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Playing Cover for Pedos & Creating a Paradise in Hell

18-8-2024 < Attack the System 15 3231 words

Are Vitaly and his celebrity pals part of a coverup for the Pedophocracy? Does it entail an even more sinister means to an end?

Everyone remembers Chris Hansen and his Dateline NBC show To Catch A Predator. It was a hit with all audiences in America. And of course, why wouldn’t it be? Who doesn’t hate pedophiles and who doesn’t want to watch them be exposed and have their lives ruined on national television? It’s great stuff. It even still has a large, cult-like following, that goes on to this day.

The show also inspired a bunch of citizens to catch predators on their own. These videos became very popular on YouTube in the mid-2010s. They depicted many different kinds of regular people, from all walks of life, exposing pedophiles on their own before turning them over to the authorities and then uploading the video on the internet, ruining these pedophiles’ lives. Again, great stuff.

Have you seen this new breed of pedophile hunting videos that seems to have blown up over this last summer? The one’s starring the famous streamer Vitaly, and featuring popular rappers The Game, Ty Dolla $ign, and Lil Pump. These videos have the same theme as the ones mentioned prior: vigilantes busting pedophiles and then turning them over to the law. There’s one huge, noticeable difference in these videos: Vitaly and the celebrities utilize violence on the suspected pedophiles in front of the camera.

Now on the surface, that sounds great. Who doesn’t want to watch a pedophile get tormented and tortured? However, when it comes to content of any sort, it is also important to question the intentions of those making it.

Some may call it cynicism, but those with common sense should have a hard time believing anyone, celebrity or not, that records themselves performing what is perceived as a good deed, is actually doing it out of the kindness of their own heart. That’s clout chasing, and that’s the high that this new generation is always chasing. Though, when it comes to celebrities, who already carry plenty of clout, what is their motive for recording themselves doing a good deed? Specifically, what would be their motive for recording themselves busting pedophiles and illegally inflicting violence upon them?

Well to start, while some of these pedophile hunting videos made by Vitaly do seem genuine due to the fact that people have been arrested and law enforcement has made comments regarding them, it should be noted that Vitaly got his fame from acting out pranks on YouTube and pulling off stunts at social events. He’s a clout chaser that’s made it big, and he wants to stay that way, and that’s why he’s decided to surround himself with celebrities any chance he gets.

The Pedophocracy more than likely became aware of this trend when one of their own was caught by Vitaly on a stream that would end up being viewed by millions. After Herschel Weingrod, who is known for writing popular family films such as Space Jam and Kindergarten Cop, was exposed for trying to meet with an underage girl, the footage of the incident blew up, and had many discussing the pedophilia problem in the movie industry. When these discussions started, they knew they would have to properly plan a way of quelling them and getting the public back under their Hollywood hypnosis. Thus, they had their executive goons in the music industry get their hands inside of their puppet celebrities and have them take part in these videos, with the caveat that these videos would be completely faked and the celebrities in them would face absolutely zero risk in taking in them.

Why is this theory being postulated here? If you have not seen these videos with the celebrities, they seem staged. One video in particular with Lil Pump shows him and Vitaly “torturing” a supposed pedophile by shaving his head and then having him eat an excessively hot potato chip. However, the supposed pedophile’s reaction to what is happening to him comes off like a high school theater kid trying hard to sell their acting. It’s totally fake.

Before we go further, let it be said now that it is not known if any of the rappers in these videos with Vitaly are pedophiles. The same can be said for Vitaly.  It should be noted however that Lil Pump has been accused of running scams; back in 2015 The Game was sued for sexual assault and then ordered to pay $7 million to his accuser after refusing to show up to court; Ty Dolla $ign was indicted on felony drug charges and was facing up to 15 years in prison before he was allowed to complete classes and have the case erased, a luxury not often afforded to the non-violent offenders without a record deal. Funny, because a scam is exactly what these videos are; also a sexual predator is a sexual predator, regardless of the age of the victim or how they try to save face; and often in pedophile rings, drugs are part of the trade.

Anyways, if they are not proven to be pedophiles themselves, why would they be part of a cover up that centers around filming fake pedophile hunting videos? It’s simple. Celebrities in general are not their own people. Every single one of them needs a master pulling their strings in order for them to go far. Many in the music industry in particular talk about how in order to make it you have to be willing to “sell your soul”, meaning you sacrifice your identity and independence for fame and fortune, while maybe fulfilling some favors or even orders along the way. This sometimes means that selling your soul necessitates replacing it with deep and dark secrets.

It’s no secret that the music industry, much like the film industry, has a pedophilia problem. In recent years, Alanis Morissette made the claim that those who make up the industry are “all pedophiles.” She went on to talk about the horrors she faced, such as being a play thing for men in their late 40’s when she was only 15. Even without those like Morissette making statements confirming that this goes on in the music industry, it is a known fact that many famous musicians, producers and executives at one time in America’s past, were openly pedophiles.

Lori Maddox was 14 years old when David and Angie Bowie took her virginity. Around this time, she would become involved with Led Zeppelin frontman Jimmy Page, who was then in his late 20’s going into his early 30’s. Although Maddox admitted to being scared of Page and would make many attempts to reject his advances, Maddox would go on to date Page for two years. Page would leave her when she turned 16. According to Maddox, she then went on to initiate a sexual relationship with Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones. It should also be noted about the Rolling Stones that member Bill Wyman began his relationship with ex-wife Mandy Smith when she was 13. According to Wyman, when Smith’s older sister called for him to be prosecuted for this, he approached the police and public prosecutor himself and they refused to take any action against him.

Courtney Love claims Ted Nugent had her give him fellatio when she was only 12. Many today would probably write this off as just another bout of crazy from Courtney, but when you consider Nugent’s song sickeningly titled “Jailbait” is literally about his obsession with a 13 year old then it doesn’t sound too crazy, now does it? Maybe Courtney has a lot more stories like this that she has yet to tell, and maybe that’s why the music industry’s press has no issue smearing her as being crazy along with practically accusing her of murdering her husband Kurt Cobain still to this day.

Eagles drummer and singer Don Henley ordered a 16 year old prostitute to his house one night back in 1980, when Henley was already in his 30s. Throughout the night, the underage girl would consume excessive amounts of cocaine, supplied to her by Henley. The next morning, in the middle of an attempt by Henley to have sex with the underage girl, the girl would break out into seizures and was then suffering through an overdose. When all was said and done after medical services and law enforcement got involved, the girl would be arrested for prostitution while Henley got off with a $2,500 fine and two years probation.

The recently deceased Steve Albini, famed producer for both Nirvana and the Pixies among others, spoke about his love for child pornography in a 1988 interview with Forced Exposure, a now defunct Boston-based music magazine. Many defend Albini here and chalk it up to being an example of his shocking sense of humor, and nothing more. Some even point out that it wouldn’t make sense for Albini to be telling the truth about this in an interview with an American magazine, because surely if it were an honest revelation, Albini would have been punished for it. However, that alibi for Albini doesn’t really stand tall when you consider his friendship with Peter Sotos, a convicted child pornographer that continues to write about sex crimes involving children in great and glowing detail. It’s even worse when you realize Sotos writes from the perspectives of the sexual predators that commit these sick crimes. It still gets way worse. Albini promoted Sotos’ magazine Pure, again in the defunct magazine Forced Exposure. The specific issue that Albini promoted was the exact issue that got Sotos hit with a child pornography charge. Years after the conviction, Sotos released his “album” Buyer’s Market, which one reviewer describes as a “collection of testimonials of sexually abused children. The album exhibits clips of children’s cries, which makes the whole thing hard to stomach.” Albini helped Sotos produce this “album” that more so comes across as a sick, spoken word anthology for pedophiles to enjoy.

Now, that is enough examples of pedophilia running amock in the music industry, but if you need anymore, there are countless out there. Some more famous musically inclined pedophiles not mentioned here include R. Kelly, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis as well as many, many more.

With all this now being said, is it really that hard to believe that maybe this new breed of pedophile hunting videos are being staged for sinister reasons? The production of these videos matched with heroic, lead roles being filled with notable names surely helps to throw people off the Pedophocracy’s tail. Hell, Vitaly and these celebrities don’t even have to know they are helping play cover for the Pedophocracy. For all we know, they probably just correctly assumed that these videos would get lots of views and help to boost their images. Afterall, their handlers (agents, managers, executives, etc.) know what they need to know, and they are the ones making these things happen.

Even if this ploy is only helping a little, the Pedophocracy benefits greatly, especially as more people have recently become aware of their existence due to nefarious people like Jeffrey Epstein and his famous friends, or scandals like Pizzagate. Putting people under a spell that makes them refuse to acknowledge or even get to learn about these kinds of things will help to keep their mystique around them, thus helping to make those who do have knowledge of these things look crazy for trying to pursue and propagate the truth. Making these videos and presenting them to the young audiences that watch them plants the seeds in the youth’s heads that “insert celebrity name couldn’t be a pedophile! Look at this video of them busting a pedophile!”, which is exactly the sort of spell the Pedophocracy, who are prominent in the entertainment industry in general, want the youth under. The youth will get older, and they will help to influence those younger than them. As long as that influence aids the agenda of those in power, everybody is happy.

What about the violence factor? That was what really seemed to make these videos trend again, but this time catching on in a way that captured the masses. When you take into account the fact that violence plays a huge part in being a means to multiple ends, you start to understand why the violence plays such an important role in these staged productions.

For the celebrities acting out the violence, this helps build their images up by leading people to believe they could never be pedophiles themselves when they are actively hunting them down and disregarding their safety, as well as the law, by inflicting harm on the suspects. What is ironic about violence helping these celebrities be seen in a more positive light is that in general celebrities are often quite opposed to violence, despite making money off glorifying it in their various productions. The truth, however, is that celebrities often have no mind of their own and are persuaded or maybe even forced to make statements like these by politicians who make up the face of the State. Why? Because the State understands propaganda, and they also understand how polarized the public is by what entertains them, so when everybody isn’t happy, they can turn up the heat and further the divide in the public by having celebrities speak on issues and help influence political debate, which in this country today quickly turns into political violence.

Now why would the State do that? Because when their propagandists in the media and entertainment industries can no longer keep the public under their spell, the State needs excuses to force them back under that spell, by any means necessary. Violence in general gives them a great excuse, and the greater the violence then the greater the excuse. So while these fake videos get more popular, the violence in them escalates. This is calculated chaos that leads to intended consequences that are sought after by the State to benefit them and make them more powerful at the cost of our own human rights and civil liberties. It is always worth remembering that in many instances throughout history the State had prior knowledge that events like 9/11 were going to take place, therefore one can logically reason that laws such as the Patriot Act, introduced after 9/11 and which greatly diminished our freedoms in America, had already been predetermined as the course of action for the State as a means of further putting us under their control.

But why would these staged productions, more than likely put together by those behind the scenes of the music industry in order to protect a large part of the pedophocracy, be influenced in any way by the State? Because again, the entertainment industry in general makes up a large part of the propaganda department for the State, so when the State is happy, they are happy too. And it’s because a large number of our public officials, both elected and non-elected, that make up the State, are also members of the Pedophocracy. The Epstein fiasco revealed to us not only that celebrity pedophiles and creeps like Kevin Spacey and Leonardo DiCaprio are associated with a cabal of child molesters, it also shined light on the fact that Presidents such as Clinton and Trump, or Governors like Bill Richardson, and even foreign dignitaries in the form of Prince Andrew helped make this cabal a part of their deep, and very dark State. Before this, in the 1980s it was scandals like the Finders, Craig Spence and his underage call boys, along with Larry King of the Franklin Cover Up scandal that implicated organizations such as the FBI, CIA, all the way up to the White House as being both complicit and complacent in organized sex crimes involving children. With all that being said, it’s obvious they need to protect their asses too, so why not make it a win-win scenario and use these videos also as an opportunity to further desensitize the youthful audience to violence in such a fun and exciting way? That way, even if the fake videos eventually fail and people start to see right through them, violence will still be brewing and building within America. While the violence will only get worse, the cries for control over the  chaos will only get louder and louder, and the police state will be sure to expand in power and size. And keep in mind this chaos is calculated, meaning the State means for it to happen, which also means the State knows how it will respond to the chaos, therefore logically the State knows just how big and powerful their police state will become.

Yes, this does all sound like the paranoid ramblings of a conspiracy theorist. But when you look at how corrupted the world is, and how all innocence has seemed to have vanished while all facets of life are being manipulated, does the idea of something like this happening really seem that far-fetched? Think about what all of the players in this ploy are capable of after referring to the information here, and then ask yourself that question.

As for the idea that your favorite celebrities may be associated with and or part of a network of powerful pedophiles may be heartbreaking to you. However, understanding the truth about these things will only help you see them along with the rest of the world in a more clear and honest way. You don’t need to ditch the movies, music or any other art you love as a means of being against this sick agenda they aid, because regardless, the agenda will continue. Just pray that these people ditch their celebrity skins, renounce their ways, and join the rest of us normal people in American society. Perhaps that can help curb the alienation Americans have been plagued with, which again is another intended consequence birthed from the calculated chaos.

The Societal Scope
