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14-8-2024 < SGT Report 19 670 words

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

We all remember what The Science told us during the planscamdemic, but we seem to have forgotten what The Science is. The Science told us that masks were not necessary, then it said they were, then it would not answer questions when some of us asked how the masks would do any good since the virus was much smaller than the pores in the masks, then we were told to wear two masks, and no we don’t need to keep away from each other, then we were told it was necessary to do so, then they started to lock everyone down to “stop the spread” of a virus they never completely managed to isolate, but no matter, here, take these entirely experimental wholly new and inadequately tested injections that use a new kind of genetic therapy; they’re absolutely safe and will stop the spread, and you only need two three four five …ok sixteen no seventeen booster shots and ignore all those reports about adverse reactions because they’re all coming from crazed conspiracy theorists, and if you had qualms about putting an inadequately tested injection into your body that might permanently damage you or your children well you were just a Luddite, said The Science, who reminded us all that he was, indeed, The Science because… well… The Science.


So, how is all that The Science? That’s just what The Science said.  But the saying is part of the structure of The Science. That structure, if one examines it, includes The Media – who are always right about everything because, well, The Science, and because some of their sponsors paid for commercial time advertising The Science on their Networks – and it included several experts who always followed the talking points of The Science. Thus was created The Sheeple, who one by one began to follow The Science, to wear feedbags on their faces everywhere, and glare at anyone who didn’t and occasionally lectured them on…The Science.

I submit that the same thing is happening about Artificial Intelligence, or AI, but I’m on this anti-abbreviation crusade as well, because it tends as much to obscure as to enhance communication.  Case in point, “AI” is easier to say, and easier to think about, because it does not really contain any conceptual content. What content it does contain is mostly driven by The Media, which is following The Science.

Now, regular readers here know that artificial intelligence is a subject that I’m willing to speculate about quite freely. In that respect, I’ve entertained quite a few scenarios: (1) The “Elon Musk” scenario that an Artificial intelligence might “wake up”; or (2) that rather than “waking up” it might actually “transduce” some sort of higher intelligence – an angel or a demon – and that (3) it might run amok ala the movie Lawnmower Man and its sequels, or like HAL in 2001 Space Odyssey, embedding itself via the power grid in just about everyone’s lives in an effort to control everyone (q.v. the planscamdemic scenario), and so on. I’ve written many a blog, commented in many an interview, about how our algorithmically-driven markets are actually an increasing danger and not reflective of genuine human market activity, that algorithms can be programmed to mimic risk assessment, price-to-yield potentials and so on, but never be programmed to mimic human intuition, that the flash crash phenomenon is a warning sign of this danger of over-reliance on cyber systems; I’ve warned again and again about the lack of security in cyber systems, and so on.

So why am I belaboring all of this? Because just as with the planscamdemic, we’re watching an Artificial Intelligence narrative being created, along with all the corresponding “push” for certain social transformations: robot cops, robot fast food chain workers, and so on. In other words, The Media is in full swing regarding artificial intelligence(article shared by V.T.):

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