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Mike Adams calls out Amir Tsarfati for bearing false witness, promoting mass murder of innocents, spreading false “anti-Semitic” smears while ignoring GENOCIDE in Gaza

15-8-2024 < Natural News 26 835 words

Mike Adams calls out Amir Tsarfati for bearing false witness, promoting mass murder of innocents, spreading false “anti-Semitic” smears while ignoring GENOCIDE in Gaza

My statement in response to pro-genocide Amir Tsarfati falsely accusing me of "anti-Semitism" for calling for peace and an end to Israel's mass slaughter of innocent women, children and elderly in Gaza. Pastor Jack Hibbs, who routinely invites Tsarfati to push a pro-genocide message to his church congregation, should be questioned about his ties to this man:

Shame be upon Amir Tsarfati @beholdisrael for slanderously labeling me an "anti-Semite" as I preach the word of Christ as love and peace for all people, including Jews, Christians, Palestinians, Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs and all others who are children of God.

I am merely two weeks into sharing 100 faith-based sermons (see latest sermon on the pomegranate here) that tie scripture to nutrition, health, peace and abundance for all humankind, and I get viciously smeared by a group of false prophet Christian Zionists who claim that anyone who opposes genocide in Gaza is an "anti-Semite." Shame be upon them all, for the fiery darts of wickedness that leap to their lips to bear false witness against a man teaching #peace cannot go unchallenged. Those who call for the slaughter of women, children, doctors, food aid workers and sickly elderly as part of their "self-defense" of Israel disqualify themselves from any church rooted in the teachings of Christ. They are not authentic pastors, spiritual leaders or ministers of any institution other than the hellish halls of hatred, destruction and death - they serve desires of Lucifer and his quest to destroy humanity through suffering and blood.

Has our modern-day Church fallen so far, so fast, that the weeping of Jeremiah can't even touch the sadness and disgust that nearly the entire world now holds against the wickedness of Israel's present-day political adulterers, a cabal of imposters, war criminals and mass murderers who respect no life but their own? Must I quote the words of Paul to the Corinthians to remind you what the New Testament Church is supposed to stand for? Or God's repeated warnings to a wicked Israel in the first five books of the Old Testament? Those who claim to be of the Church while advocating for mass murder are nothing but spiritual thieves in the eyes of the Lord. And attacking those of us who preach peace and humanity will earn you no favor, no reward from Him. It will only earn you widespread disdain from the true teachers of the word of Christ about which you have become shamelessly unfamiliar. Your love of murder and hatred of peace reveal the darkness of your souls to the entire world. You fool no one but yourselves. And most certainly you are not fooling God.

To Jack Hibbs @realjackhibbs for whom I have held great praise for your courageous message for turning America toward faith, be cautious of the company you keep. To allow another man with a murderous heart to preach in your Church is to let the claw of Satan's hand into your Tabernacle, and retreating from that error will be spiritually dear. Beware of those who are wise in the ways of wickedness, but do not know Him. Hibbs, you are a man with great potential to positively shape the future of this nation, but you cannot count among your allies those who bless the bombs that fall upon the innocent women and children of Gaza. If we do not have the spiritual courage to don the full Armor of God, and speak with truth, righteousness, faith, salvation and spirit, then we have fallen from God's grace ourselves.

This is no time for compromise with evil, or to act as spiritual drunkards among those who are inebriated with the spirits of war and conquering. Denounce violence, embrace universal human compassion and live the words you teach. Reject those who call for war, violence, murder, torture and genocide. Reject them wholeheartedly, with all your spirit and your faith in the Living God.

There is no more clear calling for the modern-day Church than this. If the Church stands by while the innocent are systematically murdered, then the Church has truly fallen from grace, and a new generation of authentic pastors must take up the remnant of the Church and resurrect it in alignment with the true teachings in the Bible. If one of those pastors must be me, then I shall humbly answer the call to serve God, not Mossad. And I shall not speak with hatred toward those children of God who practice Islam, because I am not an agent of wickedness and evil as so many of you have become. God bless all Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Catholics and all others, for we are all children of God, created in His image, and we all have value to contribute to this world. Amen.

