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“VACCINES” REDEFINED: CDC had to change the definition of “vaccines” so that mRNA would not be discredited by its own description

17-8-2024 < Natural News 20 800 words

“VACCINES” REDEFINED: CDC had to change the definition of “vaccines” so that mRNA would not be discredited by its own description

The Trojan Horse of ‘vaccinations’ is the mRNA jab, where your cells are ‘broken into’ and re-instructed to produce billions of microscopic virus clone particles that can stick together anywhere in the vascular system, cleansing organs or the brain. There is NOTHING like this in the history of vaccinations. Now, these virus clones are scientifically being identified as ‘nanoparticles’ that may be able to be programmed to join together and even target certain parts of the body or brain. Again, this is NOTHING like any “vaccine” ever created before in the deep, dark history of a world corroded with dirty immunizations.

That brings us to the old school definition of vaccination, and how they were all described under one (fake) definition umbrella, versus the new modified, amended, twisted and warped definition, that’s wickedly crafted to sound “safe and effective” just like all the rest of the dirty lot. This is the great culling. The most effective weapon of mass destruction ever created – mRNA “vaccines.” A vaccine is a biological preparation that is supposed to help the body “acquire” immunity, but this has never been verified. Vaccines contain agents that resemble disease-causing microorganisms, so true immunity could only come naturally, and that’s why true immunity lasts so much longer than any vaccine “effect” or “adverse effect.”

With mRNA, science shows immunity is WEAKENED with every new jab, including the boosters, that can create an AIDS-LIKE disorder of the cells and completely wreck the biological seat of immunity. This is a key difference in vaccines that we’ve never seen before and required a massive change in the definition purported by the Sick-Care-Information-Complex of America (SCICA), including Google, Wikipedia, CDC, AMA, FDA and all the shill scientists and MDs behind the Covid scamdemic.

Fact: The CDC changed the definition of vaccination because mRNA did not fit, and they did not want it to be discredited in this way

Natural health advocates have been calling out dirty vaccines since the Polio paralysis scare, but now vaccines call themselves out as dirty as we see the horrific health carnage the mRNA jabs have caused across the globe, and it’s about to get a whole lot worse. The mRNA stab experiment failed billions of guinea pig people. Not only are mRNA “clot shot” gene-mutation injections proven ineffective at prevention or transmission of “Covid-19,” but they are detrimental to all body systems, including the vascular system, digestion, cognition, central nervous system, immune system and the reproductive system as well.

Changes made to the definition of vaccination across the internet were said to have been made to prevent misinformation, but if the definition was dead wrong to begin with, then now it becomes disinformation, which is even more dangerous, because it’s written with malicious intent. The Associated Press is “all in” on this, with Wikipedia following suit.

The insidious vaccine cult of scientists that conspired to create the nightmare had to get out in front of the wave of truth media that was coming with the billions of injuries and hundreds of millions of deaths caused BY the spike protein DNA-altering “technology” of these new “vaccinations.” Before Covid mRNA jabs, a vaccination was an “injection of a killed or weakened infectious organism in order to prevent disease.” Simple right? But wait, because the word vaccination has now been repurposed. That’s right, repurposed. Let us blame technology for any errors, omissions, and mass death by genocide this time around.

The technology of mRNA is the most insane experiment ever carried out on humans, not to mention most humans on planet earth. Only 2.2 billion people in the world did NOT get vaccinated for Covid. Since there are currently 8 billion people on Earth, that means nearly 6 billion are suffering from some level of spike protein syndrome right now.

Now human cells produce the enemy forever, driving the immune system mad, like mad cow disease, but it’s mad Covid spike PRION disease instead. Now, messenger RNA cells are hijacked like a cellular machine taught to produce billions of virus clones, and never stop. Humans have been targeted for destruction, and this fits the new definition of vaccination. Get it?

Got cancer, parasites, dementia, depression, auto-immune disorder, blood clots or VAIDS? That's the new "vaccine" technology that you're highly allergic to, my friends. Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on new names for the same old problem, and that’s short-and-long-term repercussions of dangerous and dirty “vaccines,” now including myocarditis, pericarditis, heart attacks, strokes, PCVS, SPS and Long-Vax-Syndrome.

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