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There Will Not Always be an England, by Gregory Hood

16-8-2024 < UNZ 23 688 words
Credit Image: © Ryan Jenkinson/PA Wire via ZUMA Press

Credit Image: © Ryan Jenkinson/PA Wire via ZUMA Press

For many people, the nation-state is no longer the primary identity, but international relations are still based on Westphalian norm of theoretically sovereign states. And yet, today’s political orthodoxy requires that Western states be for everyone. Anyone of any race can be American, European, Australian, or Canadian.

However, many people, even liberals or multiculturalists, are blood-and-soil nationalists for people they like. Almost everyone is a nationalist for someone. Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Chuck Schumer all want open borders for America, but are far-right nationalists for their own groups. A nation is occupied when those who control it force you to live under their tribal preferences even in “your own country.”

Working-class whites recently rioted in Britain after a Rwandan murdered three white girls. The Labour government and allied journalists seemed far less angry about the murders than about the riots or the assertion that the Rwandan was not British. (He was born in Wales, so he is as British as King Arthur). The government has arrested more than a thousand people, charged hundreds, and already sentenced some.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer harshly denounced the rioters and showed no sympathy for their concerns. There have been few articles telling us to consider “root causes,” unlike what happens when non-whites or Muslims riot. “Two-Tier Keir” took a knee for George Floyd, who died 4,000 miles away, but despises his own people.

The Labour Party entered government with a pledge to empty prisons. However, after the riots, the government has captured, tried, and convicted its enemies with remarkable speed. Many did not even riot.

Judge Francis Rafferty said that even those who just watched a riot will be refused bail. British police announced that Steven Mailen is going to jail for 26 months because was “gesticulating and shouting” at officers. Another man is going to jail because of a Facebook comment denouncing “filthy b*stards.” He says he was referring to police, but Judge John Termperley said “there was a racial element to the messaging and the posting of these emojis,” and said the case “has to be viewed in the context of the current civil unrest up and down this country.” The same judge sent a man to prison for eight weeks for posting messages with images of Asians men, along with the message, “coming to a town near you.” The same judge spared a man who downloaded “indecent child images” because he supposedly showed “remorse.”
