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Trump was almost assassinated one month ago. He should consider this one important question

16-8-2024 < SGT Report 20 494 words

by John-Henry Westen, LifeSite News:

Dear President Donald J. Trump,

So… it finally happened. They tried, openly, to finish you.

We were all be shocked, but none of us were surprised.

How could we be, after these last nine years, since you announced you were running to be the president back in June 2015?

That feels like a long time ago now. A lot has happened – and it’s been all put into perspective with this attempted assassination a few weeks ago.


You’ve had a brush with death. But now it’s time to think very seriously indeed – because the next would-be assassin may hit his target.

Or if not him, then the one after that. And so on.

But… do you know what? 

Whatever the reason that you survived this assassination attempt – whether it was direct divine intervention, or luck as you said – we can know one thing with certainty.

This brush with death should bring something home to you. You can dodge all the bullets you want, but as surely as death comes for every man, one day he will come for you, whether it be with a bullet or in your bed.

Now, before we talk about what this means for your plans as President Trump, let’s talk – if I may – about Donald, the man.

When that day comes, when death finally knocks on your door… don’t you want to be right with God?

What good is being president of the United States, or even emperor of the whole world – if you then die, and fall into hell, the slave of the devil?

And yes, that’s what we all are, unless we are freed by Christ.

At this time, having come so close to death, and also at this stage of your life, you’ve been given an opportunity and focus that few others get.

Now is the time for you to seek out the solution to the great problems of life – of sin, of man’s fall from grace, our estrangement from God, our redemption and sanctification by Jesus Christ, the only true God…

And through all this, you can come to know, love and serve him for the remainder of your life on earth, and then be happy with him forever in the next.

I have a great hope for your conversion. You are always in our prayers.

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