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Gorka Blames Deep State for Withheld JFK Files

27-10-2017 < Red Ice Creations 73 289 words

Former Deputy Assistant to the president Sebastian Gorka says the deep state’s move to withhold many of the JFK files “stinks to high heaven,” and that Donald Trump had nothing to do with it.

2,800 records relating to the assassination of John F. Kennedy were released by the National Archives yesterday, but more have been held back and will be reviewed during a 180-day period. According to Trump confidant Roger Stone, CIA director Mike Pompeo is responsible for the documents being kept secret.

Gorka said it was “fake news” that Trump had any role in ‘covering-up’ the release of the documents, telling host Lou Dobbs, “This is nothing to do with President Trump, this is the FBI and the CIA requesting to redact some of the documents.”

“To hell with them, I mean that seriously, to hell with them,” responded Dobbs, asking, “Why should we or the president or any administration put up” with intelligence agencies keeping the documents secret for so long.

“There’s only two reasons you would do that redaction right now, the reasons are you protect active operations or you protect sources and methods – neither of those can be true 50 years later – so what is it? Something embarrassing,” remarked Gorka, adding, “It really stinks to high heaven.”

According to reports, Trump is apparently furious that the remaining documents were not released.

A White House official told CNN Trump was, “unhappy with the level of redactions” and that the agencies were “not meeting the spirit of the law.”

“JFK Files are being carefully released. In the end there will be great transparency. It is my hope to get just about everything to public!” Trump tweeted this morning.

