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Scott Ritter: Russia Obliterates NATO Fighters, Weaponry as Ukraine Mounts Desperate Attack in Kursk

16-8-2024 < SGT Report 23 370 words

from Sputnik News:

Kiev’s incursion has given Moscow the opportunity to destroy strategic reserves of troops and weapons.

Ukraine was forced to expend some of their most well-trained soldiers and advanced technology in a failed effort to capture the Kursk nuclear power plant, highlighted former US Marine intelligence officer Scott Ritter.

Such was the former UN chief weapons inspector’s analysis on Sputnik’s The Critical Hour program Thursday, where Ritter discussed the latest desperate maneuver of the failing Western proxy war.


“A NATO-created, trained, equipped and directed force of not just Ukrainians, but Polish, French, Americans [and] British has invaded Russia,” said the American dissident, who faced persecution in Washington after challenging the George W. Bush administration’s claims of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction during the runup to the United States’ disastrous war on the Middle Eastern country.

“This force could be up to 20,000-strong,” Ritter noted. “It looks like the Ukrainians are seeking to reinforce it as we speak with thousands of more people drawn from the Zaporozhye front. It’s an invasion of Russia. And that should scare the heck out of everybody who just heard that statement.”

“This is how you trigger nuclear war. Now, fortunately, the Russians aren’t panicking… the incursion has been contained. Not only that, it’s been blunted.”

Ritter noted that Moscow quickly responded to the attack, taking the opportunity to destroy Ukrainian supply lines running from the Sumy region.

Russia has also neutralized some of the regime’s most well-trained troops and high-tech NATO weaponry, such as a British Challenger tank, US M1 Abrams tanks and Bradley infantry fighting vehicles. The ongoing conflict against the Western client state has served as a showcase for Russian defense technology, which has fared well against Ukraine’s dwindling supplies of expensive NATO weaponry.

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