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It's Official: California Is Now a Sanctuary State

6-10-2017 < Red Ice Creations 65 394 words

By Reinhard Wolff |

California’s transition to a third world slum is coming along quite marvelously, isn’t it?


California officially became a sanctuary state for illegal aliens on Thursday with the stroke of Gov. Jerry Brown’s pen.

Senate Bill 54 will go into effect in January 2018. Brown signed the bill entitled the “California Values Act” and released a signing statement. Brown explained what the bill does and does not do.

The bill prohibits local law enforcement from asking about immigration status in the course of routine interactions and prohibits them from complying with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer requests.

How progressive.

Honestly, this is all very amusing. Illegal immigrants cost California over $30 billion per year, which is 17.7% of its state budget. So if the Golden State wants to serve as an even more alarming warning against adopting “progressive” policies, by all means!

Better yet, California should just secede, which would be a huge electoral win for the Right.

As a bit of an anecdote, I used to live California. San Diego, where I stayed for ten years, was nearly 90% White in the 70s. Now, less than fifty years later, it’s around 50% White. The effects of this demographic transition are hard to miss: Mexican gangs, no-go zones for Whites, drugs smuggled from across the border, being a minority on public transit, and having trouble communicating with the person cutting your hair, to name a few.

Is this the future we want? For many, I’m afraid the answer is yes. Thankfully, however, White people continue to realize that things are changing for the worse, and that living as a resented minority – all while subsidizing our replacements – is a bad deal.

Trump was just the beginning of this awakening. As to what comes next, though, I cannot say for certain. But I can say for that the winds of history are blowing toward a resurgence of White identity. And, as history demonstrates, White people can work as a very effective team when needed.

This is precisely why the powers that be are intent on ensuring that we remain isolated, atomized, and ultimately unaware that we share group interests – interests of the most vital importance.

