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Fluoride To Zeolite: Safe or Shaky?

15-8-2024 < Activist Post 20 1610 words

By Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath


It’s an aluminosilicate mineral by definition. Silico-aluminate. Powdered aluminum.


Ironically, in the natural health world, zeolite is advertised and promoted as a metal detoxifier; something that binds to and removes metal toxins from the body.  Zeolites are promoted in industry to minimize environmental issues linked to landfill disposal leakage.

Zeolites constituent [SiO4]4 −and [AlO4]5 . According to this 2005 article, they share all corners to create a three-dimensional framework structure carrying a negative charge.

Nearly 100 different frameworks have been crystallographically defined for zeolites, and related structures, each one having a unique molecular architecture. The internal dimensions of their channels and cavities are close to molecular dimensions and this has led to their employment as ‘molecular sieves’ and catalysts.

Some zeolite structures, high in aluminum, cannot be used in living systems (in vivo) because they are not stable in acids. But how do zeolite manufacturers assure the right form is used in human health applications?

Are zeolites safe in the body?

Waste Incineration Fly Ash

Whether recycled from volcanic ash, or synthesized from incineration fly ash, both sources of zeolite are synthesized from toxic ash clouds, i.e. waste.

Normally, waste is incinerated and sent to landfills for disposal. However, with the problems of available landfill space decreasing, hazardous substances leaching out of landfills, not to mention the cost of solidification, or burial of hazardous waste, what can be done?

From the 2021 Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering:

The ash or residue materials containing rich silica and alumina are dissolved in the alkaline solution to form the aluminosilicate as the precursors of zeolite, after aging for a period of time, the aluminosilicate solution is put into an autoclave to conduct hydrothermal reactions at a specific temperature and pressure and the crystalline zeolite is formed gradually.

The recycling of hazardous waste to become a “healthy” additive is nothing new.

Fluoride in The Water

The same has been done with toxic waste byproducts from phosphate fertilizer production; hydrfluoroosilicic acid (HFSA), also known as fluoride.

The CDC and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) allow HSFA to be added as “fluoride” to municipal drinking water. For more than 80 years, HFSA has been deemed by “experts” as “safe” in preventing tooth decay. Even though there is plenty of proof that HFSA causes dental fluorosis.

These agencies know that, if buried, poisonous arsenic leaches into groundwater worldwide. Thus, the problem was transferred to public water supplies.

If a fluoride level of 0.7 mg/L, the “optimal” level used in U.S. and Canadian drinking water fluoridation projects, can create neurodevelopmental harm to the fetus, bottle-fed infant, and child, then what does it do to an adult who has been drinking tap water over the course of a lifetime?

Fluoride increases the body’s ability to absorb aluminum. And where does the aluminum go? The bones. The brain. What metal shows up in the brains of Alzheimer’s victims? Autism? Multiple Sclerosis? Aluminum.

The studies show a lowered I.Q. in any population that drinks fluoridated water. Within phosphate fertilizer waste (HFSA) is arsenic and lead, among other toxins. This leads to numerous forms of cancer in any population that drinks municipal fluoridated, water.

Even the American Dental Association (ADA) says fluoride is safe in community water fluoridation programs. Yet, the ADA also calls fluoride “a mineral that is found in all natural water sources and is the ionic form of the trace element fluorine, which is commonly found in the environment. Why the contradictions?

An April 22, 2013 Earth Day petition from a U.S. University, delivered to the U.S. EPA Administrator appealed to reason regarding HFSA’s carcinogenicity, but also the costs saved by eliminating  fluoridation of the public water supply (of between 1 and 6 billion annually). However, no amount of information, legal wrangling, or courtroom trials, have ended the addition of industrial toxic waste products to the water supply. The latest court case sits in California without a ruling.  Will EPA ever be forced to ban toxins in tap water?

Are fluoride drinkers more likely to disregard the dangers of nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology can be defined as “the art and science of manipulating matter at the nanoscale (down to 1/100,000 the width of a human hair) to create new and unique materials and products…seemingly ordinary materials may behave completely differently than in their larger bulk or macro form.

Due to their small size, nanoparticles can cross biological membranes, cells, tissues and organs more readily than larger particles. Once in the blood stream, nanomaterials can circulate throughout the body and can lodge in organs and tissues including the brain, liver, heart, kidneys, spleen, bone marrow and nervous system. Once inside cells, they may interfere with normal cellular function, cause oxidative damage and even cell death.

Ironically, calcium nano-fertilizer is being used to counter the effects of oxidative stress from fluoride uptake in rice!

Zeolite NanoTechnology

Zeolite is used in nanotechnology, specifically in the nanotech delivery of medications, as biosensors.  Biosensing is the basis of Smart Delivery, Monitoring, Surveillance, and Healthcare.

More broadly, zeolites are important to the industries of Artificial Intelligence, A.I.  Their nano-crystalline structure is useful to biomedical applications, not only as biosensors, but also as: Vaccine adjuvants, Antimicrobial agents, Drug and Gen delivery, Hemodyalisis, external applications, Diabetes Mellitus, Detoxicants, Bone formation, Anti-diarrheal agents, Anti-tumor adjuvants, and Enzyme mimetics.

Today, zeolites bind, while also building nano-systems for medical interventions.

Zeolites were used as part of the CoV-BAN, Internet of Things (IoT) Network, as a real time health monitoring system. A biosensor map of the world can identify people in real-time, whether you are pharmaceutical-friendly or “alternative.”

Before applying zeolite to your routine, or listening to “experts” who promote it for their own profit, do your own research.  Even with a lowered I.Q. from drinking fluoridated water, anyone can protect themselves by asking questions and checking the source.

These days, toxins are not only in the water, but also in fast foods, and in the air we breathe. People, who turn to supplements for help, need to ask if any new-and-improved product is safe or shaky?

Related articles:

Nano Drug Delivery Systems in Smart Healthcare

Source: Nature of Healing

Rosanne Lindsay is a Traditional Naturopath, Herbalist, Writer, and Author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally. Find her on Facebook at Consult with her remotely at Listen to her archived podcasts at Subscribe to receive blog posts via email using the form at the bottom of this page.

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