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FANTASY POLLS: Media Pushing Insane Idea That Unpopular Kamala Harris Can Win Texas, Florida

16-8-2024 < SGT Report 25 310 words

by Mike LaChance, The Gateway Pundit:

Some of the new polling related to Kamala Harris is clearly based on fantasy, which explains why some days it feels like we’re all living in an episode of the Twilight Zone.

It was one thing when we were told that Biden dropping out of the race and Kamala stepping in had reenergized Democrats, which gave Harris a slight bump in the polls.

Then some of the polling turned into downright wish-casting being pushed heavily by the media. Does anyone really believe Harris is going to win Texas?


Townhall reports:

If Democrats have a political unicorn regarding the Electoral College, it’s Texas. How often have we heard that Texas is turning blue, and Republicans win every time on Election Day? Wendy Davis, who led the abortion filibuster that elevated her profile in 2013, was supposed to win the 2014 gubernatorial race, remember? Democrats thought there were shy Democrats that dotted the suburbs of the state, hiding like the Viet Cong until that cycle. That was brutally wrong, as Davis barely broke 40 percent of the vote. With Kamala Harris, we’re back to these same games.

Take this Newsweek piece with the headline, “Can Kamala Harris Turn Texas Blue?” It’s a piece that led Tom Bevan, co-founder of RealClearPolitics, to tweet “holy s**t” after reading the piece and zeroing in on the buried passages that wreck this piece of science fiction…

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