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Permanent War to Defend Speculator’s Thievery

15-8-2024 < SGT Report 17 290 words

by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

The Ukraine special forces which invaded Russia last week included mercenaries from Poland, the UK and France, according to reports.  At the same time, a major show of force by the U.S. in SW Asia, committed to “defend Israel”, is a second front in an evolving World War III.  The Anglo-American military escalation must be countered, most effectively by reversing the policies implemented since August 15, 1971, which favored investment in speculative financial paper, at the expense of maintaining — and advancing — the physical economic development of all nations.  The present, deepening crisis is the legacy of Pres. Nixon’s actions fifty-three years ago, which created a new imperial looting operation which is now being defended by wars.


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