crimes in 2018. Meanwhile, blacks, who make up approximately 13% of the population — not excluding the ones already in prison — are responsible for a whopping 43.4% of multiple-offender violent crimes. So you were correct when you said that “[i]t’s not how white men fight.”

You were being honest, honorable, and truthful — yet many on the Left excoriate you for it, and you may have lost your job over it. Why? Because the Left is at war with you and the people you represent (which includes me). And in war, winning always takes precedence over honesty, honor, and truth. Further, this is an undeclared war, which makes it even more insidious.

What worries me about your text message is how you don’t seem to recognize this. You — and by extension, I — are in a war with the Left, whether we like it or not. And the stakes couldn’t be higher. We’re fighting for the soul of Western civilization, if you will. Yet, you seem to believe we’re not in a war. Our enemies completely dispense with honesty, honor, and truth, and likewise issue blood libel after blood libel against white people — really, the only ones defending Western civilization these days — and you still wish to play fair with them. They’re trying to win at all costs, and you’re concerned about playing fair. Don’t you see the discrepancy here?

Do you think that antifa kid you expressed concern over would give a fig about your life if the roles were reversed? Do you think he or anyone among the antifa would have scruples about gloating over your suffering? Or joining in to make it worse? These people are Left-wing terrorists, Tucker, the ideological descendants of Lenin, Stalin, and Trotsky. Such people approve of the gulag, and not only believe that the destruction of Europe in 1945 was a great triumph, but wish to replicate it today. You reported on the Summer of Floyd, so I don’t need to tell you how vicious these people are.

There is no word in English to describe the kind of war being waged upon us. Maybe that is why so few people realize that a war is happening at all. To rectify this, I have coined such a word: Demoskrieg. Demoskrieg (i.e., demographic warfare), refers to sub-military, evolutionary competition between distinct ethnic or racial groups forced to share a geographic space. The ebbs and flows of Demoskrieg occur over generations, and can be just as lethal in the long run as a hot war.

As I explained in an earlier essay:

The most extreme form of Demoskrieg is demographic genocide — that is, making conditions so culturally hostile to the enemy that, over time, they either assimilate genetically with other races or simply fail to adequately reproduce. Effective ways to do this include discrediting the enemy’s religion and traditions, encouraging dysgenic behavior among the enemy (such as abortion and promiscuity), and imposing multiracialism upon them. The first destroys meaningful connections the enemy has with his past, the very building blocks of racial and ethnic identity. The second limits the enemy’s ability to produce future generations. And the third provides the enemy easy access to other races as a way to encourage miscegenation and to suppress any natural feelings of supremacy in their own homelands.

You can buy Greg Hood’s Waking Up From the American Dream here.

This is the game the Left wishes to play with us. In the face of Demoskrieg, I’d say that your commitment to honesty, honor, and truth would sound quaint if it weren’t the very thing that will guarantee our eventual defeat. If our enemies were acting in good faith, for example by giving you credit for the second half of your text message above, then perhaps some fairness would be in order. But they are not doing that.

Of course, the thugs in the antifa aren’t. But neither are influential Leftist mouthpieces. This offensive S. E. Cupp article speaks for itself. Just so you know, at FOX News you were feeding America a “white nationalist, conspiracy theory, violence-inciting diet of lies and fear-mongering.” I’ll bet you’re glad Ms. Cupp informed you of that! In the wake of your firing, Jonathan Greenblatt of the Anti-Defamation League also called you a White Nationalist — not because you are one, but because White Nationalists like myself appreciate much of what you say. He also uses the term as an epithet, because he wants to discredit and smear you, which is hypocritical coming from a Jewish nationalist.

Greenblatt, Cupp, and their ilk are your enemies — and mine as well. They will always assume the worst about you. The truth means nothing to them. The difference between a White Nationalist and someone they believe may as well be a White Nationalist is immaterial, even if the latter person disavows White Nationalism — as I am sure you do.

You indicate above that you understand how white men fight. And it is true that Demoskrieg is not the kind of war that white men are accustomed to, with armies and generals and whatnot. No, this is a war being waged by activists and athletes, journalists and celebrities, attorneys and oligarchs — and most importantly, women. It lacks all sense of martial valor, yet in today’s age it is extremely effective. In order to win, we have to fight back using Demoskrieg, as distasteful as that may sound. And the first step in that direction is to understand that our enemies do not deserve honesty, honor, or truth. Instead, they deserve exactly what that antifa kid got in that video you saw — good and hard.

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