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Seditious Traitor Trump Calls for Flooding America with Anyone Who Is Not a Murderer, by Andrew Anglin

17-8-2024 < UNZ 20 1198 words

The day after vowing to devote his entire presidency to doing whatever Israel and Jews want him to do, literally telling Jews “you’ll have the presidency,” tragic game show host and presidential candidate Donald Trump told audiences that he wants to flood the United States with all kinds of people, as long as they are not murderers.

The bulbous old man, a grotesque caricature of humanness, cited AI and farming as reasons he would fill our country up with foreigners.

“We’re going to get the bad ones out, and we’re going to get more people, because we’re going to need more people, especially with AI coming and all of the different things, and the farmers need, everybody needs,” the seditious figure falsely claimed.

He further added that he would allow anyone in as long as they are not a “murderer, killer, or drug dealer.”

This is hardly the message Americans want to hear. I think at this point, even Democrats do not want this message, and it is quite possible that Kamala Harris will have a plan that involves less immigration than Trump’s plan.

Frankly, although there are a fair amount of “murderers, killers, and drug dealers” coming into the United States, one would imagine that this is probably less than 1% and definitely less than 2% of the total immigrant population that has flooded our country in recent years. The overwhelming majority of immigrants are not even criminals, explicitly, but rather parasites who want to live off the American people.

What most of us would be calling for, if we were right-wing politicians, would be a total moratorium on immigration: “We’re full, no one is coming in, we’re going to remove 30-60 million people before we even talk about anyone coming in at all.”

If you need people to work in AI or farming, then you need to train American people to do that. Real American people. That is, heritage white Americans and that nagging portion of heritage black Americans. I complain about the blacks a lot, and I am mostly against them, but they are at least actual Americans who have some kind of right to be here. I’m also told they are very capable at farm work.

Indians are not better than white people at IT. Silicon Valley billionaires want more Indians because they are cheaper than white people. I don’t blame them for pushing their own financial agenda. I am much less offended by a financial agenda than I am by most of these other agendas. But if we had programs to educate our own white male youth, it would only take 5 years or maybe even less to educate an army of young white American men who are much more capable than the Indians at working in IT. And if there was a program to educate millions of them, well, their wages would be lower. Not as low as Indians, but Silicon Valley is just going to have to deal with that, because no one in this country has consented to replacing our middle class with Indians, and no one wants that.

Trump’s message of endless war for the Jews, mass immigration, gay sex, abortion, and all of the rest of it, is not similar to his 2016 message. It’s more similar to what he actually did when he got elected in 2016, which was basically nothing.

This is all completely ridiculous.

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are both “Jews first” nightmare candidates. It’s possible Trump is better than Kamala, I don’t know. It’s a long story, you’d have to go through the details. But there is nothing that stands out about Trump to make him better than Kamala, in terms of messaging.

Kamala is going to distance herself from the mass immigration, mass homelessness, legalized crime, and endless war of the Biden years. She will be lying, but all politicians ever do is lie. Trump and Kamala will ultimately say similar things, overall, but Trump is actively saying that he wants a war with Iran. Kamala will clearly go to war with Iran if the Jews say so, there’s no doubt about that. But she’s not campaigning on it in the way Trump is.

Here’s the thing: it doesn’t even matter at all, because voting isn’t real.

Seriously. Remember that.

It’s fine to follow the drama of politics and have fun with it. In some ways, guessing who the Jews will pick to rule over us is just as fun as guessing who a bunch of stupid peasants will vote in as leader. You never had any control when voting was technically real, everything was decided by donors and the media. Now voting is definitely not real, and we all know that as a matter of fact, but your personal situation is not much different.

I advise everyone to refuse to vote in this fake election. It’s personally and spiritually humiliating to vote in an election between two shills for the Jews, especially when you know for a fact it is rigged.

Instead of voting, buy a Toyota diesel, buy some land outside of the city, focus on yourself and your family, try to have some kids, focus on the things you enjoy doing, learn to shoot and to hunt, stockpile ammo and food.

And hey – this is important – if the politics stresses you out, or agitates you in any way, don’t pay attention to it. I know I write about politics, so I’m basically saying “don’t read my material,” but if it’s stressful then don’t read it. Only read it if you think it’s fun. Because it’s not real. It’s pro wrestling. The only things you can control are your own decisions, and that should be your primary focus.

America has really bad problems, and you’re not going to vote your way out of these problems. That was true even before election rigging was baked into the system through the mail-in ballot system. You’re going to have to deal with these problems, in your own life, in the real world, and you need to make sure you’re ready for whatever weird thing comes next. You need to be ready to protect yourself and your family. You don’t need to know a lot about politics to do that.
