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Gates-backed Forces Behind Covid Tyranny & Injections Prep for “Next” Pandemic

14-8-2024 < SGT Report 22 779 words

by Alex Newman, The New American:

The same forces and globalist organizations involved in the Covid-19 injections and the unprecedented global tyranny imposed under the guise of fighting the virus are preparing for a potentially catastrophic H5N1 Avian Influenza “bird flu.” Prominent doctors and critics are already sounding the alarm.

Just last month, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) joined forces with the far-left Brazilian government to quietly host the Global Pandemic Preparedness Summit in Rio de Janeiro. The goal: war game and urge governments to prepare for the next pandemic in partnership with global health “authorities” and Big Pharma.


Speakers, including self-styled “public-health experts,” warned that new “vaccines” would have to be developed and deployed within 100 days of an outbreak, and that even people in poorer nations would have to be injected. They hope to have the jabs on the shelf ready to go for whatever real or imagined boogeyman may be lurking.

Participants also claimed alleged man-made “climate change” was helping fuel the threat. The allegations echo claims made by global “public health” leaders arguing that everything from gun violence and racism to global warming are “public-health” emergencies requiring urgent action.

The international news media was largely silent on the important Rio summit, even as more and more officials and “experts” warned of a potential bird-flu pandemic that could cause unprecedented fatalities. The U.S. government is already funneling taxpayer funds to Moderna and other Big Pharma interests under the guise of preparing a bird-flu “vaccine.”

Meanwhile, policymakers and Big Pharma officials are preparing for the “International Bird Flu Summit” in D.C. from October 2-4. The objective of the summit is to prepare for, among other possibilities, a “mass fatality management planning,” delivery of “vaccines,” and “surveillance,” the website for the event explains.

“With the emergence of a highly virulent strain of bird flu affecting both cattle and humans, it is imperative that we come together to discuss preparedness, response strategies, and the future implications of this evolving situation,” the site continues, urging government officials, bureaucrats, and Big Pharma operatives to sign up.

That is all happening as the World Health Organization prepares for an emergency meeting to discuss the possibility of declaring a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” this week. If the “PHEIC” is declared, the WHO purports to have broad authorities to combat the “emergency” even as it seeks to usurp broader powers still.

At the CEPI summit at the end of July, an unspecified “Disease X” was officially the topic of discussion — the same subject addressed by the most recent WEF summit in Davos. But growing hysteria surrounding bird flu and even monkeypox suggests either or both may soon be declared an “emergency” supposedly justifying global Covid-style tyranny.

“CEPI’s business plan says there is to be a series of pandemics and there will be only one countermeasure response — mass vaccination,” explained Dr. Peter A. McCullough, one of the first doctors to sound the alarm about the suppression of legitimate early Covid treatments as well as the now-obvious problems with the “vaccine.”

“Nowhere in the CEPI business plan is there mention of therapeutics and treatment of patients for an acute illness,” he told The New American. “CEPI is essentially a vaccine incubator fully syndicated in the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex which has positioned itself for massive investments and profits with the COVID-19 pandemic being a template.”

However, the model is dangerously flawed, explained the prominent physician and cardiologist who exposed the “Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex” in a major book and who gained an international reputation as a top medical leader during Covid. “Vaccines should never be used in widely prevalent pandemics since they foster resistant strains and are destined to fail and prolong the pandemic,” he said, echoing concerns of other leading experts in the field.

Still, despite the possible effort to try the same CEPI business plan again, Dr. McCullough said he did not think Brazil or the world would “fall for it” again.

CEPI’s background is causing great concern among the medical experts who exposed the Covid tyranny. Consider that it was created as a partnership between Big Pharma, billionaire population-control zealot Bill Gates, and the pro-Communist China World Economic Forum (WEF) founded by “Great Reset” peddler Klaus Schwab.

The group practically wrote the script for the Covid pandemic in its 2017 business plan, Harvard-trained psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin — author of COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are The Prey — told The New American by phone. His book devotes almost an entire chapter to the shady organization.

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