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#MeToo Predator Andrew Cuomo Hires Serial Rapist Weinstein’s Lawyer

3-3-2021 < No Fake News 17 1191 words

Gov. Andrew Cuomo hires serial rapist Harvey Weinstein's lawyer

#MeToo predator Gov. Andrew Cuomo has hired serial rapist Harvey Weinstein’s lawyer as the walls begin closing in on his administration.

The office of the New York Governor hired attorney Elkan Abramowitz as federal investigators probe his state’s handling of nursing home patients during the pandemic.

Feds are investigating Cuomo over the death and subsequent coverup of elderly patients who were forced into nursing homes at the height of the coronavirus pandemic.

Last March, Gov. Cuomo signed a directive that forced nursing homes to accept coronavirus-positive patients in order to free up hospital beds – a move that resulted in many needless deaths, which Cuomo’s administration was later accused of covering up.

Following the nursing home scandal, Cuomo went on to face multiple sexual assault and harassment accusations. reports: Abramowitz said that when it comes to the other scandals involving the governor, he and his firm have “not been retained on the sexual harassment matter.” Abramowitz had previously come under fire for serving as disgraced movie mogul and Democrat Party mega-donor Harvey Weinstein’s lawyer, and helping avoid charges for admittedly groping a model.

Abramowitz has also served as Woody Allen’s lawyer, representing the director in his 1990s custody battle with actress Mia Farrow, and defending Allen when his adoptive daughter Dylan Farrow accused him of sexual assault.

As for Cuomo, when asked about the investigation being conducted by Brooklyn prosecutors and the FBI, the governor deflected the state’s matter onto former President Donald Trump, adding that such inquires have only been given to states run by Democrats.

“We have had requests from the Department of Justice since last year when President Trump accused Democratic states of the COVID problem,” said Cuomo. “Let’s be accurate, President Trump first denied the COVID problem — his second strategy was, ‘OK there’s a COVID problem, but it’s caused by Democratic states.’”
