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Rob Schneider Had Me Until: “I’m All for Immigration, It Just Has to be Legal”, by Andrew Anglin

19-8-2024 < UNZ 19 2601 words

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Classic 1990s SNL cast member and Deuce Bigalow (Male Gigolo) Rob Schneider appeared on Tucker Carlson a couple days ago.

I really liked the opening segment, where he was talking about his daughter attacking him, and he said he’s a recent convert to Catholicism, and he seems like a good person.

Do you know that people used to tell me I looked like this guy? I remember in high school, hot girls that liked me would say “you’re so cute but you look like Deuce Bigalow, I don’t mean that as offensive, you’re better looking than him but you look like him.”

He’s like, Irish, Filipino, and Jew.


Tough break for him and for me for people saying I look like him. By the way, I am not Filipino or Jewish, I am 3/4ths Irish and 1/4th German. Just so you understand. That is my personal situation. I don’t know why I look like that guy and I don’t believe I do actually look like that guy. (When it comes to celebrity comparisons, many people say I look like a young Brad Pitt, in fact. Specifically, they say I look like Brad Pitt in Fight Club. Others have claimed I am more of a Denzel Washington type.)

But Rob seems like a pretty good guy.

He appears to really care about his daughter and new younger kids and his wife and ex-wife and he says first and foremost he cares about God. It seems good.

He hits basically all of the big right-wing issues, excluding the Jew thing. I don’t even think he skips that because he’s part Jewish (I think he’s only a quarter). He’s just following the current narrative that has been pushed by so much of the right-wing media, including Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson: “just avoid the Jew thing.”

He promotes anti-vax and all kinds of kook conspiracies, all of which I believe in personally. Some of them I would probably not promote on my website. (For the record, I believe all conspiracy theories, even the really stupid ones. But I have to be serious on this website.)

Schneider doesn’t really have any reason to fake this. I think he’s being honest. He seems honest. You might say “well, he’s got nothing going on, so he might as well do this right-wing extremist thing,” but he actually started his anti-vax and various other “far right” activism a decade ago, when he was still getting supporting roles in Adam Sandler’s films and various other legitimately profitable Hollywood roles. If he had started this stuff last week, then yes I would agree it looks like he’s just doing whatever to get attention, but he actually blew up his own career by taking extremist positions, way before this sort of thing was popular. (You can say what you want about the stuff he was doing. It’s not really my thing. But in the 00s and 10s, Adam Sandler and Sandler-adjacent comedy was a big business.)

He says at the outset that he went on the show to get a big audience to apologize to his daughter. She goes by the name “Elle King,” and is a pretty unremarkable pop singer.

Video Link

In terms of “pilled-out fat white girls,” I’m all-in for Billie Eilish. Though I also believe in brutal Irish nepotism, and will always shill for Billie, even over women who are physically attractive.

King’s minor hits were all a decade or so ago. But she made news recently when she came out and denounced her father for being “toxic” – that is to say, telling her she was fat and needed to lose weight. She literally whined that he didn’t let her shove Cheetos into her face and instead made her eat healthy food. She also says he sent her to fat camp.

If you think she looks like a low-riding road dog in that video, you should see her now.

This is 35 years old. Marry your daughters off young, folks. Wait until she’s whatever the legal age is and find an older man with money who will take her and organize a conspiracy with him. Blitzkrieg her in a teenage marriage. It’s the only way to avoid something like this. A lot of men don’t want to think about their little princess being with a significantly older man. Those men are called “faggots” and their daughters will never produce grandkids and instead will insult them on public venues while looking like a grotesque Dr. Seuss villain.

This is 35 years old. Marry your daughters off young, folks. Wait until she’s whatever the legal age is and find an older man with money who will take her and organize a conspiracy with him. Blitzkrieg her in a teenage marriage. It’s the only way to avoid something like this. A lot of men don’t want to think about their little princess being with a significantly older man. Those men are called “faggots” and their daughters will never produce grandkids and instead will insult them on public venues while looking like a grotesque Dr. Seuss villain.

That bitch puts the “ruff ruff ruff” in “ruff rider.” If she would have followed her father’s instructions and lost weight when she was a kid, it’s unlikely she would have ended up like this. Being that overweight will take a decade off her life, at least, and obviously means a seriously diminished quality of life generally, including all types of health complications before you even get old.

But frankly, the fact that she is so repulsive makes his decision to give an apology on the largest platform he could find all the more meaningful.

I was touched by it.

I don’t think he needs to apologize for getting her to try and lose weight, obviously, but on some level, I think all parents should say to their kids at some point “I’m sorry for my failings.” No one is perfect, and seemingly small mistakes can have a big impact on kids, so I think it’s a natural thing for parents to tell their kids they never meant to do anything to hurt them.

Aside from a callous way for a burned-out pop singer to get in the headlines by insulting her once-famous father, the blobess’ attacks clearly related to how vocal her father has been about issues such as vaccines and Christian values.

I’m not saying Rob Schneider is important. I do not recommend the above interview. It’s fine, I listened to it in the background while I was doing something else, but I don’t recommend it when you’ve got stuff like the new episode of Tim Dillon and the Patrick Bet-David interview with Dan Bilzerian out this week.

But I respect anyone who sacrifices money for what they believe in, and Schneider has clearly done that, and I think it’s great to see more and more people doing this.

This movement of various people with nothing to gain coming out and saying real shit definitely proves the whole anti-boomer narrative. Boomers were the only people who would never sacrifice money for anything, ever, and they really did destroy the country with their heinous self-righteousness, and now that the boomers are on their way out, more and more people are popping up and saying “I don’t care if this ruins my career, I’m standing up against this shit.”

You’re seeing it all over and you’re going to be seeing more of it. It’s snowballing.

But Then He Says…

I was following along with Schneider, really thinking it was a nice thing, then he says: “I’m all for immigration, it just has to be legal.”

Why do people keep saying this? I do not understand how anyone buys it.

It’s like: “I’m all for my family members committing suicide, I just think they should OD on pills so they don’t make a mess.”

We don’t need any more immigrants.

Look around.

We’ve had enough.

We actually need to remove tens of millions of people. At least.

Why do we need more immigrants? There are too many people here.

Any immigrants can be legalized. Seriously, what? Any immigrant can be legalized. The same government bringing in the immigrants decides who is legal. They have legalized all kinds of immigrants.

I grew up in Columbus, Ohio, which was ground zero for the Somalian invasion (second only to Minnesota). My grandmother, God rest her soul, listened to Rush Limbaugh 4 hours per day. She believed that the Somalians were illegal immigrants. She would refer to them as “illegals.” This was 20 years ago. This scam has been running for as long as immigration has been a problem.

“Legal” or “illegal” is basically an arbitrary distinction at this point. Somalians are objectively the worst possible immigrants, by a lot – way worse than Venezuelans – and they are all here “legally.” Most of them are US citizens. If someone is a “lawful permanent resident (LPR)” for ten years, they are given citizenship. Their kids are all citizens. There is a suburb of Columbus called Westerville that is literally Mogadishu 2: Bulbhead Bonanza. All “legal.”

No one who has a problem with Venezuelan illegals can support legal Somalians. “Legal” does not somehow mean “righteous and just” in any sense, and definitely not in respect to immigration.

Right now, when you say “legal immigrants,” you are no better than the fat slob Donald Trump, who promotes infinity Indians to work in “AI” and “on farms.”

Trump, a former game show host who is running for president while swearing to turn the entire US government over to the Jews, says that the only qualification for entering the country legally should be that you’re not a murderer, killer, or drug dealer.

So, following the Trump worldview, you would have everything you have now in terms of the genocide of white people through civilizational scale forced integration, but with less crime. Which is sort of ridiculous, given that regardless of who you bring in, the most crime will always be committed by American Africans. One of the pro-immigration narratives is “immigrants actually commit less crime than Americans (i.e., black people) do.” So: think about that one.

The crime is really just a symptom of the problem. It’s a stupid narrative for the Republicans, especially since the Democrats are now saying the exact same thing as Trump: “We want to racially displace whites in their own country, but there is a crime problem.” Kamala is running ads saying she’s going to “secure the border.”

Meanwhile, Trump is talking about stapling green cards to diplomas. He’s saying we need to import immigrants to work on farms – bringing back the old “immigrants work jobs Americans don’t want to do” from George W. Bush.

We have how many niggers in this country?

Wait, I’m going to ask my robot. He’ll probably lecture me, but he’ll answer the question.

Not too much of a lecture. He just told me it’s deeply problematic, which I already knew. But at least he answered the question: 40 million niggers.

Put them on the farms! Cut the welfare, send them to the farms. I’m serious. Organize a “good jobs” program for the blacks and tell them the welfare train is over. Carrot and stick. More like watermelon and whip (amirite?). Get them into the fields.

Niggers are good at this!

It’s the only thing they are good at, besides basketball!

Why did Trump say we need Indians to work on farms???

I’ve had enough of it.

But Rob seems like a nice guy. I’m sure he doesn’t know. He hasn’t thought through it.

But here’s the deal:

  • Niggers on the farms

  • Whites in the AI

We do not need more Indians.

The difference between “legal” and “illegal” is nothing but a government stamp.

Trump is full of shit.

Speaking of shit, Tucker Carlson has a disgusting number of ads. How much fucking money do you need, bro? Seriously? Give a number. How much? Enough to have more ads than the TV on a fucking podcast, apparently. Infinity money, Tucker?


I’m hereby calling on Tucker Carlson to issue a specific number of how much money he needs to make every year, and then when he hits the number, remove the ads. I have never seen this many ads in my life.

Enough is enough.

It’s time for a new leader.

A real leader.

A serious leader.

A man that we can all get behind.

It’s time.

Let’s see if Tucker Carlson has the balls to interview a true American hero, who doesn’t believe “Nazis were so evil.”

Nazis were not evil. Nazis were very good people.

It’s time to kick things up a notch. It’s time to really start doing real shit.

It’s time for a Blitzkrieg.

A Dan Blitzkrieg, if you will.

The ultimate agenda has already begun.

It doesn’t matter if you’re ready for this, because it’s already happening.

This is the final phase of our revolution.

Absolute Blitzkrieg.
