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The State of the Nation for White Advocates

27-3-2023 < Counter Currents 41 2234 words

East Palestine, Ohio Mayor Trent Conaway wielding a National Justice Party bullhorn.

2,070 words

It’s nearly April: The time for rain. As I write, there is a drenching downpour in my neck of the woods that has lasted all day. Being forced indoors for a spell has allowed me to reflect upon white advocacy at the end of 2023’s first quarter.

The old rules still apply

In my first article ever published on Counter Currents, which was about working in a professional environment as a leader, I wrote:

Don’t make decisions based on political correctness. In corporate America there are all sorts of official pronouncements supporting political correctness. In reality, though, when there is risk involving real money and real deadlines, the pre-1960s rules apply. Thus, firing the experienced employee as the deadline approaches and replacing him with the obviously unqualified lesbian life partner of another scheming employee indicates a lack of judgement and disconnection from reality.

The term “political correctness” is a 1990s term. It is defined in this article as a social ideology whereby those who are analogous to the American South’s sub-Saharans during the “civil rights” movement of the late 1950s and early ’60, who were given privileges and job opportunities suddenly made unavailable to men of the American Majority ethnic group — and sometimes even women of that ethnicity. “Woke” is the new word for what was “political correctness.”

Three events have occurred during the last three months which have proven what I wrote in 2017 correct. The Biden regime has received two major blows from sexual deviants who were placed in top-level positions. The first was Sam Brinton, who was arrested in late 2022 for stealing luggage from an airport baggage claim. Then, in February, a Tanzanian fashion designer recognized that Brinton was wearing her clothing, and the scandal received fresh coverage. His appointment demonstrates an obvious lack of judgement on Biden’s part.

The other debacle concerned Pete Buttigieg, a homosexual who wears his sexuality on his sleeve. Buttigieg is the Secretary of Transportation, and transportation problems in the United States have grown worse on his watch. There was a major bottleneck at West Coast ports in 2021, with ships backed up for miles awaiting docking and offloading. Then, when there was a train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio on February 3 that released toxic chemicals into the air, the resulting environmental catastrophe killed fish, pets, and livestock, with the long-term consequences still being unknown.

The Secretary of Transportation is supposed to help make transportation faster, cheaper, and safer. The barrels filled with sand or water that are now seen at highway off-ramps, for example, were a Department of Transportation innovation of the 1990s that has saved many lives. No such innovation has occurred under Buttigieg’s leadership. In the derailment’s aftermath, Buttigieg hid behind his adopted child and gay lover and claimed oppression. The lack of manliness is here is telling. It is still uncertain how this will play out in the broader culture, but it will have an impact. Moreover, Biden cannot fire Buttigieg, since this would alienate his LGBTQ+ supporters.

Regardless, both men’s appointments reflect a major problem. Homosexuality and sexual and social perversions are secondary to the fact that the Biden regime hired people for highly technical jobs based on their identities rather than for their skills. Furthermore, Biden cannot fire Buttigieg since such an action will invalidate the competence of his LGBTQ+ supporters.

In addition to all this, a major bank has failed. As a result, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) as well as another, Credit Suisse, have been bought out by another bank. SVB failed because it didn’t conduct a basic risk assessment analysis of its investments so that when interest rates went up, it became insolvent after a bank run. This may be because its senior management was made up of diversity activists who had a “woke” ethos. Perhaps they were more concerned with wokeness than basic risk assessment, and thus didn’t see the crisis coming. For its part, Credit Suisse had a gender-fluid executive. While she may not be the one wholly responsible for the crisis, appointing such a person demonstrates a lack of judgement at Credit Suisse more generally.

Such appointments represent the normalization of deviance. This is an engineering term whereby there is an unrecognized flaw in the system that has the potential to destroy a system. People who endorse gender ideology being put into prominent positions are an obvious example of the normalization of deviance, but more common forms are theft, corner-cutting, dishonesty, and abuse of alcohol or drugs. I’ve never seen a transwoman in my career, but I’ve seen two married men commit adultery with co-workers, and both situations ended in considerable problems that went far beyond fractured marriages.

Real-world activism

You can buy Greg Johnson’s White Identity Politics here.

White advocates have successfully used the East Palestine disaster to help ordinary white people where they can best spread their message. The National Justice Party (NJP), an organization of white advocates, sent representatives to Ohio to ask the local Congressman why a state of emergency had not been declared. The interaction was recorded and posted to their website.

Shortly thereafter, a considerable amount of aid began to be sent to East Palestine. Donald Trump even made an appearance. The NJP also held a protest at the Ohio Governor’s mansion which was livestreamed. The protest thus had an impact. The Governor didn’t declare a state of emergency, but he did request an extension the timeframe to do so.

Additionally, during a town hall meeting in East Palestine, the Mayor used a bullhorn provided by the NJP that was emblazoned with their logo. This was the second of two effective engagements by the NJP with real-world political events that I am aware of, the other involving an incident in which a migrant had murdered a white girl in Fargo, North Dakota. These are tremendously positive steps. The NJP has ditched the brawls, uniforms, and bad optics of the movement’s past and settled for positive, unassailable, real-world activism

The recruiting crisis

The US military is in the midst of a recruiting crisis. This is probably the result of several factors, including the fact that the men who were sent into Iraq in 2003 are now the fathers of young adults. Many of them have doubtless inculcated in their children a mistrust of the Deep State, neoconservatives, and foreign adventures. The fact that the Iraq War was fought on behalf of Israel is not mentioned in the mainstream, but it is on the lips of nearly every Iraq War veteran.

The military’s current senior leadership have also been proven liars. The catastrophic pullout from Kabul laid it all bare. That nobody was fired over the debacle shows that the military is now an institution unable to correct itself. Additionally, the “anti-extremist” stand-down and related woke policies have largely soured white America on the idea of military service. And it not a good idea to have those of a different race or ethnic group serving as a nation’s soldiers. The Romans in Britain learned this lesson, but too late. In 449 AD, the Roman Britons hired the Angles to serve as their soldiers against the Picts. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records that

[i]n their days Hengest and Horsa, invited by Wurtgern, king of the Britons to his assistance, landed in Britain in a place that is called Ipwinesfleet; first of all to support the Britons, but they afterwards fought against them. The king directed them to fight against the Picts; and they did so; and obtained the victory wheresoever they came. They then sent to the Angles, and desired them to send more assistance. They described the worthlessness of the Britons, and the richness of the land. They then sent them greater support. Then came the men from three powers of Germany; the Old Saxons, the Angles, and the Jutes.

The Roman Britons were eventually displaced by their own hireling soldiers. Today, our diverse American military hasn’t decisively won a war since 1945, covers up non-white pathologies within its ranks, and has been institutionally anti-white since at least the mid-1990s. Some veterans have told me that this has actually been the case since the 1970s.

Now, even mainstream commentators are arguing that whites should not enlist. The Army’s recent recruiting video was met with some considerably hostile comments concerning Israel and the situation in general. While comment sections are not a scientific way of gauging public opinion, these comments indicate a legitimate concern in the United States. Those who have criticized America’s support for Israel and described the problems stemming from the military’s diversity can be proud that they’ve made some gains.

More red flags in Ukraine

The Russo-Ukrainian War remains an enormous threat to global safety. There is currently no hope for peace, although several nations have offered mediation. But both sides still think they can win, and the Russians and Ukrainians are playing to their respective strengths. The Ukrainians have the backing of what remains of America and Western Europe’s industrial, financial, and technical acumen. The Russians have much of Eurasia’s natural resources and its population, plus they are receiving assistance from both Iran and China — and Russia’s war narrative is playing well in China and India.

The United States and other countries have sanctioned Russia, but they have not proved to be very effective and it may be time to reconsider their use. The Russians can align their economy with those of other nations under Western sanctions and conduct trade in currencies other than the US dollar. If this alternative economy works, it may grow. Moreover, it possesses enormous resources of its own.

The Ukrainians are at a disadvantage in the long run. The Russians can inflict enough casualties that the Ukrainians are forced to yield, Ukraine’s supporters in Europe and America may tire of their support, or the Western economy might take enough damage of its own that supporting Ukraine becomes too expensive to sustain.

Ukraine’s most fervent supporters in the West are also beginning to change their tune. I recently saw two videos where Anne Applebaum — a Jewish Russia-hater and never-Trumper regarded as an expert on Russia — was confronted by hostile questioners from the utopian Schiller Institute regarding America’s aggressive policies. Her inability to answer their questions or offer a moral case for supporting Ukraine and America’s continued involvement in Syria was surprising.

Applebaum also lied during the questioning when she claimed that the recent Seymour Hersh article exposing the involvement of the United States and other NATO countries in bombing the Nord Stream Pipeline has been “debunked.” In fact, while Hersh’s allegations haven’t been conclusively proven, they haven’t been disproven, either — and have the ring of truth. It is undeniable that Biden and other officials had openly spoken about stopping the pipeline prior to the bombing.

Applebaum’s contempt for the questioners highlights a critical problem for the US foreign policy establishment. Its most aggressive actors are often Jewish and are as hostile toward American whites as they are toward Russia and other countries that do not toe the Washington line.

It is questionable how much this aggression furthers the interests of ordinary Americans. Thus, such lies have created an unbalanced political situation that could rupture. The Ukrainians must recognize that if most Americans lose faith in the establishment’s narrative, they’ll end up having to cut a deal with the Russians.

BLM rioter payouts

Black Lives Matter rioters from the summer of 2020 have been paid an enormous sum by Philadelphia’s city government. This is a treasury raid involving collusion by the local government’s various levels, as well as the judicial system. Paying rioters will lead to more riots, and it will become a protection racket.

These payouts are the result of the “civil rights” social paradigm. The “most dysfunctional segment of the population, numbering just over 10% of the whole, is being given power and privileges above and beyond their value to society. Such a system is unsustainable. While the establishment is powerful now, it is often the case that when such institutions seem to be at their height, the foundations upon which they are built can shift suddenly and unexpectedly. Unstable social conditions tend to have a 87-year lifespan; we are currently 59 years from the 1964 Civil Rights Act and 69 years from Brown v. Board of Education.

The boot remains on white America’s neck. The troubles continue. All white advocates must therefore continue to work, striving to repair the damage and free their people and their land.

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