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China: ‘We Are Now Ready To Destroy America’

16-5-2021 < No Fake News 136 1140 words

China says it's ready to destroy America

China has issued its most dire and direct threat to world peace, as the communist regime warns that it is ready to completely obliterate the USA in a new war.

The chilling warning issued by Beijing comes amid a tense stand-off over the South China Sea and Taiwan.

China’s government propaganda outlet, Global Times, published an editorial revealing the threat in response to joint military drills carried out by the US. The US joined drills with Japan, Australia and France this week in an intended show of force against the Communist regime. reports: However, instead of backing down, China appears to have been rattled, prompting a fierce rebuke in Beijing’s state-run newspapers asserting confidence in Chinese military superiority.

RT America’s Alex Mihailovich said: “The Global Times put out an editorial saying the US would be defeated if any conflict broke out in the South China Sea.

“Many see the drills as a show of force aimed at China as Japan works towards consolidating military alliances in an effort to deter its neighbouring superpower

“However the drills appeared to irritate China rather than contain it.”

He continued: “According to the Global Times editorial, the US will be defeated if it engages in combat with China in its neighbouring waters.”

The editorial also read that the People’s Liberation Army “doesn’t even need to make pointed responses to the joint drills since its insignificant militarily”.

Former UK MP George Galloway told RT that this would prompt an increase in military preparedness from China.

He said: “What a spur this must be to China’s own warship development.

“If they are not fools, they will be building so many warships right now that no-one will dare to steam up the East China Sea and threaten them in any way.”

The week-long drills sees troops training in activities such as simulated urban combat, as well as defending remote islands and intercepting vessels at sea.

The drills are designed to send a message to an increasingly expansionist and aggressive China.

The drills take place close to the Diaoyu Islands, which are claimed by Beijing but controlled by Japan, which refers to them as the Senkaku Islands.

Admiral Pierre Vandier, chief of the French naval staff, said: “Our message will be targeted at China.”

Earlier this week, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army released videos showing marines training for island landing drills in an apparent threat to Taiwan.

Video footage released by the PLA Navy shows marines from the Eastern Theatre Command in a recent landing exercise for a simulated invasion.
