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Mises’ America: The Crown Jewel in a Global Pageant

17-8-2024 < Activist Post 21 1591 words

By Joshua D. Glawson

“The sharper the competition, the better it serves its social function to improve economic production.” -Ludwig von Mises

In the grand pageant of nations, where each country competes to attract the best minds, wealth, and opportunities, America stands as a contestant representing a unique vision—Mises’ America. 

This vision, drawn from the principles of Austrian Economics, offers a distinct and compelling beauty, one that shines not with the allure of central planning or government control, but with the radiance of freedom, sound money, and individual liberty

As the pageant unfolds, Mises’ America stands out among the contestants, offering a glimpse of what a nation could be if it embraced the principles of Ludwig von Mises.

The Contestants: Countries in Competition

The Contestants: Countries in Competition. Ludwig von Mises at a beauty pageant. Ai-generated image by Joshua D Glawson.

Ludwig von Mises at a beauty pageant. AI-generated image.


In this symbolic pageant, each contestant represents a different approach to governance and economics. There are nations that flaunt their central planning prowess, showcasing towering bureaucracies and intricate regulations as their crown jewels. 

Others boast of their welfare states, promising cradle-to-grave security and state-provided services. Some rely on their military might, while others tout their cultural influence.

But among them all, Mises’ America steps forward, exuding a different kind of beauty—one that is defined by the absence of coercion and the presence of voluntary cooperation. This is a country where government interference is minimal, where the currency is sound, and where the free market reigns supreme. 

In the global competition for talent, investment, and innovation, Mises’ America presents itself as the ultimate destination for those who seek freedom and prosperity.

The Crown: Sound Money and Stability

The Crown: Sound Money and Stability. Gold sound money. Ludwig von Mises. AI-generated by Joshua D Glawson.

The Crown: Sound Money and Stability


In the world of Austrian Economics, sound money is the crown jewel that distinguishes Mises’ America from the other contestants. While some countries are weighed down by the burden of fiat currencies and inflation, Mises’ America proudly wears the golden crown of a currency backed by tangible assets. 

This country does not rely on the whims of central bankers or the printing presses to sustain its economy. Instead, it offers a stable and reliable currency, protected from the ravages of inflation and the boom-bust cycles that plague other nations.

With sound money, Mises’ America attracts the world’s best investors, who know that their wealth will be preserved and protected. Entrepreneurs flock to this contestant, eager to build their businesses in an environment where the value of their investments is not eroded by monetary manipulation. In the global pageant, sound money makes Mises’ America a shining star.

The Gown: A Slim and Elegant Government

The Gown: A Slim and Elegant Government. Ai-generated image by Joshua D Glawson.

The Gown: A Slim and Elegant Government


As Mises’ America steps forward in the competition, the elegance of its slim and efficient government is on full display. While other nations are weighed down by layers of bureaucracy, Mises’ America moves with grace and agility. 

Its government is not burdened with the responsibility of providing for every need or regulating every aspect of life. Instead, it focuses on protecting property rights, enforcing contracts, and providing national defense.

This streamlined government allows Mises’ America to stand out from the competition. Its low taxes and minimal regulations create an environment where businesses can thrive, and individuals are free to pursue their dreams without government interference. 

In the pageant of nations, Mises’ America’s elegant and efficient government is the perfect complement to its commitment to freedom and prosperity.

The Talent: Free Markets and Innovation

Ludwig von Mises juggling. Ai-generated image by Joshua D Glawson. The Talent: Free Markets and Innovation.

Ludwig von Mises juggling. AI-generated image.


Every contestant in this global pageant must demonstrate their talent, and for Mises’ America, that talent is the power of free markets and innovation. Unlike some nations that rely on government intervention to steer their economies, Mises’ America trusts in the ingenuity and creativity of its people. 

Here, the free market is the stage where the most talented entrepreneurs and innovators perform, driven by competition and consumer choice.

In this contestant’s economy, businesses rise and fall based on their ability to meet the needs and desires of the people. Innovation flourishes as entrepreneurs are free to experiment, take risks, and push the boundaries of what is possible. 

The result is a dynamic and thriving economy that attracts the best talent from around the world. In the global competition, Mises’ America’s talent for free markets and innovation sets it apart from the rest.

The Message: Personal Responsibility and Freedom

Ludwig von Mises riding a bicycle. Ai-generated by Joshua D Glawson. The Message: Personal Responsibility and Freedom.

Ludwig von Mises riding a bicycle. AI-generated image.

In the final round of the pageant, each contestant delivers their message to the world. For Mises’ America, that message is one of personal responsibility and freedom. This is a country where individuals are empowered to take control of their own lives, where success is earned through hard work and ingenuity, and where failure is met with resilience and determination.

In Mises’ America, there is no safety net provided by the government—only the support of voluntary associations and private charities. This contestant believes that true compassion comes from individuals and communities, not from bureaucratic institutions. 

The message of Mises’ America resonates with those who value liberty and self-determination, making it a compelling choice in the global pageant.

The Crown Jewel: A Beacon of Freedom and Prosperity

The Crown Jewel: A Beacon of Freedom and Prosperity. Ludwig von Mises. Ai-generated by Joshua D Glawson.

The Crown Jewel: A Beacon of Freedom and Prosperity

As the judges deliberate, it becomes clear that Mises’ America is a strong contender for the crown. Its commitment to sound money, minimal government, free markets, and personal responsibility sets it apart from the other contestants. 

In a world where many nations are struggling under the weight of debt, inflation, and overregulation, Mises’ America offers a vision of what is possible when a country embraces the principles of Austrian Economics.

In the end, Mises’ America may not be the flashiest contestant, but it is the one that promises lasting beauty—a country that stands as a beacon of freedom and prosperity for the world to admire. In the pageant of countries, Mises’ America is a crown jewel, representing the best of what a country can be when it is guided by the principles of liberty and sound economics.

Source: LinkedIn

Written by ChatGPT. Directed & Edited by Joshua D. Glawson

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